right wingers

Stories 81 - 88 | << Prev 

Watch Out, Today— Coulter's Torqued

Author slams show for bumping her

(Newser) - Ann Coulter has resumed her rightful place on the warpath, reports TVNewser, and this time hell hath no fury like the conservative pundit NBC scorned. Bumped from promoting her book on NBC's Today show, Coulter promptly went on Hannity & Colmes to denounce the diss as “a set-up...

German Mayor in Hiding After Neo-Nazi Threat

Stabbing warning delivered on right-wing web site

(Newser) - The mayor of a small German town is in hiding after receiving neo-Nazi death threats on a web site, reports Der Spiegel. The threats follow a near-fatal knife attack on a small-town police chief by a suspected neo-Nazi, and are raising concerns that extreme right-wingers are growing increasingly violent. "...

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP
'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

Bloggers hope to catch GOP up to Democrats on harnessing the internet

(Newser) - The election of Barack Obama has energized conservative bloggers, who see a spell in opposition as an opportunity ideal for reshaping the party, writes Walter Alarkon for the Hill. Conservatives in the “rightosphere” are eying the progress the left’s “netroots” made during the Bush years, when sites...

Extreme Right Wins Big in Austrian Poll

Two anti-Islam parties take nearly a third of the vote

(Newser) - Austrians woke up today to a shock election result, as 2 extreme right parties won nearly a third of the vote and the two main parties posted their worst results since World War II. The next chancellor will probably be Social Democrat leader Werner Faymann, with 30% of the electorate,...

Iran and American Jews: 'Divided Loyalties'?

Right-wingers get 'vicious,' 'dishonest' in bashing perceived critics

(Newser) - With rhetoric on Iran escalating almost daily, Glenn Greenwald reviews recent charges that Israel's agenda is what's behind all this agitation for war. When Joe Klein argued last week in Time that some war proponents are “motivated by their allegiance to Israel,” reaction was "as vicious, furious...

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left
West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

West's Right Wingers Are Banking Left

Conservatives taking a more moderate tack in face of unfriendly world

(Newser) - There’s a distinct leftward tilt rippling across the western world, Gabor Steingart observes in Der Spiegel. From John McCain to England’s David Cameron to Germany’s Angela Merkel, conservative leaders are softening up and drifting toward the middle. To see why, one needs only look at three of...

Israeli Right Wingers Abandon Olmert
Israeli Right Wingers Abandon Olmert

Israeli Right Wingers Abandon Olmert

Group withdraws from coalition, condemns peace talks

(Newser) - Ehud Olmert’s coalition government is hanging by a thread today after the defection of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, a hardline right-wing faction staunchly opposed to peace talks with the Palestinians. “Negotiations on the basis of land for peace are a critical mistake and will destroy us,” said...

Will the Right Ever Back Mac?
Will the Right Ever Back Mac?

Will the Right Ever Back Mac?

He again looks like the GOP's best bet, but critics may not be able to tolerate him

(Newser) - GOP conservatives have long been suspicious of John McCain—angered that the maverick won’t hold the party line—but now they're forced to decide if they can stomach the man who seems the best bet for holding the White House. The same party activists who crippled his candidacy last...

Stories 81 - 88 | << Prev