Republican debate

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Johnson Rips 'Elitist' CNN for GOP Debate Snub

'I've had my teeth kicked in,' says former NM governor

(Newser) - Gary Johnson won't be joining other Republican hopefuls for CNN's debate next week, and he's hopping mad about it. The libertarian former New Mexico governor, who took part in the Fox News-sponsored GOP debate last month , says CNN is being "elitist" by not inviting him because...

Top GOP Hopefuls Prep for First Big Debate

First 2012 debate for Romney, Bachmann, Gingrich

(Newser) - Seven top Republican presidential hopefuls will gather this month for the first New Hampshire 2012 debate. Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum will meet at Saint Anselm College for the face-off, hosted by CNN ’s John King. It's the...

Pawlenty Backs Waterboarding in GOP Debate

Heavyweights absent as GOP hopefuls clash for first time in SC

(Newser) - And so it begins. The battle for the Republican nomination kicked off in South Carolina last night with the first presidential primary debate. Most high-profile contenders skipped the event, leaving the stage to Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, and Gary Johnson, Politico reports. Some highlights:
  • Pawlenty said

AP, Reuters Skip GOP Debate Over Photo Access

A number of possible candidates also not attending tonight

(Newser) - If the GOP held a presidential debate and barely anyone attended, would it still be a debate? The AP and Reuters are the latest to duck out of tonight's South Carolina debate, Politico reports. A number of prospective candidates, including Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mitch Daniels, and...

Republicans Seek Edge in Calm Florida Debate

Candidates focus on economy ahead of next week's state primary

(Newser) - The GOP debate in Florida remained a largely civil affair last night, with the leading candidates agreeing that the economy needs aggressive tax cuts and that Hillary Clinton has no business returning to the White House, the AP reports. In one of the few bits of drama, Mitt Romney took...

Republicans Square Off in SC
Republicans Square Off in SC

Republicans Square Off in SC

GOP hopefuls swap heated words on economy, Iran, immigration

(Newser) - GOP presidential hopefuls jostled for position during a South Carolina debate last night, with Mitt Romney taking aim at new front-runner John McCain and an aggressive Fred Thompson going after Mike Huckabee. Romney criticized McCain for giving up on manufacturing jobs in Michigan, a crucial primary state, but McCain defended...

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