
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

How a 'Miracle' Baby Saved Mom's Life

Led to the discovery that Jenny Purvis had ovarian cancer

(Newser) - Jenny Purvis calls her daughter "Miracle Mae," and with good reason: In giving her daughter life, the Georgia woman had her own life saved. Mary Ella "Mae" Purvis was due in September, but a 27-week doctor visit in June revealed that the 29-year-old mom-to-be had elevated blood...

Woman Doesn't Know She's Pregnant, Births Rare Twins

Shelby Magnani went to doctor with sharp pain in side

(Newser) - Twins are rare, occurring in roughly 2% of all pregnancies. Of those, monoamniotic twins —in which the babies share both a placenta and amniotic sac—are even more uncommon, happening in fewer than 1% of all instances of twins. But what makes an Iowa woman's pregnancy absolutely singular...

Woman Gives Birth Hours After Finding She's Pregnant

Kim Walsh, 38, has polycystic ovary syndrome, which often causes infertility

(Newser) - When Kim Walsh went to the doctor complaining of abdominal pain and was told she was pregnant and going into labor, she was shocked—and not just because she didn't know she was pregnant. The 38-year-old suffers from polycystic ovary syndrome, which causes an imbalance of testosterone that often...

Ex-Escort Won't Sell Tix to Birth After All

Josie Cunningham changed her mind after learning baby is a girl

(Newser) - An aspiring model and former escort in Britain says she won't be selling tickets to her baby's birth after all, and has decided to quit smoking and drinking—all because she found out she was having a girl, not a boy. Josie Cunningham, dubbed "Britain's most...

Denied Abortion, Woman Forced to Have Baby at 25 Weeks

Irish case tests new law that permits some abortions

(Newser) - The abortion issue is heating up in Ireland, where a woman was denied termination under a new law—then threatened a hunger strike and was forced to have a Caesarean section, the Guardian reports. The woman (impregnated via rape, a friend says) demanded an abortion at eight weeks' pregnancy and...

Woman Missing Part of Heart Defies Pregnancy Odds

After 9 months of bed rest, new mom Shanelle Ragin, baby survived childbirth

(Newser) - After surviving major heart surgery at one day old, spending a lifetime taking medication, and losing her breath just going up the stairs, Shanelle Ragin has survived both pregnancy and childbirth and is now the proud mother of a healthy baby boy with a healthy little heart. When the Maryland...

Runner Competes at 34 Weeks Pregnant

Alysia Montano comes in last, doesn't care

(Newser) - What do you do when you've been the national champion for the past four years in the 800-meter race ... but you're 34 weeks pregnant during this year's US Track and Field Championships? Well, if you're Alysia Montano, you go ahead and run, of course. Montano didn'...

Moms Who Give Birth at Older Age Live Longer
Moms Who Give Birth at Older Age Live Longer
study says

Moms Who Give Birth at Older Age Live Longer

Study: Those who conceive naturally after 33 more likely to live into 90s

(Newser) - Women who are able to get pregnant naturally and give birth in their mid-30s and after tend to live longer than other women, a new study suggests. Specifically, Boston researchers found that women who gave birth after age 33 were twice as likely to live to 95 than women who...

Erin Brockovich Has a New Target

Bayer's Essure sterilization device is 'perforating uteruses, colons'

(Newser) - Erin Brockovich, whose fight to clean a water supply took her story to Hollywood, has a new target: pharmaceutical giant Bayer. Its Essure sterilization device permanently prevents pregnancy without surgery via nickel-coated coils in the fallopian tubes. The coils create scar tissue that blocks off the tubes, an approach that...

Study Holds Good News for 8% of Pregnant Women

It finds antidepressants don't raise risk of heart defects

(Newser) - An estimated 8% to 13% of pregnant woman are on antidepressants, and not without warning: The FDA in 2005 amended antidepressants' labels to indicate that babies born to moms taking them could suffer an increased risk of heart defects. But causation hadn't been proven, and the latest study on...

Woman Births Twins 6 Weeks Apart

The boys, now 4 and 6 months old, are healthy and expecting to do fine

(Newser) - It sounds like a riddle: How can two boys be both brothers and twins but not share a birthday, or even a birth month? A Kansas City mother has a rather miraculous answer to that question. Elene Cowan gave birth to her fraternal twin boys nearly six weeks apart, and...

Woman's Ovary Removal Becomes Surprise C-Section

She leaves hospital with baby, hadn't known she was pregnant

(Newser) - Rebecca Oldham found herself suffering painful cramps, and after multiple tests, New Zealand doctors decided to remove her ovaries in November, believing them to be the cause of the problem. But then they woke the 25-year-old up to deliver some very surprising news: Instead of removing her ovaries, they were...

This 46-Year-Old Woman's Baby Set a Record

Belinda Slaughter gave birth via IVF, using her own fresh eggs

(Newser) - A 46-year-old Florida woman became a new mom to a healthy baby boy last year via IVF—and though it's not unheard of for a woman to deliver a baby at her age, what's medically remarkable is that Belinda Slaughter didn't use frozen or donated embryos, but...

Not Getting Pregnant? Check Your Cholesterol
Not Getting Pregnant?
Check Your Cholesterol
new study

Not Getting Pregnant? Check Your Cholesterol

Study finds link between high cholesterol, trouble conceiving

(Newser) - High cholesterol is bad for more than just your arteries. A study released this week found that high cholesterol may make it tougher for couples to get pregnant, the Washington Post reports. Researchers came to their conclusion after following 501 couples who were trying to conceive (and controlling for other...

Pregnant Women More Likely to Get in Car Accidents

Study finds increased risk during 2nd trimester

(Newser) - Pregnant ladies, while you're avoiding alcohol, sushi, and hot tubs, you may also want to be a little more careful while driving. A new study finds that expectant mothers are at a higher risk for car accidents, NPR reports. Researchers looked at medical records of more than 500,000...

Mother Lets One Twin Die to Save Other

Dwynwen Davies talks about her heartbreaking choice

(Newser) - Dwynwen Davies didn't think much of the fact that a child in the nursery she runs had come down with slapped cheek syndrome. The virus produces cold-like symptoms and a rash that gives the appearance of "slapped cheeks," but the 30-year-old from South Wales was unconcerned; as...

Tennessee Makes It Illegal to Get High While Pregnant
Tennessee Makes It Illegal
to Get High While Pregnant
in case you missed it

Tennessee Makes It Illegal to Get High While Pregnant

Doing so could land you in jail, starting in July

(Newser) - Starting July 1, if you're pregnant and use drugs while living in Tennessee, you can be charged with a crime for causing harm to your unborn baby. Gov. Bill Haslam signed the controversial law yesterday, the Tennessean reports. Civil and reproductive rights groups had opposed it, saying it would...

Newborn Thrown in Trash Can Survives

Baby boy found in a pink blanket and a plastic grocery bag

(Newser) - A newborn baby boy is lucky to be alive this morning after being found yesterday near death in a garbage can in Greenville, SC. He was put there, police say, by his mother, who has since been charged with attempted murder and child abandonment. NBC News reports he was found...

Pregnant Woman Died After Wrong Organ Removed

Maria De Jesus had appendicitis, but her right ovary was taken out

(Newser) - As far as medical mix-ups go, it's a horrifying one. In October 2011, a 32-year-old woman underwent an operation at Queen's Hospital outside of London; Maria De Jesus was suffering from appendicitis and needed to have her appendix removed. Instead, her right ovary was taken out, and De...

Pregnant and Gained Less Than 25lbs? Bad News
Pregnant and Gained Less Than 25lbs? Bad News
study says

Pregnant and Gained Less Than 25lbs? Bad News

...minimal weight gain tied to increased obesity risk for child

(Newser) - The amount of weight a mom-to-be gains during pregnancy may have a link to the weight of the child she bears, a new study finds. Gaining either too much or too little weight can both result in a greater chance that child will be obese, LiveScience reports. The research followed...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>
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