
Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

'Evil' Corrupts Craigslist's Good Intent: Founder

Newmark consoles family of slain site user

(Newser) - Despite several high-profile murders involving Craigslist, founder Craig Newmark says he hopes to foster community spirit with his 14-year-old site. "Evil does exist," he said at a memorial concert for Katie Olson, 24, who was killed after responding to a babysitting ad. Newmark shared the stage with Olson's...

Sexting Pics Live Forever, Teens Warned

Stalkers, potential employers may have access to photos years later

(Newser) - The critical problem with sexting is that salacious snaps teens send of themselves from their cell phones can exist forever in cyberspace. That's the message Australian authorities are stressing in a new educational anti-sexting campaign. Nude pictures sent in fun could end up being posted on the Internet by sexual...

Internet Energy Use Out of Control

(Newser) - The Internet's carbon footprint is swelling, threatening major companies and even the planet, the Guardian reports. As its footprint expands by more than 10% annually, surpassing even the airline industry, ever-growing data centers and web servers are putting companies at financial risk during a recession. "We need to rein...

Al-Qaeda Used Hotmail, Simple Codes to Plan 9/11

(Newser) - In the days following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, alleged al-Qaeda operations mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed intended to use his free Hotmail account to direct a US-based operative to carry out an attack, according to a guilty plea agreement filed by Al Saleh Kahlah al-Marri in federal court. The document...

Firm Warned of Flu Weeks Before WHO Alert

Watchdog discovered threat in daily Web scan; notified CDC

(Newser) - A company that specializes in biosurveillance issued a warning about swine flu more than two weeks before the World Health Organization announced the possible threat, McClatchy reports. The Washington state firm, Veratect, scans tens of thousands of Web sites every day in search of potential medical concerns. It reported a...

Vineyard Offers $10K/Month to Drink, Tweet About Wine

(Newser) - A California winery has a tempting offer for tech-savvy oenophiles, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The Murphy-Goode Winery will set up the right candidate with a $10,000-a-month job at its Sonoma County HQ blogging and Twittering about, well, wine. The 6-month gig includes room and board; the 2-month hiring...

Facebook's Goal: 'Blowing Up the Browser'
Facebook's Goal:
'Blowing Up the Browser'

Facebook's Goal: 'Blowing Up the Browser'

(Newser) - Facebook has opened its user “feeds” to widget developers, paving the way to a new existence in the decentralized, cross-platform “AfterWeb,” Josh Quittner writes in Time. Though the move is seen by some as a counter to rival Twitter, which can already be accessed in myriad ways,...

US Amps Up Planning for Cyber Arms Race

Obama set to announce big steps in digital defense program

(Newser) - With daily attacks on both public and private computer systems in the US mounting into the thousands, President Obama is expected to announce an overhaul of US strategy to defend against cyberwarfare—building on a $17 billion program Congress approved last year—and name a White House cyberwarfare boss, the...

Brown Blocks Comments on His YouTube Channel

Says volume of feedback would be impossible to monitor

(Newser) - The British government has tried to harness the power of the Internet, but for Gordon Brown, the Web’s been prickly: a video of him picking his nose, for example, has been viewed far more often than recent policy address. Now the prime minister’s team has disabled comments on...

Cardinal to Catholics: Tweet Your Prayers

(Newser) - Ireland’s Catholic leader is urging the faithful to engage social networking to spread the word of God, the Times reports. “Make someone the gift of a prayer through text, Twitter, or e-mail every day,” Cardinal Sean Brady said. “Such a sea of prayer is sure to...

Twitter Amplifies Swine Flu Fear
 Twitter Amplifies 
 Swine Flu Fear 

Twitter Amplifies Swine Flu Fear

(Newser) - Twitter and other social networks are creating a swine-flu panic out of a molehill with their instantaneous updates, Robert X. Cringely writes for InfoWorld. The quick flow of less-than-dependable information means “people with head colds decide they're really dying from a porcine-borne bug and flood emergency rooms.” And...

Hackers Cook Time's Most- Influential Poll; Mag Shrugs

(Newser) - The results of Time’s online “world’s most influential person” poll have fallen victim to shenanigans, TechCrunch reports. Moot, leader of the devious web forum 4Chan, sits atop Time’s leaderboard, above Barack Obama and other usual suspects. And the first letters of the top 20 spell out...

What the Well-Dressed 'Craigslist Killer' Wears

Philip Markoff strapped into the latest anti-suicide jail fashion

(Newser) - Ever since he apparently tried to hang himself last week with his shoelaces, accused Craigslist killer Philip Markoff has been strapped into a padded restraint suit in jail designed to stop further attempts, reports Gawker. The "Ferguson Safety Smock"  is aimed at keeping "problem inmates from hurting...

YouTube Could Take Down Your Internet

Surging demand for video may cause Web 'brownouts': experts

(Newser) - Watching those Susan Boyle and laughing baby clips on YouTube may soon come with a price: slower, shaky Internet connections, the Telegraph reports. Experts warn of a “brownout,” caused by outdated web systems unable to keep pace with surging online use of video sites, that will paralyze computers,...

First Twitter Arrest: FBI Nabs Man Posting Threats

(Newser) - Another Twitter first: An Oklahoma City man has been arrested by the FBI after tweeting threats of a bloody rampage against the government at last week’s "tea party” in that city, Wired reports. “START THE KILLING NOW! I am willing to be the FIRST DEATH!” wrote...

Parents Visit Craigslist Murder Suspect in Jail

(Newser) - Accused Craigslist killer Philip Markoff’s parents visited him for the first time today at the Boston jail where he is being held, the Boston Globe reports. Richard Markoff and Susan Haynes, who are divorced, did not speak to the press. Asked by reporters what the parents dreaded most about...

5 Signs of Facebook Addiction
 5 Signs of Facebook Addiction 

5 Signs of Facebook Addiction

(Newser) - If you're ignoring your kid or getting divorced because of Facebook—it's happened—you might have a problem. CNN outlines five telltale signs of Facebook addiction.
  • Losing sleep: If you're tired every morning because of late-night-friending, take a break, a UCLA psychologist advises: "You shouldn't be neglecting yourself because

5 Ways to Make Cash Online
 5 Ways to Make Cash Online 

5 Ways to Make Cash Online

Many sites pay for a quick contribution

(Newser) - Look no further than the Internet for some recession relief. Popular Science suggests some ways to make money—a little bit, at least—online:
  1. Charge for wit. lets Facebook and Twitter fans award you for your quips.
  2. Research for the KGB. The Knowledge Generation Bureau, silly. It

New Software Judges Blog Credibility

(Newser) - Software that would automatically rate the credibility of blogs on a scale from highly credible to “little credible” is in the works in Austria, Ars Technica reports. The program analyzes the distribution of words in successive blog posts and also compares topics against stories covered in the mainstream media...

Pirate Bay Ruling Invigorates Pirates

(Newser) - Last week’s guilty verdict against the Swedes behind the Pirate Bay filesharing site not only hasn’t shuttered the operation—it’s boosted support for the cause of free information, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The affiliated Pirate Party, which advocates for copyright reform, has doubled its membership just...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>