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Springsteen Offers New Single Free ... But Just Today

Download Working on a Dream on iTunes, Boss' official site

(Newser) - Bruce Springsteen's new single can be downloaded free of charge—for one day. Springsteen is offering free downloads of Working on a Dream on iTunes and his official Web site. The track will have a fee attached on iTunes from tomorrow through Dec. 9.

In China, These Detectives Aren't for Hire

Millions of vigilantes rile Beijing by solving mysteries online

(Newser) - If you do a bad thing in China, just hope it doesn't go online. The nation's so-called "human flesh engine"—millions of web-surfers who like hunting for facts—have already gotten a Communist Party secretary fired and identified a woman who stomped a cat to death. Despite an...

After Disney, Eisner Thrives Online

Eisner believes internet programming is entertainment's future

(Newser) - Michael Eisner was once at the top of the heap as CEO of Disney, where he flourished. But after he was squeezed out by what some thought was poor company performance, he got creative in new media—and “I’m much happier now,” he tells the New York ...

Angry Sister of Web Suicide: 'No One Lifted a Finger'

(Newser) - The Florida teen who committed suicide live via webcam was bipolar and used his own prescription drugs to kill himself, the Miami Herald reports. “It’s unimaginable,” the boy’s father said. “I did everything I could. I'm sorry it wasn't enough.” His sister expressed anger...

Florida Teen Kills Himself on Web TV as Viewers LOL

Users egged on bodybuilder as he swallowed pills

(Newser) - A Florida teenager broadcast his hours-long suicide on an internet video-streaming channel as viewers watched, reports Newteevee. After threatening to kill himself on, the teen was egged on by viewers as well as posters on a chat room he used. The young bodybuilder, 19, took a fatal overdose...

Ballmer Quashes Yahoo Bid Rumors; Open to Partnership

Microsoft 'done' with acquisition attempts, even after Yang's resignation

(Newser) - Steve Ballmer quashed the rumor that Microsoft would make another offer to buy Yahoo now that Jerry Yang has quit as CEO, CNET reports. “We are done with all acquisition discussions with Yahoo,” the chief executive said today. “We did our best; we’ve moved on.”

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP
'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

'Rightosphere' Hopes to Reshape GOP

Bloggers hope to catch GOP up to Democrats on harnessing the internet

(Newser) - The election of Barack Obama has energized conservative bloggers, who see a spell in opposition as an opportunity ideal for reshaping the party, writes Walter Alarkon for the Hill. Conservatives in the “rightosphere” are eying the progress the left’s “netroots” made during the Bush years, when sites...

Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep
Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep

Campaign Arrows Puncture Righty Mag's Lofty Rep

Still, National Review looks forward to having Dems in power after tumultuous year

(Newser) - The nasty tone of the presidential campaign dealt a blow to the National Review, considered the print home for conservative intellectuals and a standard-bearer for genteel debate, the New York Times reports. The death of founder William F. Buckley was followed by the ouster of his son Christopher following his...

Meh, Add It to the Dictionary
Meh, Add It to the Dictionary

Meh, Add It to the Dictionary

Simpsons' fave word and signal of apathy makes it into next edition of Collins

(Newser) - The 30th-anniversary edition of the authoritative Collins English Dictionary will include a new entry suggested by readers: the interjection "meh." An expression of indifference or boredom, it’s believed to have originated in North America. Its spelling was codified on an episode of The Simpsons, the Telegraph reports,...

Gadgets Have Consumers Crying for Help

Buyers frustrated by problems with cell phones, internet access and computers

(Newser) - Digital technology plays a key role in the lives of most Americans, but it's often too complex, frustrating, and prone to failure, a study by the Pew Research Center finds. Nearly half of consumers said they regularly need help setting up a device, learning how to use it, or solving...

Best, Worst Flicks About 'Net
 Best, Worst Flicks About 'Net 

Best, Worst Flicks About 'Net

The Matrix leads the good side; The Net among genre's ugly examples

(Newser) - Christopher Null, in PC World, has compiled his five best, and five worst, movies that are either about the Internet or use it as a plot device: The good:
  1. The Matrix (1998): Keanu Reeves bends bullets.
  2. Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005): Meeting people online equals comedic gold.

Google Unearths 3D Ancient Rome

Users can surf city streets of 320 AD

(Newser) - Google Earth is providing users the opportunity to surf the streets of Ancient Rome via a 3D virtual reconstruction of the city as it was in the 4th century. Users can "enter" the Forum, stand in the sands of the Colosseum, or swoop over any of 6,700 buildings...

Spam Plummets (for Now) as Big Provider Goes Offline

(Newser) - Notice less spam in your mailbox today? If so, it's because Internet service providers yanked a California outfit offline that had been responsible for sending about 75% of the world's electronic junk mail, reports the Security Fix blog in the Washington Post. The providers—acting on information provided by the...

Genome Research Helps Develop ... Search Engine

DeepDyve may reach 99% of web Google & Co don't

(Newser) - Technology designed to sequence the human genome is now being turned to an equally daunting task: probing the depths of the web. DeepDyve, a search engine developed by Human Genome Project researchers, can base its search on up to 25,000 characters, Wired reports, which researchers say allows it to...

Gmail Adds Voice, Video Chat
 Gmail Adds Voice, Video Chat 

Gmail Adds Voice, Video Chat

Google becomes first of email's big 3 to integrate audio, video

(Newser) - Users of Google's Gmail service can now see and hear each other, the San Jose Mercury News reports. The company rolled out video and voice additions to the chat function in its Gmail interface yesterday, putting the world's third-biggest free email provider a step ahead of rivals Microsoft and Yahoo...

China to Declare 'Internet Addicts' Sick

Fervent web surfers face electro-shock treatments

(Newser) - China is about to become the first nation in the world to officially declare "internet addiction" a clinical disorder, reports the Guardian. Citizens hooked on the web may face treatment that includes military-style discipline, hypnosis, electro-shock therapy and drugs, reports the Guardian. The totalitarian Chinese authorities have repeatedly attempted...

Web-Saavy Obama Needs No Party
 Web-Saavy Obama 
 Needs No Party 

Web-Saavy Obama Needs No Party

(Newser) - Barack Obama has so revolutionized politics that he may not even need the Democratic party, writes David Carr in the New York Times. Parties are supposed to provide a base of support, a brand, ground troops, money, and relationships—all things Obama already has in abundance. The president-elect ran his...

AT&T to Cap Bandwidth of Some Users

Firm tests usage limits in Reno

(Newser) - AT&T is capping users’ Internet bandwidth in Reno as an experiment, suggesting that the practice of limiting usage may soon become widespread, Wired reports. Depending on the service plan, new broadband customers will be held to 20 to 150 gigabytes of usage monthly. Current customers will soon face limits...

Web, Cable Topple Networks' Election Ratings

Big three see ratings fall 16% from 2004 election

(Newser) - After proving itself indispensable in this year’s campaign, the internet won again on election night, Liz Gannes writes on NewTeeVee. Web users marked record traffic on several sites, while TV’s big three networks lost 16% off 2004 ratings, with cable and internet picking up the slack. During Barack...

You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...
You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...

You Said You Wanted (Campaign) Revolution ...

2008 changes US elections forever

(Newser) - Campaign drama has overshadowed the fact that 2008 has permanently changed the way elections are fought in America, the New York Times reports. From now on, supporters will be organized in new ways and funds will be raised differently, due primarily to brave new media worlds. With the help of...

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