
Stories 1001 - 1020 | << Prev   Next >>

Craigslist Countersues eBay
 Craigslist Countersues eBay 

Craigslist Countersues eBay

Fires back with unfair competition

(Newser) - The battle between Craigslist and eBay heated up yesterday after Craigslist filed a countersuit charging the auction giant—which holds a 28.4% stake in Craigslist—with offenses ranging from unfair competition to trademark infringement, the New York Times reports. The action is in response to eBay’s lawsuit filed...

Say Hello to Generation Duh
Say Hello
to Generation Duh

Say Hello to Generation Duh

Tech-savvy, yes, but far dumber than age cohorts past

(Newser) - Today's youth are dangerously dumb, Mark Bauerlein writes in his new book, The Dumbest Generation. Here's why:
  1. Check out Jay Leno's "Jaywalking," where "the ignorance is hard to believe."
  2. They boast "a new attitude," taking pride in their illiteracy.

Has It Gone, Or Just Gone Online?
 Has It Gone, Or
 Just Gone Online?  

Has It Gone, Or Just Gone Online?

NYT columnist gets nervous as Oxford Dictionary hits the web

(Newser) - The Oxford English Dictionary—the 3-volume one with the magnifying glass—has ditched its hard copy and gone digital for good, which makes one "bookish middle-class" writer nervous. "Other totemic college books could go out of style, maybe," Virginia Heffernan writes in the New York Times. But...

Spain Opens Second Life Clinic for Teens

Virtual doctor's office welcomes those who hate the real thing

(Newser) - Spanish health officials are opening a virtual clinic in the popular online world Second Life, where they plan to advise teens who are too shy to consult flesh-and-blood doctors, the Guardian reports. It will appear as a consultation room for now, but officials hope to expand the service and eventually...

China Won't Stop Censoring Web for Olympics
China Won't Stop Censoring Web for Olympics

China Won't Stop Censoring Web for Olympics

Despite push for openness, Chinese law appears to allow much room to maneuver

(Newser) - China apparently will continue to censor the Internet during August's Olympics, but says the international press will have the access it needs to function, Jacqui Cheng writes on Ars Technica. Officials said they would guarantee as much access “as possible,” but “controls on some unhealthy websites” would...

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes
 Team Hillary's
 5 Big

Team Hillary's 5 Big Mistakes

How mood, rules, caucuses, money, and pacing laid her campaign low

(Newser) - With the Clinton campaign in death throes, Karen Tumulty runs down its five crucial  mistakes in Time:
  • Mood. In a season when Democrats were desperate for change, Hillary “completely misread the mood” and went with incumbency.
  • Rules. Clinton's inner circle wasn't up on them. Mark Penn thought California's primary

Papa John's Hits $1B in Online Pizza Sales

Pizzamaker hits milestone as Internet becomes serious doughmaker for industry

(Newser) - Papa John's passed the $1-billion mark in online pizza orders yesterday, trumpeting growth in Internet sales averaging 50% per year since it debuted the service in 2001. Domino’s and Pizza Hut join the third-place pizza-delivery chain in reporting that the Internet is giving the business new life and increasing...

Rich Colleges Should Save Nation's Top Newspapers

Wealthy universities should get together, buy struggling dailies

(Newser) - The New York Times is in "perilous financial condition," and colleges would play the perfect savior, Lee Smith writes in the Chronicle for Higher Education. His plan: Have the seven richest institutions direct 3% of their endowments—which, combined, come to $114 billion— to buying the Gray Lady....

Sky-High Internet Caf&eacute; Opens
 Sky-High Internet Café Opens 

Sky-High Internet Café Opens

Everest office built to ensure communications as Olympic torch passes

(Newser) - The Olympic torch is bringing more than controversy on its round-the-world trek—it’s also responsible for the world’s highest Internet café, the People's Daily reports. China Mobile built the communications center at Mount Everest's 17,000-foot-high base camp to ensure communications for relay teams as the torch scales...

Spam, Curse of Web, Turns 30
 Spam, Curse of Web, Turns 30 

Spam, Curse of Web, Turns 30

First junk email sent three decades ago; it's as healthy as ever today

(Newser) - Spam turns 30 today, but don't break out the champagne just yet: The junk e-mail is as healthy as ever, frustrating tech experts desperate to blow out its candles. It all started on May 3, 1978, with a pitch for a new computer on a government-run precursor to the Internet....

Italy Puts All Salaries Online
Italy Puts All Salaries Online

Italy Puts All Salaries Online

Critics hammer 24-hour privacy breach as residents check up on neighbors, celebs

(Newser) - The outgoing Italian government posted all citizens’ earnings and tax information, briefly, on the Internet yesterday, sparking outrage over lost privacy, the BBC reports. The site was quickly clogged by Italians checking up on neighbors’ and celebrities’ financial status. The information went offline after about 24 hours in response to...

Ballmer May Seek Middle Path on Yahoo
Ballmer May Seek Middle Path on Yahoo

Ballmer May Seek Middle Path on Yahoo

Microsoft could nominate proxy slate, wait on hostile offer

(Newser) - Steve Ballmer's next move on Yahoo is expected momentarily, and one option is to nominate a proxy slate for the board of directors, the Wall Street Journal reports, but hold off on making a new hostile bid for the company. Microsoft could buy time for setting a new price for...

Daily Paper Dumps Print Edition for Web

Move by 90-year-old Madison paper an omen for industry

(Newser) - In an ominous sign of the times for printed news, a struggling 90-year-old Wisconsin daily newspaper is shutting down its daily print operation, but will continue to exist online, the New York Times reports. Most of the 18,000 current subscribers of Madison's afternoon Capital Times are switching to the...

Traffic On the Rise at AOL's Content Sites

Internet giant's transition to ad-driven firm picking up pace

(Newser) - It's been a while since AOL was associated with rising numbers, but a jump in traffic to its content sites shows the company's transition to an ad-supported business is on track, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company redesigned its news, sports, and health sites and created some new ones...

Wikipedia Goes to Print —in German

Publisher plans single volume of 50K most-searched entries

(Newser) - Wikipedia will soon hit bookshelves, the AP reports: German giant Bertelsmann AG is publishing a condensed print edition of the user-generated encyclopedia. The One-Volume Wikipedia Encyclopedia will contain 50,000 of the most-searched-for German entries this year—and it could be the first in an annual series. “A yearbook...

Infinite Bandwidth Is Coming
 Infinite Bandwidth Is Coming 

Infinite Bandwidth Is Coming

Tech prophet sees many predictions in 2000 made real, forecasts Ethernet bump

(Newser) - In 2000, technology watcher George Gilder argued in a book called Telecosm that infinite bandwidth and instant communication were on the way, thanks to booming construction of fiber-optic cable. Eight years later, post-bust (both dot-com and telecom), the “telecosm” is not far from what Gilder predicted, writes Mark Williams...

Microsoft Syncs Phone, PC Data with 'Live Mesh'

The house Gates built joins cloud computing trend

(Newser) - Microsoft is testing a new product that will allow users to link data across multiple electronic devices through the internet—so the picture you took on your phone can be in the digital picture frame in your home within minutes. It’s a big step for Microsoft, which until now...

How-to Vids Breed New Industry
 How-to Vids Breed New Industry 

How-to Vids Breed New Industry

YouTube, Metacafe among platforms for entrepreneurs hoping to cash in

(Newser) - Take an idea, a video camera and an Internet connection, add a little how-to know-how and a portal like YouTube, and start counting your clicks. Reach enough viewers, and start counting your cash. That’s the premise behind a burgeoning Web industry attracting entrepreneurs and investors hoping to catch the...

Web 2.0 Buying Will Hit $4.6B by 2013: Analyst

IBM, Microsoft likely to squeeze out smaller players in wikis, blogs

(Newser) - Spending on Web 2.0 technologies is ready to explode, according to a new report from Forrester Research. The market will reach $4.6 billion by 2013, the report predicts, as the technology starts to saturate the business world. To get there, it’ll have to jump an average of...

Mash Up the Internet: Tool Makes Web Editable

Intel releases beta of free browser extension

(Newser) - Want to chart real estate listings on a Google map? A free browser extension from Intel can do that and more. Intel Mash Maker, released in beta today, lets users edit Web pages and combine information from different sites using widgets. Users can copy existing widgets from an Intel gallery,...

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