Texas primary

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Tea Party Scores Huge Win in Texas

Ted Cruz beats Lt. Gov. Dewhurst for GOP Senate nomination

(Newser) - The Tea Party has triumphed in a Texas election seen as a major test for the movement. Former state solicitor general Ted Cruz has defeated establishment favorite Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst to become the state's Republican US Senate nominee. Cruz, the 41-year-old son of a Cuban immigrant, is almost...

Tea Partier Forces Runoff for Texas Senate Seat

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst's 45% of the vote not enough to slay Ted Cruz

(Newser) - It looks like the Tea Party insurgency isn't over yet. Movement darling Raphael "Ted" Cruz didn't win yesterday's Republican Senate primary, but he kept things close enough to force a runoff with his favored opponent, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dewhurst had...

Romney to Clinch Nomination Today

As Texas votes, Mitt heads for Trump fundraiser

(Newser) - A year to the week after launching his campaign, Mitt Romney is poised to make history by securing his place as the first major-party Mormon presidential nominee, reports the Washington Post . Unless Ron Paul pulls off an incredible upset in his home state, Texas will push Romney over the 1,...

Herman Cain Beating Rick Perry—in Texas
 Cain Beating Perry—in Texas 
Poll Numbers

Cain Beating Perry—in Texas

Governor's approval rating stands at 39%

(Newser) - How bad are things for Rick Perry? This bad: He’s not even leading in the polls in his home state. Herman Cain holds a razor-thin 27% to 26% lead over Perry in the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll , and while that’s within the margin of error, the...

Is She the Texan Alvin Greene?
Is She the Texan Alvin Greene?

Is She the Texan Alvin Greene?

Democrat Kesha Rogers wants to impeach Obama, colonize Mars

(Newser) - She wants to impeach President Obama, ran on a campaign platform that includes the colonization of Mars, and thinks the US educational system should focus on the works of Plato and Leibnitz. Meet Kesha Rogers, winner of the Democratic primary for Tom DeLay's old US Senate seat in Texas' 22nd...

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison
Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Incumbent Gov. Perry Fends Off Sen. Hutchison

Republican will face Democrat Bill White, who wins easily

(Newser) - Incumbent Rick Perry claimed the Republican nomination for Texas governor in today’s primary, beating back a challenge from US Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison—who has conceded in the past hour, the Austin American Statesman reports—and the Tea Party-backed Debra Medina. He’ll face Bill White, the former Houston...

Today's Texas Primary a GOP Showdown

Drama stars Rick Perry, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ron Paul and the Tea Party

(Newser) - All eyes in the political world turn to Texas today, as the Lone Star State holds what should be a telling primary for the GOP. Center stage is the GOP gubernatorial race, a three-way slug-fest between current Gov. Rick Perry, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and tea partier—and momentary 9/11...

The 10 Most Important Primaries
 The 10 Most Important Primaries
2010 preview

The 10 Most Important Primaries

Perry and KBH face off; Tea Party mounts challenge in Fla.

(Newser) - The 2010 primaries will see the GOP repairing its identity and soul-searching among Democrats. The 10 most important races, according to Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post :
  1. Texas governor, R: Rick Perry is running for an unprecedented third term, and voters seem to approve. But Kay Bailey Hutchison is a

How the Air Came Out of Clinton's Tires
How the Air Came Out of Clinton's Tires

How the Air Came Out of Clinton's Tires

Poor Ind., NC showings sucked late momentum from her campaign

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s campaign was happiest, and picked up the most steam, late in the game, as divisive staffers departed, the blue-collar vote moved into her column and the candidate found her comfort zone. The Washington Post examines the Democrat's final months, noting its rejuvenation after Texas and Ohio victories,...

Obama Appears To Gain in Texas Delegate Count

State convention tally would boost him past Clinton overall there

(Newser) - Barack Obama apparently overtook Hillary Clinton in Texas’ pledged-delegate count after this weekend’s regional Democratic conventions netted him seven to nine more at-large delegates than Clinton, the Houston Chronicle reports. “We can confirm now that Barack Obama won Texas,” an aide said after the campaign's math gave...

GOP Spoilers Are Fueling Clinton Surge

Conservative campaign to keep Democratic fight alive is working

(Newser) - Republicans for Clinton are turning up in surprising numbers, and not because they've stopped being Hillary haters, the Boston Globe reports. About 100,000 voted for her in Ohio, 119,0000 in Texas, and 38,000 in MIssissippi. Egged on by Rush Limbaugh, they're strategically voting in open primaries for...

Where's Paul? Still Running
Where's Paul? Still Running

Where's Paul? Still Running

And he's got no intention of dropping out of the race

(Newser) - John McCain has knocked out the last of his Republican opponents, right? Ron Paul begs to differ. "I'm still involved, nothing has changed," he told MSNBC after successfully defending his Texas congressional seat in the GOP primary. Paul has no plans to drop out and will resume traveling...

Candidates Spin Tuesday: Math vs. Momentum

Superdelegates loom ever larger as Clinton barely narrows deficit

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's victories in Texas and Ohio changed little in the race for pledged delegates—by some estimates she netted only five—but Tuesday's primaries changed the dynamic of the Democratic contest, the Wall Street Journal reports. The candidates have divergent arguments: Barack Obama's team says the math favors him;...

Obama Claims Texas Caucus Win
Obama Claims Texas Caucus Win

Obama Claims Texas Caucus Win

Caucuses tip Lone Star delegate advantage

(Newser) - With caucus results still coming in last night, Barack Obama's camp projects a victory for their candidate in Texas delegates. While Clinton won the Tuesday primary by a thin margin, netting her 65 delegates to Obama’s 61, Obama appears to have prevailed in the caucuses later that night, giving...

Long Fight Threatens Dems
Long Fight Threatens Dems

Long Fight Threatens Dems

Clinton victories in Texas, Ohio presage ugly, costly contest

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's victories in Texas and Ohio herald a long, ugly scrap for the Democratic nomination—and the big loser may be the party, reports Newsweek. It remains unknown how many delegates the New York senator won last night, but Clinton can now brush aside calls for her to end...

Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible
Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible

Clinton: Dream Ticket Is Possible

But, of course, we still have to decide who's on top

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton today hinted that she’d be willing to bury the hatchet and share a ticket with Barack Obama, the AP reports. “That may be where this is headed,” Clinton told CBS’ The Early Show, “but of course we have to decide who is on the...

Accusations Fly During Texas Two-Step Tussle

Obama lawyer hijacks Clinton camp's 'dirty tricks' conference call

(Newser) - The two-step voting process in Texas caused Democratic tempers to flare last night, the Washington Post reports. Both sides accused each other of trying to hijack the evening caucus which followed the day's primary vote. The Clinton campaign held a  conference call with reporters to level some dirty-tricks accusations at...

Hillary Wins in Texas, Ohio Built on Loyal Base

Women, Hispanics, seniors, working class & white men hand Hillary the edge

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton pulled off victories in both Texas and Ohio largely by wooing back her Democratic base, according to Politico. Exit polls show that Hispanics and white women favored Clinton, while blacks favored Obama by a huge margin, and white men were split—similar to Super Tuesday. But white men...

3 Takes on Today's Showdown
3 Takes on Today's Showdown

3 Takes on Today's Showdown

Writers try calling the race ahead of time

(Newser) - March 4 has been a long time coming, and now political writers can’t be bothered to wait until the polls close in Ohio and Texas. Three early takes on today’s results:
  • Josh Marshall sees a late-in-the-game turn in Hillary Clinton’s favor, and expects “minor or major

Clinton's Strategy: Pray for Rain
Pray for Rain

Clinton's Strategy: Pray for Rain

Without a clear course, campaign eyes bad Obama press, Fla. revote

(Newser) - With delegate math and the campaign narrative both against her, Hillary Clinton’s current strategy is simply to hope for the best, Politico reports. “Some other, yet unknown, turn of events” must conspire to help her out—and Clintonites are looking to Barack Obama’s recent spate of bad...

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