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After Warnings, Isolated Tribe Goes on the Attack

Following clash with Mashco Piro in Peruvian Amazon, 2 loggers are dead, 2 are missing

(Newser) - After an isolated Amazonian tribe attacked loggers who got too close to their Peruvian territory this summer, Indigenous rights group FENAMAD warned that, without government intervention, more violent clashes could come. Now, two loggers have been shot dead with arrows, another has been injured, and two others have disappeared from...

'Uncontacted' Indigenous Group Just Made Contact

Mashco Piro tribe reportedly attacked loggers in Peruvian Amazon who were getting too close

(Newser) - An "uncontacted" Indigenous group in the Peruvian Amazon apparently spooked by local loggers getting too close to their area went on the attack last month, injuring at least one logger and possibly killing two others, according to an NGO there. Per the Guardian , the Mashco Piro tribe reportedly carried...

Appearance of Isolated Tribe Draws Worry in Peru
Appearance of Isolated
Tribe Draws Worry in Peru
in case you missed it

Appearance of Isolated Tribe Draws Worry in Peru

Survival International calls it 'a humanitarian disaster in the making'

(Newser) - More than 50 members of an isolated Amazonian tribe have been spotted gathering on the banks of a river in rare footage out of Peru. Dozens of members of the Mashco Piro tribe appeared along the Las Piedras river in Madre de Dios province near the village of Monte Salvado,...

'Holy Cannoli': How Wall Street Left Loggers Reeling

Private timber companies are upending people's lives in Oregon

(Newser) - Drive outside Falls City, Oregon, and you'll see it: a lot of Douglas fir trees cut down to stumps. That image opens a ProPublica story about how Oregon—America's top lumber-producing state—allowed private timber companies to buy up land and suffered economically as a result. "You'...

The US' 10 Most Dangerous Jobs
The US' 10 Most
Dangerous Jobs

The US' 10 Most Dangerous Jobs

Loggers are nearly 38 times more likely to die on the job than average US worker

(Newser) - Despite increasing safety regulations—the passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act lowered workplace deaths from 14,000 in 1970 to 5,200 in 2016—it seems some jobs will always be inherently dangerous. 24/7 Wall St looked at workplace fatality rates by occupation to rank the 25 most...

UN Axes Australia's Plan to Log Ancient Rainforest

World Heritage site not the place for logging: UNESCO

(Newser) - Australia's plan to log "one of the last expanses of temperate rainforest in the world" has fizzled to the acclaim of conservationists the world over. Two years after requesting that logging be allowed in parts of the Tasmanian Wilderness to boost the local economy, the country received a...

Anti-Wildfire Project Tabled Over Rare Frogs

Forest Service project may hurt endangered species

(Newser) - US officials are balancing forest-fire risk against the need to preserve an endangered species near Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevadas, the Tahoe Daily Tribune reports. Per a stipulation signed by a judge last week, the US Forest Service will delay its tree-thinning project there until it consults with the...

World's Oldest Trees Dying at Alarming Rate
 World's Oldest Trees 
 Dying at Alarming Rate 
new research

World's Oldest Trees Dying at Alarming Rate

Research shows 10 times the normal death rate

(Newser) - In what one researcher calls a "very, very disturbing trend," new research finds that the planet's oldest trees have started dying at 10 times the normal rate, a change that could greatly damage the planet's ecosystems and biodiversity. Researchers blame logging, development, drought, and climate change...

25% of Liberia at Mercy of Loggers

Thanks to loophole in country's law: report

(Newser) - By exploiting a loophole in Liberian law, international logging companies have gained access to as much as one-quarter of Liberia's landmass, according to a report out today by watchdog group Global Witness. It explains that foreign companies are relying on so-called "Private Use Permits," which were designed...

Mexican Town Seizes 16 Cops
 Mexican Town 
 Seizes 16 Cops 

Mexican Town Seizes 16 Cops

Indigenous people demand probe of killings by illegal loggers

(Newser) - The people of an indigenous town in western Mexico kidnapped 16 police officers in a desperate attempt to get some attention from the state government, AP reports. Illegal loggers linked to drug cartels have been destroying the forests the people of Cheran depend on. The town of 17,000 people...

Logging a $15B Racket for Organized Crime
 Logging a $15B Racket 
 for Organized Crime 
report says

Logging a $15B Racket for Organized Crime

World Bank says illegal forest operations are big business

(Newser) - Ah, those classic gangster rackets: drugs, prostitution, gambling, and, of course, wood. Illegal logging has become a major endeavor for organized crime, raking in as much as $15 billion a year, according to a new report from the World Bank. Scofflaws with chainsaws are running wild in places such as...

Peru Struggles to Shield New 'Lost' Tribe

Rousted by logging and aircraft, members clash violently with outsiders

(Newser) - Peruvian officials are struggling mightily to shield one of the last "lost" tribes of its jungles. Members of the mysterious Mashco-Piro clan have been spotted along the banks of a southeastern jungle river popular with ecotourists. In two instances, tribe members have fired arrows at people in the area,...

Pinned Logger Cuts Off Toes to Free Himself

Trailer fell on his foot in remote forest

(Newser) - When a trailer carrying six tons of machinery fell onto his right foot in a remote Colorado forest, John Hutt realized he didn't have 127 hours—or 127 minutes—to decide what to do. After cutting away his boot to survey the damage to his foot, the 61-year-old semi-retired...

20 Jobs That Could Kill You

Fishing, mining not for the faint of heart

(Newser) - Tunneling deep into the earth is dangerous business, as West Virginian miners were reminded this week. With that in mind, the Daily Beast takes a look at the most dangerous professions, broken down by deaths per 100,000, injuries per 100,000, and average annual salary:
  1. Fisherman: 129 deaths, 61

Palin Blasts Global Warming Studies as 'Snake Oil'

... in speech to Calif. logging conference

(Newser) - Speaking at a logging conference in northern California tonight, Sarah Palin ripped studies supporting global-warming theories as a “bunch of snake oil science.” The former Alaska governor touted her climate-change-doubter credentials at the event—from which media were barred, though the AP procured a $74 ticket for its...

Kick in the Butt: Soft Toilet Paper Battle Gets Messy

The plusher paper invariably comes from virgin wood, not recycled content

(Newser) - The environmental campaign against soft toilet paper is heating up, as manufacturers keep pushing the fluff factor—"Quilted Northern Ultra Plush is the first big brand to go three-ply and three-adjective," the Washington Post notes—and environmentalists want the industry to go all recycled. The softer rolls US...

Amazon Indians Win Repeal of Land Grab Laws

Decision hailed as major victory for indigenous people

(Newser) - Peru's Congress has revoked two laws that led to bloody clashes between police and indigenous protesters, CNN reports. Lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in favor of ditching the laws that opened up the country's Amazon region to mining, logging, and oil companies. Dozens of people died earlier this month when police moved...

Calif. Branches Into Forests to Fight Climate Change

(Newser) - The California government is preparing to enter into the "forest bank" business in a bid to save woodlands and battle carbon pollution and climate change, reports the Los Angeles Times. The state is expected to roll out a California "cabon market" that may be expanded elsewhere in the...

The Best (and Worst) Jobs in America

Findings confirm it's good to be nerdy

(Newser) - How desirable is your daily grind? A new study aims to answer that question with a list ranking the best and worst jobs according to five factors: “environment, income, employment outlook, physical demands, and stress,” the Wall Street Journal reports. In the end, the CareerCast list suggests, nerds...

Doom Looms for Spotted Owl
 Doom Looms for Spotted Owl

Doom Looms for Spotted Owl

Invasion of aggressive Eastern owl threatens controversial bird

(Newser) - The outlook appears bleak for America's most controversial bird, reports the Seattle Times. Despite logging bans in huge swathes of old-growth forests initiated 14 years ago to protect the northern spotted owl, researchers have discovered its numbers have dropped by nearly half. The decline is blamed on pre-1994 habitat loss...

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