McCain 2008

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Russia-Georgia Rules Sunday Talk Shows

People asking if 'Russia can be trusted,' Rice says

(Newser) - The Russia-Georgia conflict dominated discussion on Sunday morning talk shows today, Politico reports. "People are beginning to wonder whether Russia can be trusted," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told David Gregory on NBC's Meet the Press. She also stated on Fox News Sunday and Face the Nation that...

McCain Raises $27M in July

 McCain Raises
 $27M in July 

McCain Raises $27M in July

Biggest one-month total for Senator since primaries

(Newser) - John McCain raised $27 million in July, his largest one-month fundraising haul since clinching the nomination, while the Republican National Committee brought in nearly $26 million. "Our fundraising continues to be very healthy," Rick Davis, McCain's campaign manager, said in a conference call with reporters, noting that July...

Rudy Nabs Primetime RNC Speech
 Rudy Nabs
 RNC Speech

Rudy Nabs Primetime RNC Speech

Former New York City mayor, candidate slated to speak on second night

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani has tentatively been tapped for a primetime role on the second night of the Republican Convention in St. Paul, Minn., the New York Post reports. The former New York mayor and presidential candidate has thrown his support behind John McCain since dropping out of the race. Giuliani was...

Candidates Go Head to Head in Message War
Candidates Go Head to Head in Message War

Candidates Go Head to Head in Message War

Obama offers policy details, McCain a 'maverick' record

(Newser) - Neither presidential hopeful can boast a significant lead three months before the election, leading both sides to ramp up their political ad machines. While McCain paints Obama as a "pop star" spouting empty rhetoric, Obama frames McCain as another Bush lackey. Salon asked a leading political analyst to assess...

Hot Ticket: Jolie's Presidential Endorsement

Undecided and independent, actress-activist wants refugee agenda

(Newser) - With her star power, humanitarian activism, and status as a UN ambassador, Angelina Jolie represents a celebrity endorsement both John McCain and Barack Obama are actively seeking, reports Wilshire & Washington, Variety's politics blog. "I am waiting to see the commitments they will make on issues like international justice,...

Why This Year's Pollsters Are Stumped

(Newser) - This year's presidential race is bamboozling many a pollster. Todd Domke looks at some of skewing factors for the Boston Globe:
  • Race: White voters might be reluctant to tell pollsters they oppose a black candidate. Tom Bradley, remember, led the polls for California governor but lost the race. Then again,

Biblical Images in McCain Ad Evoke Antichrist

Web video's intimations about Obama draw Christians' ire

(Newser) - A John McCain campaign ad appears to play into Internet buzz about Barack Obama as the Antichrist, Time reports, and the spot's biblical flavor has Christian Democrats up in arms. McCain reps have called the ad “creative” and “humorous,” but it uses language evocative of the popular...

Obama's Right to Go Negative
 Obama's Right to Go Negative

Obama's Right to Go Negative

Obama stayed cool during primaries, but this is whole new ball game

(Newser) - Barack Obama is going negative on John McCain, something he never did in the primary race against Hillary Clinton. But that doesn’t mean he’s abandoning a winning strategy. The current race is worlds apart from his tête-à-tête with Clinton, Noam Scheiber writes in the New ...

Rove: What McCain Must Do
 Rove: What
 McCain Must Do

Rove: What McCain Must Do

Republican needs to attack, but make case for himself

(Newser) - Despite the hype around Barack Obama, John McCain is just 1.9% behind in the latest Gallup pole. In other words, he could win this thing, and Karl Rove has some advice for him. McCain is “rightly raising questions about Obama’s fitness to be president,” Rove writes...

Oil Rhetoric Gets Silly
 Oil Rhetoric Gets Silly

Oil Rhetoric Gets Silly

Promises get bigger, and policy gets dumber

(Newser) - It might as well be a mathematical formula: High gas prices + oncoming election = stupid policy, writes Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post. John McCain, once the possessor of a sensible energy plan, now screeches incessantly about outer-continental shelf drilling, as though this would instantly solve the energy crisis....

McCain Goes Green ... With Envy
 McCain Goes
 Green ... With Envy

McCain Goes Green ... With Envy

Jealousy of Obama drives Mac's gutter campaign: Dowd

(Newser) - Why is John McCain, "a man who prides himself on honor," taking the low road in his campaign against Barack Obama? For Maureen Dowd, the reason is clear: the Arizona senator is "pea-green with envy." Even more than Bill Clinton or Jesse Jackson, McCain can't stand...

McCain Hopes $6M Olympic Ad Buy a Winner

Last-minute grab, rare in national reach, tops Dem's $5M outlay

(Newser) - Athletes won’t be the only competitors when the Beijing Olympics open Friday, Advertising Age reports: John McCain’s campaign made a last-minute, $6 million ad buy with NBC, topping the whopping $5 million Democratic opponent Barack Obama is spending. The large national scope of the advertising blitz is a...

Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP, Not Obama
Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP,
Not Obama

Tire Gauge Joke Is on GOP, Not Obama

Gag ignores hard facts of energy dependence, vehicle maintenance

(Newser) - Republicans are laughing at Barack Obama’s suggestion that if Americans drove on properly inflated tires and had their vehicles tuned up regularly, they could save as much gas as offshore drilling would produce. The RNC is distributing tire gauges labeled “Barack Obama’s Energy Plan” and cackling with...

Team McCain Giving Out Tire Gauges to Mock Obama

Negative gag slams Democrat's energy plan

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign debuted another Barack Obama gag today as aides distributed tire gauges labeled “Obama Energy Plan” to reporters and donors, Politico reports. The campaign is mocking the Democrat’s suggestion that motorists increase gas mileage by keeping their tires full. The Obama campaign responded by pointing...

Obama Lives Large on Decadent Jet
Obama Lives Large on Decadent Jet

Obama Lives Large on Decadent Jet

Inside the candidates' rides

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s new campaign plane oozes luxury—at least for Obama. The candidate’s section of the 757 is decked out with leather recliners, a dining booth, and a small table kept stocked with up-to-date newspapers, CBS reports. "O-Force One" is so far beyond the typical charter jet...

McCain's 4 Ways to Pick a Veep
McCain's 4 Ways to Pick a Veep

McCain's 4 Ways to Pick a Veep

Senator considers do-no-harm and shake-things-up approaches: Kristol

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign is divided when it comes to a running mate, and William Kristol speculates in the New York Times about the four strategies being discussed:
  • Defeat Obama straight up—If McCain thinks he’s winning, he’ll pick a “do no harm” widely-liked, uncontroversial running mate,

Obama Calls for $1,000 Rebates to Pay Energy Bills

Candidate says 'Big Oil' can help foot the cost

(Newser) - Barack Obama unvield an "emergency" plan for the economy today that includes $1,000 rebates for families or $500 for individuals to defray rising energy costs, Politico reports. The money would come in part from "windfall profits from Big Oil," the campaign says. Obama would pump another...

Journal Wonders Why McCain Is Waffling on Taxes
Journal Wonders Why McCain Is Waffling on Taxes

Journal Wonders Why McCain Is Waffling on Taxes

He's giving away a must-win fight on the economy

(Newser) - Taxes should be an easy issue for John McCain, as he’s running against a Democrat “who says matter-of-factly that he wants to raise” them. So the Wall Street Journal wonders why he appears to be giving away his advantage. Given a chance to voice his support for private...

AP Bureau Chief Considered Job With McCain

It's the 2nd accusation of cozying up to right wing for Fournier

(Newser) - Ron Fournier’s objectivity is being questioned yet again, as Politico reports that the AP’s Washington bureau chief was offered a senior position in the McCain campaign before returning to the wire service in March 2007. Fournier’s political leanings have been a hot topic lately, since a 2004...

Mac Attack Ad's Endless Media Coverage? Priceless

Spot airs everywhere, despite small spend

(Newser) - John McCain's tough TV spot, which attacks Barack Obama for backing out of a visit to US troops in Germany because he couldn't bring TV cameras along, has become one of the most widely seen ads of the campaign. That's pretty impressive, considering it only aired as a paid commercial...

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