McCain 2008

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'Melodramatic' McCain Misfires
 'Melodramatic' McCain Misfires 

'Melodramatic' McCain Misfires

Decisions to pull out shows McCain is "uncertain" campaigner: Klein

(Newser) - John McCain’s actions yesterday only add to the already-lengthy list of the candidate’s rash overreactions, Joe Klein writes in Time. But this one was particularly poorly thought out, because "the legislative crisis was already receding when he made his melodramatic—and somewhat wild-eyed—suspension of campaign activities...

Mac Spent $5,500 on Idol Artist

Republican candidate employs Hollywood makeup expert for TV slots

(Newser) - John McCain has spent more than $5,500 for the prime-time expertise of an American Idol makeup artist so the 72-year-old can be camera-ready for his TV appearances, Us Weekly reports. Tifanie White, who's also worked on So You Think You Can Dance, used her beauty school tricks to the...

McCain Launches Another Hail Mary

(Newser) - John McCain's decision to suspend his campaign to work on the bailout feels like another Hail Mary pass—his second in a month, counting the Sarah Palin pick—from a candidate slipping in the polls and looking for a bold move, writes John Dickerson in Slate. Given that it's not...

'Maverick' Aides Are Veteran Bushies

McCain-Palin campaign steered by former Bush workers

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may be a newcomer to national politics, but her army of aides has ace operatives who chiseled their craft working for George Bush's campaigns and administration, reports the Washington Post. They won the White House —twice —but some Republican loyalists question if the former Bush communications...

McCain Acting Like a 'Flustered Rookie': Will
McCain Acting Like a 'Flustered Rookie': Will

McCain Acting Like a 'Flustered Rookie': Will

Conservatives should fear self-righteous loose cannon

(Newser) - The economic crisis has one presidential candidate acting like a “flustered rookie,” writes George F. Will of the Washington Post, but despite his limited resume, “It is not Barack Obama.” McCain’s response has been incoherent, including a Queen of Hearts-esque call for SEC Chairman...

Mac's Market Approach Sours Amid Crisis

Obama seizes on plan for privatized Social Security accounts

(Newser) - The tumbling stock market has drawn the wrong kind of attention to John McCain’s Social Security and health-care positions, the Wall Street Journal reports, since the Republican has long been an advocate of more market-based, deregulated approaches in both areas. A new Barack Obama ad says McCain’s plan...

McCain Rx: Deregulate Health Care—Just Like Banks

So, about that reform you were talking about...

(Newser) - Paul Krugman of the New York Times could not believe his eyes when he saw what John McCain said in an article about health care this month in Contingencies. Quothe McCain: “Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last...

McCain Wants SEC Chief Out; Obama Says It's Not Enough

Candidates at odds over blame for market meltdown; Dem faults all Bush cronies

(Newser) - John McCain said today he would fire the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission and blasted federal regulators for being “asleep at the switch,” Bloomberg reports. McCain, who's lost ground in the polls during the recent economic turmoil, said the SEC “kept in place trading rules...

McCain's Lies Cross the Line
 McCain's Lies Cross the Line 

McCain's Lies Cross the Line

Senator has run a dirty campaign

(Newser) - Politicians often stretch the truth, but John McCain has taken things to a new level, writes Joe Klein in Time. Journalists usually play softball when criticizing candidates’ falsehoods, but now even the restrained New York Times editorial board is calling McCain a liar. McCain’s campaign has been a “...

Ignored Campaign Press Corps Gets Lonely

Candidates prefer national cable interviews

(Newser) - Technology and stricter press discipline have shut out campaign reporters, whose narratives traditionally formed Americans’ impressions of the candidates, Politico reports. John McCain hasn’t spoken to the press corps aboard Straight Talk Air in 5 weeks, and Barack Obama will only chat with on-the-plane reporters off the record—yet...

Financial Flip Reveals Yet Another McCain
Financial Flip Reveals Yet Another McCain

Financial Flip Reveals Yet Another McCain

Hasty reprogramming turns candidate into pro-regulation populist

(Newser) - John McCain tried on yet another new personality Tuesday, ranting about “abuses on Wall Street” and promising to “put an end to the greed” with new regulations. Yes, he was suddenly an angry populist, not the guy who’d favored deregulation his entire career, Gail Collins observes in...

Palin Plans Meet-and-Greet at UN Next Week

McCain plans to introduce her to foreign leaders at general assembly

(Newser) - John McCain plans to introduce Sarah Palin to foreign leaders at the United Nations next week to boost her foreign-policy experience, the Wall Street Journal reports. McCain advisers say they hope the running mate will demonstrate her diplomatic prowess and understanding of foreign-policy issues during the visit Tuesday, the same...

Election May Come Down to Same Ol' States
Election May Come Down to Same Ol' States

Election May Come Down to Same Ol' States

Focus back on Ohio, Fla., Penn., Mich., despite Obama plans

(Newser) - In the final 50 days, the biggest change in Barack Obama's camp is a return to old political strategy, the Washington Post reports. Partly because Sarah Palin's selection has solidified red/blue divisions of past years, Obama is targeting the same swing states—Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Florida—that determined the past...

Wasilla More Gritty Strip Mall Than Palin Lets On

Candidate's hometown not as picturesque as she might have us believe

(Newser) - Sarah Palin talks about Wasilla, Alaska, as if her hometown were an all-American idyll painted by Norman Rockwell, pulsing with “honesty and sincerity and dignity.” In reality, “it's an unexceptional, gritty town, bisected by a four-lane highway,” Amanda Coyne writes in Newsweek. “Along the road,...

5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead
 5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead 

5 Reasons Mac Is Now Ahead

(Newser) - Barack Obama's juggernaut rose on a (really) unpopular Republican presidency, an unpopular war, and a lousy economy. So why is John McCain suddenly ahead in the polls? Politico tracks five trends that have thrown the Democrats for a loop:
  1. McCain successfully established himself as a change agent, eroding Obama’s

Hollywood's Righties See Star Quality in Palin

Tinseltown's conservatives throwing weight, money behind VP candidate

(Newser) - Much of Hollywood may lean leftward, but Sarah Palin has the conservatives in town dreaming of capitalizing on the Alaska governor’s overnight popularity, Reuters reports. Palin’s “the kind of candidate that is made for Hollywood,” says MGM chief Harry Sloan, a vocal Republican. “She’s...

For McCain, Winning Is War's Only Honorable End
For McCain, Winning Is War's Only Honorable End

For McCain, Winning Is War's Only Honorable End

US must defend honor, even preemptively; Iraq offers chance to make up for Vietnam

(Newser) - John McCain’s views on war and defending the US were shaped by his Navy father and by his own time in Vietnam, Jeffrey Goldberg writes in the Atlantic, with victory as the only honorable outcome. His father believed public sentiment led to defeat in Vietnam even as a winning...

NY Post Endorses McCain
 NY Post Endorses McCain 

NY Post Endorses McCain

Praises 'battle-tested courage' over Obama's inexperience

(Newser) - The New York Post “emphatically” endorsed John McCain today, praising the Arizona senator’s “battle-tested courage, unshakeable devotion to principle,” and national security acumen, and dismissing the “tissue-paper-thin resume” of Barack Obama. Despite decades in Washington, McCain “is not of Washington,” the Post argues,...

McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey
McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey

McCain Takes Up Change Banner; Biden Says Malarkey

(Newser) - Talk shows were once again abuzz this morning, as both presidential campaigns entered the two-month sprint to the White House. A round-up of today’s highlights:
  • Obama revealed to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he’d once seriously considered joining the military, and rebutted Palin’s jabs at his community

Working Women Leery of Palin
Working Women Leery of Palin

Working Women Leery of Palin

Female solidarity aside, it's the economy, stupid —and Obama's feeling their pain

(Newser) - Working-class women may decide who makes it to the White House, and while Sarah Palin piqued the interest of many undecideds, her gender isn’t enough to override their main concerns over soaring food and gas prices, unaffordable health care, and record-high unemployment. The Los Angeles Times takes the pulse...

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