News Corp

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As Scandal Rages, Murdoch Charges In

Hacking debacle could topple long-dominant British tabloids

(Newser) - With a $19 billion deal on the rocks, Rupert Murdoch is on the ground in London to face the phone hacking scandal head on. Reading the final issue of his News of the World tabloid, Murdoch arrived this morning at his UK newspaper headquarters even as opposition leader Ed Miliband...

News of the World Closes: News Corp's Tabloid Hits the Presses a Last Time
 NotW Goes 
 to Presses 
 for Last Time 
Phone Hacking Scandal

NotW Goes to Presses for Last Time

'Thank You & Goodbye' says final headline

(Newser) - "Thank You & Goodbye," reads the final headline of the News of the World , closing in the wake of a disastrous phone-hacking scandal . For the newspaper's final edition, 5 million copies were printed, twice its usual run, with money from sales slated for charity. "For Rupert...

Could Phone Hack Mess Send Murdoch to Jail?

It's a stretch, but one analyst makes the case

(Newser) - Rupert Murdoch, who yesterday shut down the 168-year-old News of the World , faces the worst PR crisis of his six-decade career, reports the Washington Post . So far, the scandal is threatening to derail Murdoch's $12 billion bid for British Sky Broadcasting. It could even force Murdoch to testify before...

Cameron Calls for News of World Probes

But public suspects the closure is just a shell game

(Newser) - Facing a mounting public outcry over the News of the World scandal, David Cameron today announced a pair of investigations that will look into both the News of the World's activities (including allegations of police bribery) and the future of media regulation, the AP reports. Cameron said that politicians...

Former News of the World Editor Andy Coulson Faces Arrest in Phone Hacking Scandal
Ex-Editor Arrested in UK Phone Hacking Scandal

Ex-Editor Arrested in UK Phone Hacking Scandal

Andy Coulson also worked for David Cameron

(Newser) - And the hits just keep on coming for Rupert Murdoch's News Corp: Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson has been arrested, one day after Murdoch announced he was shutting down the tabloid over the UK phone hacking scandal. Police suspect Coulson knew about the hacking that took...

A Different Theory on Why Murdoch Shut Down Tabloid

It could help News Corp destroy evidence: Analyst

(Newser) - The Rupert Murdoch clan says it is closing News of the World because the phone hacking scandal "breached the trust" with the public. Maybe, but an expert on British media law smells a rat. Mark Stephens tells Reuters that the move could give News Corp the legal cover to...

Murdoch Shuts Down News of the World

Sunday will be the last edition of the paper

(Newser) - Mired in an ever-deepening phone hacking scandal, Rupert Murdoch's 168-year-old News of the World will fold after Sunday's edition, reports the Wall Street Journal. "If recent allegations are true, it was inhuman, and has no place in our company," James Murdoch said in a statement announcing...

News of World Scandal: More Hacks, Arrests Loom

Newly revealed targets: Families of dead troops, Princess Di inquest lawyer

(Newser) - The families of British service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan can likely be added to the ever-expanding list of people whose phones were hacked by Rupert Murdoch's News of the World, according to the Telegraph . And they're not the only new target to emerge. The AP reports...

Rupert Murdoch Has Only Himself to Blame
Rupert Murdoch Has Only Himself to Blame

Rupert Murdoch Has Only Himself to Blame

Phone hacking is byproduct of his own corporate culture: Alex Pareene

(Newser) - The phone hacking scandal involving Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. gets worse by the day, and while the big man himself has called the allegations "deplorable," he is sticking by news exec Rebekah Brooks even as the UK government promises an inquiry. This is no fleeting scandal, writes...

News of the World Targeted UK Terror Victims' Families

News of the World hacking scandal gets worse

(Newser) - Investigators probing how low Britain's News of the World was willing to go in pursuit of a story may have finally hit bottom: Police have notified relatives of the victims of the 2005 London bombings that they were targeted by the paper and may have had their phones hacked,...

Brit Paper Hacked Murdered Girl's Voicemail

Family given false hope as journalists cleared old messages

(Newser) - Even by the standards of British tabloids, this is pretty low: The News of the World hacked into the voicemail of a missing 13-year-old girl in 2002, a Guardian investigation finds. Journalists deleted old messages on Millie Dowler's phone to make space for new ones, giving her family hope...

Justin Timberlake, Ad Group Buy MySpace for $35M

News Corp takes massive loss on social networking also-ran

(Newser) - The hottest website of 2006 now belongs in part to one of that year's hottest stars. Justin Timberlake has teamed up with digital advertising agency Specific Media to take MySpace off the hands of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, reports the Telegraph . Insiders say the fallen giant of social...

News Corp. to Sell MySpace Within Days
MySpace Likely
to Be Sold This Week

MySpace Likely to Be Sold This Week

It could go for a relative pittance, thanks to Facebook

(Newser) - News Corp. is hoping to part with struggling social network site MySpace this week, and will likely lay off more than half of the remaining staff of 500, according to a person familiar with the matter. The company is looking to cut a deal tomorrow or Thursday in order to...

Even MySpace Founders No Longer Using Site

Site's decline blamed in part on Rupert Murdoch's loss of interest

(Newser) - MySpace has fallen so far that its own founders no longer bother updating their profiles, BusinessWeek finds in a detailed look at the rapid decline of the former juggernaut of social networking. Former CEO Chris DeWolfe, who founded the company with Tom Anderson in 2003, says he cringes on the...

Kate Middleton's Bank Account Hacked in 2005

Crime may be related to News of the World phone hacking scandal

(Newser) - The News of the World hacking scandal just got even more royal : Kate Middleton was a victim. But it was her bank account, not her phone, that was hacked, so the incident falls outside Operation Weeting, Scotland Yard’s phone hacking investigation. Middleton’s account was allegedly accessed in 2005...

News Corp Trying to Sell Off MySpace

Bids over $100M expected

(Newser) - Remember when News Corp shelled out more than a half-billion dollars to buy MySpace? Well, now it’s trying to dump the once-popular social networking site, and it’s starting the bidding at more than $100 million, a source tells Reuters . The company expects to have five or more bids...

Roger Ailes' Small-Town Paper Accuses Him of Spying
Ailes' Small-Town Paper
Accuses Him of Spying
Rumor Mill

Ailes' Small-Town Paper Accuses Him of Spying

Ex-editor at Ailes' pet project allegedly tailed by Newscorp security

(Newser) - Has Roger Ailes been spying on the staff of his small-town newspaper? That’s the rumor Gawker is reporting, describing the staff as in “open revolt” against the Fox News honcho. Anonymous former employees from the Putnam County News and Recorder say that highly-touted editor Joe Lindsley and several...

Two Journalists Arrested in Phone Hacking Scandal

Ian Edmondson, Neville Thurlbeck deny wrongdoing

(Newser) - Two journalists implicated in the News of the World phone hacking scandal have been arrested today. The former news editor, who was fired in January, and current chief reporter voluntarily turned themselves in at London police stations and were taken into custody on suspicion of illegally intercepting voicemail messages, the...

Vevo to Take MySpace Off News Corp's Hands?

Music website could get control

(Newser) - Struggling MySpace could soon be handed over to music website, Bloomberg reports. News Corp. is in talks to give control of MySpace to Vevo in exchange for a stake in a new venture, sources say. However, the talks are preliminary and several other parties are also looking...

Media Matters Declares 'War' on Fox News

Liberal group plans 'sabotage' campaign to discredit network

(Newser) - Nobody can accuse the liberal Media Matters group of having a hidden agenda. The mission is out in the open and called "war on Fox." That's how founder David Brock describes the group's new vision to Ben Smith of Politico . As part of this war, it plans a...

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