World Trade Center

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JPMorgan Heads for Ground Zero
JPMorgan Heads for Ground Zero

JPMorgan Heads for Ground Zero

Bank gets $100M in incentives to build new skyscraper on WTC site

(Newser) - JPMorgan Chase has agreed to a $300 million dollar deal to develop and lease one of the five skyscrapers planned for the World Trade Center site, giving a big boost to the development effort at Ground Zero. The financial services giant's investment banking and trading divisions will migrate to the...

Woman's Death the First Linked to 9/11 Dust

NYC medical examiner connects WTC exposure to fatal illnesses

(Newser) - Felicia Dunn-Jones is being added to the list of 9/11 victims—the first death officially linked to dust from the collapsing towers.  Killed in 2002 by sarcoidosis exacerbated by the deadly dust, she was initially rejected from the list for lack of evidence. But the cause of death is...

Trade Center Insurance Settled
Trade Center Insurance  Settled

Trade Center Insurance Settled

After 5 years of squabbling, rebuilding can begin in earnest

(Newser) - The five-year battle over insurance claims for the World Trade Center was resolved this afternoon, reports the New York Times. The seven insurers disputing the claims settled; $4.55 billion will go towards rebuilding ground zero, which will accommodate the Freedom Tower and three large office buildings.

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