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Snowe Could Be Lone GOP Health Care Vote

Democrats hope centrist senator can get them past 60

(Newser) - As health care talks grow more polarized, Democrats are looking to Olympia Snowe as their most likely—and quite possibly only—Republican vote, the New York Times reports. “I certainly hope not!” exclaims Snowe when asked about the possibility. But the centrist Maine senator has long been engaged...

Today's Senate Won't Produce Another Ted
 Today's Senate Won't Produce 
 Another Ted 

Today's Senate Won't Produce Another Ted

(Newser) - If you ask leading Democrats who can replace Ted Kennedy as the Senate’s liberal standard-bearer, the most frequent answer is “nobody,” writes Doyle McManus of the Los Angeles Times. No one has a record to match Kennedy’s, and in today’s Senate, building one would be...

McCain, Hatch Nods to Kennedy Are a Load of BS

(Newser) - John McCain and Orrin Hatch's recent kind words about Ted Kennedy's ability to negotiate across the aisle "would be touching as hell if they weren't total bull," Rick Ungar writes on True/Slant. Ungar shames the GOP senators for praising Kennedy's skills of reaching consensus while themselves refusing to...

Grassley: Town Halls Telling Us to Scale Back

(Newser) - Chuck Grassley, the leading Republican senator negotiating health care reform, said yesterday that Congress should pass a substantially narrower bill in the face of town hall anger. The Iowa legislator said baying crowds at public meetings had convinced him that the public has rejected "a government takeover of health...

Dems May Split Health Plan Into 2 Bills to Skirt GOP

(Newser) - Here's the latest health care strategy gaining traction among Democrats: Pass two bills instead of one. The idea, as laid out by the Wall Street Journal, goes like this: Democrats would tuck most of the legislation's more controversial spending measures—maybe even a public insurance option—into a first bill...

Obama Good at Becoming Prez, Not at Being Prez

(Newser) - Barack Obama doesn’t look like a unifying centrist anymore. At his suspiciously adoring health care town hall meeting, Obama “seemed like a man long celebrated as being very good at politics, who is finding out day by day that he isn’t,” writes Peggy Noonan of the...

Baucus & Co to Meet Obama for Health Care Talk

Today's chat signals prez is still looking for bipartisan compromise

(Newser) - Barack Obama will meet with all six key negotiators on the Senate Finance Committee today at the White House to discuss the effort to draft a compromise bill that could win some GOP support, the New York Times reports. It’s the first time he’s met with the six—...

Jindal Slams 'Dishonest' Health Plan
Jindal Slams 'Dishonest' Health Plan

Jindal Slams 'Dishonest' Health Plan

Dems' current version as bad as Hillarycare, Louisiana gov writes

(Newser) - President Obama is presenting health care reform as a bipartisan effort, but, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal writes in the Wall Street Journal, he and fellow Democrats have taken “a fundamentally dishonest approach to reform.” Obama is “repeating the mistakes” of Hillarycare, forcing Americans to join a public...

Obama Steams as Baucus Holds Up Health Bill

(Newser) - The health care reform bill is now in the hands of the Senate Finance Committee and chairman Max Baucus won't be rushed, Politico reports. The Montana Democrat, under pressure from the White House to get a deal done, has been locked in talks to build bipartisan consensus for financing the...

Reid's Refusal Leaves $320B Health Care Hole

Dems may look to income tax hike to cover cost of public option

(Newser) - Harry Reid met with Republicans yesterday to diffuse some of his tough talk on health care reform, but as Politico reports, the Senate majority leader has forced a scramble for $320 billion over 10 years to pay for the plan. Reid said he would not support a bill that taxed...

Reid Pulls Plug on GOP-Friendly Health Plan

(Newser) - Harry Reid yesterday pulled the plug on painstaking efforts to win bipartisan support for health care reform, telling Max Baucus to drop a proposal, aimed at wooing Republicans, that would tax health benefits and leave out a public insurance option. The Senate majority leader told Baucus, the Finance Committee chairman...

Long (Not Hopeless) Odds for Climate Bill in Senate: Silver

(Newser) - The climate change bill barely squeaked through the House yesterday, and while that doesn't bode well for its passing the Senate, it's not necessarily doomed there, Nate Silver writes on FiveThirtyEight. One factor is the White House: Having been relatively mum on the House battle, President Obama “has conserved...

Obama Needs to Toughen Up on Health Care: Krugman

President is dooming reform effort with 'giveaways': Krugman

(Newser) - Barack Obama loves to talk about his post-partisan approach to politics, finding common ground on domestic policy and bringing Republicans into his fold. But on many issues Obama "searches for common ground where none exists," New York Times columnist Paul Krugman writes, and the resulting bills are far...

Daschle, Dole Team Up for Outside Health Care Push

Could-have-been '90s partners finally team up

(Newser) - When the Clintons were trying to pass their health care reform bill in the early '90s, Tom Daschle tried desperately to enlist Bob Dole. Now, 15 years later, he finally has. Daschle and Dole, along with former Republican leader Howard Banker, are leading an outside push for a bipartisan health...

Senators Rank Bipartisan Colleagues

Kennedy, Collins named most bipartisan

(Newser) - If you want to reach across the aisle in the Senate, chances are you're stretching toward Ted Kennedy or Susan Collins, according to a Hill survey of the upper chamber. “I’d love to co-sponsor every piece of legislation with Ted Kennedy,” says Sen. Richard Burr. The most...

'Post-Partisan' Prez Can't Get Traction Across Aisle

Dems and Independents approve of the Prez, but the GOP still doesn't

(Newser) - President Obama's ratings are sky-high among Democrats but have reached a Bush-esque low among Republicans, making for a 61-point gap for the president who campaigned on a "post-partisan" platform. What's causing this problem? It starts with the fact that the public is more polarized than ever, writes Clarence Page...

Don't Use Budget Process for Big Reform: GOP to Obama

Procedure would allow Democrats to pass agenda with 51 votes

(Newser) - To circumvent a likely 60-vote minimum in the Senate for big-ticket bills like health reform, President Obama is considering pursuing proposals through a budgetary tactic known as reconciliation, where just 51 votes are needed and no filibustering is allowed. But Republicans are having none of it, Politico reports. Senate Republican...

'Dealmaker' Role Suits Reid
 'Dealmaker' Role Suits Reid 

'Dealmaker' Role Suits Reid

Under Obama, Majority Leader no longer needs to be attacker

(Newser) - When George Bush was boss, Harry Reid had to play attack dog—but with Barack Obama in office, the Senate majority leader has returned to a role more comfortable to him, writes Shailagh Murray in a Washington Post profile. These days, he’s a “dealmaker”—like Obama, he...

GOP Shifts Focus of Attacks Onto Obama

After targeting Pelosi, Reid, party aims at president on spending

(Newser) - For 6 weeks the Republicans have steered clear of criticizing Barack Obama, attacking the House and Senate leadership, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, while giving the popular president a free pass. But now, reports CQPolitics, the GOP is changing direction with a new campaign linking Obama with federal spending that...

GOP's Cantor Plays Foil in Obama's Bipartisan Push
GOP's Cantor Plays Foil in Obama's Bipartisan Push

GOP's Cantor Plays Foil in Obama's Bipartisan Push

(Newser) - At a time when congressional Republicans hold little power, Minority Whip Eric Cantor has finagled a pivotal role for himself in Washington. Cantor—Barack Obama’s Republican of choice in bipartisan overtures—has coyly positioned himself against House Democrats instead of the popular president, Rick Klein notes for ABC News....

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>