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After Stimulus Vote, Happy Hour's at the White House

Obama invites lawmakers for cocktails

(Newser) - A little liquor can buy a lot of goodwill. At least, that’s what President Obama is hoping—he’s invited key lawmakers to the White House for cocktails after the House votes this evening on the stimulus package, the New York Post reports. Keeping with Obama’s keenly diplomatic...

Obama to GOP: Turn Off Limbaugh

Rush isn't helping to 'get things done'

(Newser) - Meeting with GOP lawmakers to discuss his stimulus plan yesterday, Barack Obama took the opportunity to zing Rush Limbaugh, who said earlier this week that he wasn't one of those conservatives rooting for the new president to succeed, despite their differences. "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and...

Maverick McCain Back in Action

But for some Republicans, Mac's just a pain

(Newser) - Too bad John McCain couldn’t get this story written before the election: the New York Times reports that, back in the Senate, McCain is reverting from his dour, orthodox campaign persona to his maverick and frequently bipartisan ways. He’s been hanging out with President Obama, and he told...

GOP Balks at Stimulus Plan
 GOP Balks at  
 Stimulus Plan 

GOP Balks at Stimulus Plan

Republicans, Democrats trade charges of under-the-table partisanship

(Newser) - The $825 billion stimulus plan before Congress has hit a wall of Republican objections despite the president's call for bipartisan unity, reports the Washington Post. GOP lawmakers charge that Democrats have shut them out of the decision-making process and that the plan pours cash into Democratic agenda items like arts...

Calm Down! 7 Reasons to Be Skeptical

 Calm Down! 
 7 Reasons to 
 Be Skeptical 

Calm Down! 7 Reasons to Be Skeptical

Yep; here are some reasons for concern and skepticism about Obama

(Newser) - Yesterday’s inauguration was such a feel-good fest, and our problems are so dire, that everybody is on board with President Obama. Leave it to Politico’s Jim VandeHei and John F. Harris, then, to give us some reasons for skepticism:
  • The genius fallacy: The best and brightest screw up,

Former Rivals Cozy Up on Inaugural Eve

Obama hails McCain as 'national hero'

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain buried the hatchet last night at a dinner honoring the Arizona senator, whom Obama called an "American hero." The president-elect praised McCain's bipartisan record and added, "John is not known to bite his tongue and if I'm screwing up, he's going...

Obama Turning to McCain for Advice

Former rival is honored guest at inauguration party

(Newser) - Not only is John McCain in town for Barack Obama's inauguration, he's the guest of honor at an event celebrating it, reports the New York Times. In fact, the president-elect has been discreetly consulting his former rival—the one Obama said America can't trust on the Iraq war—on Iraq,...

Obama Builds Even More Bridges to GOP

(Newser) - Barack Obama's courting of conservatives is well-known, but he's done even more quiet outreach behind the scenes, Politico reports. Obama has publicly extended an olive branch to the likes of John McCain, Rick Warren, and George Will—but he's also contacted prominent Republicans on Capitol Hill and organizations such as...

Mac Is Back, Pushing Reforms

GOP stalwart returns to Senate, eye on reining in lobbying and earmarks

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain, forgotten but not gone after his failed bid for the presidency, was back in form this week as he pushed bipartisan reform of earmarks and lobbying, Congressional Quarterly reports. Though the Arizona Republican’s eyes were watery and he had some trouble reading at the press conference,...

Ga.'s Chambliss on Runoff: 'We'll Win Again'
Ga.'s Chambliss on Runoff: 'We'll Win Again'

Ga.'s Chambliss on Runoff: 'We'll Win Again'

Fellow GOP senators praise Obama picks, pledge bipartisanship

(Newser) - Despite failing to muster 50% of the vote Nov. 4, Sen. Saxby Chambliss said he would prevail in Tuesday’s runoff against Democrat Jim Martin. “We’ll win again,” the Georgia Republican declared on Fox News Sunday. But Chambliss declined to say he would benefit from the lower...

Klein: Obama's Team of Rivals 'Strong and Wise'

Obama's rumored picks signal preference for diplomacy over militarism: Klein

(Newser) - If current rumblings are to be believed, Barack Obama’s national security team would be disparate indeed, consisting of Hillary Clinton at State, retired general Jim Jones as National Security Adviser, and Robert Gates sticking around as defense secretary. It’s an “extremely strong and wise,” team, writes...

Obama Talks to Gates About Staying at Pentagon

Defense Secretary fulfill talk of bipartisan cabinet

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Robert Gates are negotiating policy issues with a view toward Gates remaining Defense secretary, the Financial Times reports, a move that would make the Bush appointee a key member of a bipartisan cabinet that resembles Abraham Lincoln's “team of rivals.” Gates, a former CIA chief,...

GOP Picks for Obama's 'Team of Rivals'

 GOP Picks for 
 Obama's 'Team of Rivals' 

GOP Picks for Obama's 'Team of Rivals'

Who are the best bipartisan choices for Obama?

(Newser) - Barack Obama talks a good game about bipartisanship. But now that he’s staffing up, it’s time to see if he walks the walk. The Wall Street Journal runs through some potential GOP appointees:
  • Jim Leach. This former Iowa congressman was chosen to help represent the president-elect at the

Obama, McCain to Meet Monday
 Obama, McCain 
 to Meet Monday 

Obama, McCain to Meet Monday

Former rivals to meet, plan how best to work together

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama will sit down with former rival John McCain in Chicago on Monday, their first meeting since Election Day. The two will be joined by Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel and McCain confidant Lindsay Graham, the AP reports. No word on a specific agenda.

Assaults on Our Freedom Come From Left and Right

Long bipartisan history of infringing on rights of Americans

(Newser) - Those who blame the current administration for assaults on US constitutional freedoms should take a longer view, writes Alexander Cockburn in the American Conservative. “No doubt the conservatives who cheered Bush on as he abrogated ancient rights and stretched the powers of his office to unseen limits would have...

Palin: 'It Would Be My Honor' to Help Obama

Alaska governor says Ayers ties still concern her

(Newser) - Sarah Palin said it would be her "honor" to help the Obama administration, though she's “still concerned” about his ties to “an unrepentant domestic terrorist,” CNN reports. Palin said that while it was fair to continue discussing William Ayers, it's “time to move on.”...

Six Ways to Rebuild the McCain Brand
Six Ways
to Rebuild the
McCain Brand

Six Ways to Rebuild the McCain Brand

In defeat, the maverick can remind Americans why they liked him

(Newser) - The fight for the presidency has left John McCain's reputation battered and bruised, but Christopher Beam of Slate suggests six steps the senator should take to return to glory.
  • Remeet the press. The bad blood between McCain and the media can be removed if he stops clamming up and "

Six Ways for Obama to Walk It Like He Talks It
Six Ways for Obama to Walk It Like He Talks It

Six Ways for Obama to Walk It Like He Talks It

Embrace Mac, appoint Repubs, work free, urges Slate scribe

(Newser) - Barack Obama has promised a new kind of presidency, and John Dickerson of Slate has six ways for the president-elect to transform that promise into action.
  • Embrace John McCain. A meeting with McCain would show graciousness in victory and could gain Obama a powerful ally for bipartisan action.
  • Appoint Republicans.

From Sickbed, Kennedy Crafts Health Plan

Bipartisan effort includes industry; goal is universal coverage

(Newser) - Even as he undergoes cancer treatment, Ted Kennedy is coordinating bipartisan meetings with colleagues and lobbyists in an effort to produce health care legislation that includes universal coverage, the Washington Times reports. The meetings—involving labor unions, insurers, drug companies, and hospitals—“are a testament to how people feel...

Pressure Shifts Back to Pelosi
 Pressure Shifts Back to Pelosi 

Pressure Shifts Back to Pelosi

Speaker, derided for partisan remarks ahead of first vote, gets another crack at bailout bill

(Newser) - After Republicans blamed partisan remarks for dooming Monday’s bailout vote, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is firmly in the crosshairs with a second chance coming tomorrow, the Sacramento Bee reports. But the Democrat isn’t backing off, a rep says. “Part of being able to deal with this crisis is...

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