
Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>

Yemen Releases 170 al-Qaeda Suspects

Prepares for sweep of al-Qaeda base

(Newser) - Yemen has freed 170 men suspected of having ties to al-Qaeda, reports AP. The men were released to tribal chiefs after signing pledges to renounce terrorism. Yemeni military spokesmen say troops are poised to sweep through the al-Qaeda stronghold of Marib. Though such releases have often raised US hackles, Yemeni...

CIA to Obama: British Terrorists Pose Top Threat

(Newser) - The CIA thinks the next attempt to launch a 9/11-level attack is likely to come out of Britain and has informed President Obama of a huge new spy operation within the UK, intelligence sources tell the Daily Telegraph. Agents say the most likely theoretical culprit is British-born Pakistani extremist entering...

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families
 Obama Meets With 9/11 Families 

Obama Meets With 9/11 Families

President moves to reassure families over his plans for terror suspects

(Newser) - Barack Obama met yesterday with people who lost relatives in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the bombing of the USS Cole in an effort to reassure them about his plans for detained al-Qaeda suspects, McClatchy Newspapers reports. The president hugged some of the 40 attendees at the highly emotional...

Lieberman: 5 Surges for Afghanistan
Lieberman: 5 Surges
for Afghanistan

Lieberman: 5 Surges for Afghanistan

Senator outlines plan to empower moderate Muslims, win war

(Newser) - It’s going to be a difficult slog, bound to get worse before it gets better, but we must win the war in Afghanistan, writes Joe Lieberman in the Wall Street Journal. If we follow his prescriptions, he writes, we can empower moderates and make Afghanistan an al-Qaeda “graveyard”...

Cheney: Soft Obama Makes Terror Attack More Likely

Says fighting extremists 'a tough, mean, dirty, nasty business'

(Newser) - Dick Cheney thinks there’s a “high probability” terrorists will attack the US with a biological or nuclear weapon, and that Barack Obama’s policies will likely only increase those odds. Fighting terrorism is “a tough mean, dirty, nasty business,” the former vice president told Politico. “...

11 Freed From Gitmo Disappear Into Terror Network

Saudi Arabia admits former detainees may be with al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Eleven Saudi nationals who were released from detention at Guantanamo Bay have likely rejoined terrorist groups, the Saudi government said yesterday. The prisoners participated in a rehabilitation program after returning to Saudi Arabia, but all of them have fled the country—probably to Yemen or Iran. The situation underscores President...

Iraq Nabs 'Mother' of Female Terrorists

Accused of recruiting 80 suicide bombers

(Newser) - Iraqi forces have arrested a woman suspected of recruiting more than 80 female suicide bombers, the Times of London reports. Samira Ahmed Jassim, known as “the mother of the believers,” has confessed to sending 28 women on suicide missions. Jassim also admitted to planning the rapes of many...

Al-Qaeda 'Decimated' in Pakistan: US Officials

(Newser) - CIA-directed air raids into Pakistan have “decimated” al-Qaeda’s senior leadership, killing up to a dozen high-level targets, senior US military officials tell NPR. They say a “complete al-Qaeda defeat” there is now entirely possible. “The enemy is really, really struggling,” says one official. “These...

How to Fix Afghanistan
 How to Fix Afghanistan 

How to Fix Afghanistan

Four ways to improve strategy in misdirected war

(Newser) - The war in Afghanistan is going poorly, but there’s still time for the US to hone its strategy, Fareed Zakaria writes in Newsweek. We must keep in mind our chief aim, well-put by Defense Secretary Robert Gates: “to prevent Afghanistan from being used as a base for terrorists...

Yemen Is New Haven for al-Qaeda
Yemen Is
New Haven
for al-Qaeda

Yemen Is New Haven for al-Qaeda

Group's numbers likely to see boost from freed Gitmo inmates

(Newser) - As the US prepares to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Yemen presents a problem: Despite government efforts, the country is becoming a safe haven for al-Qaeda operatives, the Economist reports. Rebuffed by anti-terror initiatives in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, jihadists have flocked to Yemen, where rugged countryside, weak...

Gitmo Judge Refuses Obama's Order to Delay Trials

Delay in USS Cole case 'does not serve the interest of justice,' Army colonel says

(Newser) - The lead judge in the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals has refused President Obama’s order to suspend legal proceedings against one of the terror prison’s detainees, Reuters reports. Army Col. James Pohl said tribunal rules give him sole authority to delay litigation in the case of Abd al Rahim...

War, Not Nation-Building, Will Be Obama's Top Afghan Goal

Objectives could strain, even break, US ties with President Karzai

(Newser) - In a departure from Bush policies, the Obama administration intends to ramp up military operations in Afghanistan at the expense of reconstruction, the New York Times reports, shifting the burden of civil work to NATO allies. “If we set ourselves the objective of creating some sort of Central Asian...

Al-Qaeda Struggles to Rally Muslims Against Obama

Bush was much easier target for rallying support

(Newser) - In George W. Bush, al-Qaeda leaders had an easy figurehead to rally against. But championing the jihadist movement with Barack Obama in the White House is a different story, the Washington Post reports. Qaeda militants are firing insults at Obama, including “hypocrite," "house Negro,” and "...

Freed Detainee Becomes Al-Qaeda Chief

After Gitmo, suspected in bombing of US embassy in Yemen

(Newser) - As Barack Obama prepares to close Guantanamo Bay, the story of Said Ali al-Shihri provides a cautionary tale. Released from the prison camp in 2007, the Saudi has become the deputy leader of al-Qaeda’s Yemeni branch and is suspected of involvement in the bombing of the US embassy there...

Crocker Cautions Against Abrupt Iraq Withdrawal

Ambassador cautions that al-Qaeda will take advantage of power vacuum

(Newser) - The US ambassador to Iraq warned today against an abrupt troop withdrawal, saying it would invite foreign fighters, CNN reports. If we “decide suddenly we’re done, they would certainly work to use space that opened up,” Ryan Crocker said of al-Qaeda. Crocker, who will step down shortly,...

Pakistan Arrests Suspect in '05 London Attacks

Al-Qaeda commander nabbed after tip from US intelligence

(Newser) - Pakistani police have arrested an al-Qaeda suspect believed to have links to the 2005 London transit bombings, acting on a tip from the US. Zabi ul Taifi, a Saudi national, was among seven al-Qaeda suspects caught in a raid near Peshawar, reports the AP. An unmanned spy plane and three...

Black Death Wipes Out al-Qaeda Camp in Algeria

Bubonic plague wiped out 40 recruits at Algerian base

(Newser) - Bubonic plague is believed to have wiped out dozens of al-Qaeda recruits at a terror training camp in Algeria, the Daily Mail reports. The epidemic came to light when security forces found a militant's diseased body dumped on a roadside. Security sources say the plague forced the group to turn...

Bin Laden Son Leaves Iran for Pakistan

US thinks Tehran held Saad as leverage against attacks

(Newser) - American officials say Saad bin Laden, a son of Osama and an al-Qaeda operative, is free from years of house arrest in Iran and is now in Pakistan, the New York Times reports. The circumstances of his enforced stay in Iran are unclear, as are those surrounding his release, or...

Judge Orders Youngest Gitmo Prisoner Freed

Chadian citizen, 21, has been held at camp since he was 14

(Newser) - A judge has ordered the military to release the youngest prisoner ever sent to Guantanamo Bay, reports CNN. The judge ruled that Mohammad el-Gharani, sent to the detention center in 2002 at the age of 14, was not an enemy combatant. El-Gharani's lawyer said his client, a citizen of Chad,...

Obama: US Can Defeat Osama Without Killing Him

He'd prefer it, but says troops can isolate him

(Newser) - John McCain may have vowed during the campaign to go to the gates of hell to kill Osama bin Laden, but Barack Obama suggested tonight it may not be necessary. In an interview with Katie Couric on CBS, Obama said that while he'd prefer to "capture or kill" bin...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>