
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Busy Military Cemeteries Keep Customers Satisfied

1,800 vets a day are dying

(Newser) - With veterans of World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam dying at a record clip, US National Cemeteries are performing more than 100 burials a day—and often use assembly-line tactics to meet demand, AP reports. Despite the use of heavy machinery and the volume—1,800 veterans die...

Senate OKs GI Bill, Sparking Obama-McCain Joust

Exchanges sharper than usual from all corners

(Newser) - Senate Republicans broke with President Bush and John McCain to help pass a GI bill that gives education benefits to veterans, setting off a sharp war of words between McCain and Barack Obama, the Huffington Post reports. “I can’t believe he believes it is too generous,” said...

'Virtual Iraq' Helps Vets Face Stress

Treatment drags soldiers back to moments of crisis

(Newser) - Therapists are plunging US war veterans back into the horrors of battle—as therapy. A virtual reality treatment is helping them cope with post-traumatic stress disorder by returning them to scarring events until their shock value wanes. "When the ground starts vibrating and you smell smoke and hear the...

VA Doctor Discouraged Post-Traumatic Diagnoses

Email urged staffers to save disability costs

(Newser) - A team leader at a veterans' medical center in Texas sent staffers an email urging them to avoid diagnosing post-traumatic stress disorder, the Washington Post reports. "Given that we are having more and more compensation-seeking veterans, I'd like to suggest that you refrain from giving a diagnosis of PTSD...

'Sorry' Gates: We Let Down Our Soldiers

He regrets poor treatment for Iraq, Afghanistan vets

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates admitted yesterday that the US military made mistakes in taking care of soldiers back from Afghanistan and Iraq, reports Reuters. He said he regretted that veterans had received inadequate care for physical and mental problems, particularly those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Gates also acknowledged that...

Soldier Laid to Rest After 4 Years

Thousands pay tribute to Sgt. Matt Maupin in Ohio memorial services

(Newser) - Thousands attended emotional memorial services over the weekend for an Ohio Army reservist whose remains made the journey home 4 years after he was captured in Iraq. Ten thousand filed past Staff Sgt. Matt Maupin's casket, and 3,000 attended a ceremony at Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati yesterday,...

VA 'Lying About Vet Suicides'
VA 'Lying
About Vet

VA 'Lying About Vet Suicides'

It's 12,000 attempts a year, not 790, says secret email

(Newser) - A Democratic senator is calling for the resignation of the Veterans Administration mental health chief, accusing him of deliberately hiding the truth about suicide attempts among US veterans, the Dallas Morning News reports. A secret agency email put the number of suicide attempts at 12,000 a year—not the...

Military Families Sue VA Over Suicides

Agency doesn't do enough for veterans' mental health, suit says

(Newser) - Veterans Affairs hasn’t done enough to stem the “rising tide” of suicides and mental health problems, according to a class action lawsuit going to trial this week. Roughly 20% of deployed US troops are suffering from mental illness, a recent study shows, and an average of 18 kill...

Clark: McCain Must Get Behind Update to GI Bill
Clark: McCain Must Get Behind Update to GI Bill

Clark: McCain Must Get Behind Update to GI Bill

Convincing GOP on aid for fellow veterans a must, general says

(Newser) - John McCain is "casting doubt" on his "commitment to the newest generation of American heroes” by not throwing his support behind an extension of the GI Bill, Wesley Clark writes in the Los Angeles Times. A bipartisan overhaul would fix the bill that once guaranteed veterans a paid...

Gulf Illness Blamed on Chemicals
Gulf Illness Blamed on Chemicals

Gulf Illness Blamed on Chemicals

Pesticides and nerve agents cause syndrome, says researcher

(Newser) - Exposure to chemicals and pesticides during the first Gulf War is the likely cause of widespread illnesses suffered by its veterans, a new study concludes. Some 250,000 veterans of the conflict—a third of the troops who served— suffer fatigue, muscle and joint pain, memory lapses, intestinal problems, and...

Iraq's Toll Spirals Into Trillions
Iraq's Toll Spirals Into Trillions

Iraq's Toll Spirals Into Trillions

Iraq may cost up to $12.5B each month

(Newser) - In 2002 Donald Rumsfeld envisioned an Iraq war price tag of "something under $50 billion," but a Harvard professor and a Nobel-prize winning economist now pin the total cost at $3 trillion, with a "running cost" of $12.5 billion a month. As the Iraq war enters...

US Troops Lose Hearing at Alarming Rates

Aural damage from Iraq, Afghanistan wars reaching epidemic levels

(Newser) - US troops are coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan with epidemic rates of hearing damage, AP reports, with 128,000 disabled by permanent hearing loss or tinnitus, ringing in the ears. The nature of the current conflict is part of the problem, with roadside bombs and sudden ambushes giving troops...

Seniors Running for Their Lives
Seniors Running for Their Lives

Seniors Running for Their Lives

Exercise extends life of older men

(Newser) - Older men who jog or walk briskly for 30 minutes several times a week die at half the rate in the same period as contemporaries who are not fit, according to a new study. The study monitored 15,000 veterans, aged 50 to 70, for more than seven years. Researchers...

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP
Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Fla. Holds the Key for GOP

Sunshine State can boost, dash electoral dreams

(Newser) - The Republican field has made a mad dash for wide-open Florida, where Mike Huckabee prays for the Panhandle pious, John McCain hustles veterans, and Rudy Giuliani reminds ex-New Yorkers how much he did for them. The Jan. 29 primary is the first closed contest, meaning McCain can’t rely on...

McCain Blasts Mailer Attacking War Record

Confident he'll win SC, dismisses claim he sold out fellow POWs

(Newser) - Citing "deceitful smear tactics" by "fringe elements," John McCain's campaign is on the offensive against a flier circulating in South Carolina attacking his war record—an echo of the attacks that derailed his 2000 candidacy. The flier, sent to some 80 newspaper editors, claims McCain betrayed his...

In SC Primary, It's Values vs. Defense Voters

Huckabee, McCain divide GOP in state rich in churches, military

(Newser) - The pastor and the POW have exposed a deep divide in the South Carolina GOP, reports Politico, with the national security faithful on one side and diehard social conservatives on the other. Ahead of this weekend’s primary, Mike Huckabee is traveling to churches and John McCain is dispatching teams...

PTSD: Vets Wage Internal Wars
PTSD: Vets Wage Internal Wars

PTSD: Vets Wage Internal Wars

Combat trauma continues to plague returning soldiers

(Newser) - Records of post-traumatic stress disorder go as far back as The Odyssey, and Iraq veterans are adding to the list. Combat trauma has been repeatedly linked with rates of unemployment, substance abuse, domestic violence and criminality above the national average. Yet  PTSD victims aren't getting the treatment they need, and...

Injury Tally Misses Brain Trauma
Injury Tally Misses Brain Trauma

Injury Tally Misses Brain Trauma

20K troops omitted from casualty list

(Newser) - More than 20,000 service members not classified as wounded in combat have signs of brain injury, according to an examination of records by USA Today. The actual number of troops with brain trauma suffered in Iraq or Afghanistan was more than five times the official tally, meaning that the...

Vets' Mental Issues Slow to Surface: Study

Troops more likely to report disorders 3-6 months after return from combat

(Newser) - US troops report worse mental health several months after returning from Iraq than immediately after getting home, an Army study shows. Upon return home, one general said, “you’re almost euphoric,” but later “the stress starts to resurface.” The study also found that National Guard reservists...

Vietnam Vets Honored in DC
Vietnam Vets Honored in DC

Vietnam Vets Honored in DC

58,256 names being read this week, marking memorial wall's 25th anniversary

(Newser) - Veterans and loved ones are braving Washington, D.C.'s cold temps this week to honor those who fell or vanished in Vietnam, the Chicago Tribune reports. Marking the Vietnam memorial's 25th anniversary, they started reading its 58,256 names aloud this week, and plan to finish tomorrow. This is...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>