
Stories 101 - 114 | << Prev 

Turkish Elections Boost PM
Turkish Elections
Boost PM

Turkish Elections Boost PM

Islamist-rooted, pro-EU ruling party sees mandate in results

(Newser) - Turkey’s ruling party dominated parliamentary elections today despite its perceived threat to the nation’s entrenched secularism. The elections were moved up after the secular opposition foiled PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan's attempt to install an ex-Islamist ally as president. The results, seen as a mandate for the AKP, also...

Two Car Bombs Kill at Least 80 in Kirkuk

Sunni insurgents, forced north by surge, target Kurds

(Newser) - Two suicide car bombs killed at least 85 people in the Kurdish city of Kirkuk today, exploding within 20 minutes of each other at the headquarters of a Kurdish political party and a busy market, the AP reports. Some of the victims were trapped on a bus and burned to...

Bomb Kills at Least 105 in Iraq
Bomb Kills at Least 105 in Iraq

Bomb Kills at Least 105 in Iraq

Blast at outdoor market in village 100 miles north of Baghdad wounds 250

(Newser) - A truck carrying 2 tons of explosives detonated in a northern Iraqi outdoor market today, killing at least 105 and wounding another 250, CNN reports. The blast also leveled many surrounding buildings, trapping dead and wounded under rubble. The truck was disguised as a military vehicle; the village, Amerli, is...

Key Iraqi Oil Bill Stalls
Key Iraqi Oil
Bill Stalls

Key Iraqi Oil Bill Stalls

Sunni, Shia and Kurds still at odds; White House benchmark not being met

(Newser) - Bitter infighting among Iraq's ethnic and religious groups is holding up crucial legislation on Iraqi oil regulation and distribution, the AP reports. Despite heavy pressure from Washington to pass the bill, debate scheduled to start yesterday was delayed. Sunnis object to the bill because they fear most oil wealth will...

Chemical Ali Is Sentenced to Hang
Chemical Ali
Is Sentenced
to Hang

Chemical Ali Is Sentenced to Hang

Hussein cousin and 2 others get death for wiping out Kurds

(Newser) - The Iraqi commander known as Chemical Ali was sentenced to hang today for ordering the  use of chemical weapons to wipe out whole Kurdish villages, killing some 180,000 people, two decades ago. Ali Hassan al-Majid, a cousin of Saddam Hussein, and two others found guilty of war crimes by...

Iraq Misses Mark on US Demands
Iraq Misses Mark on US Demands

Iraq Misses Mark on US Demands

Sectarian political deadlock stymies progress on mandated milestones

(Newser) - The Iraqi government has flubbed virtually all of the legal benchmarks proscribed by the US occupation. Sunni, Shia, and Kurdish blocs in Iraq's legislature have so far failed to agree on watershed issues like distributing oil wealth, debaathification, and curbing sectarian violence; now scorekeepers are saying no major legislation will...

Turks, Kurds in Tense Standoff at Iraqi Border

Both sides want US support in dispute over separatist insurgents

(Newser) - As the Turkish military continued its aggressive saber-rattling along the border with Iraq this week, the US finds itself in a tough spot. The Turks want a green light to go after Kurdish separatist guerrillas hiding in northern Iraq; the Kurds want protection. “Now the U.S. has to...

Turkey Menaces Kurds
Turkey Menaces Kurds

Turkey Menaces Kurds

Buildup along border makes U.S., Iraq nervous

(Newser) - Turkish troops and tanks amassing along the border with Iraq are ready to go after Kurdish separatist guerrillas as soon as they get the order, the country's top general said yesterday. The US, Iraq and the EU are all urging Turkey not to launch the offensive, which could destabilize Northern...

Kurds Forced From Homes in Mosul
Kurds Forced From Homes
in Mosul

Kurds Forced From Homes in Mosul

Sunni Arabs, stymied by the political process, resort to violence

(Newser) - Over 1,000 Kurds have been killed in Mosul recently, victims of a Sunni Arab insurgent drive to force them out of the Ninevah province and into Iraqi Kurdistan. And the attacks are working, reports the International Herald Tribune; as many as 70,000 Kurds have abandoned Iraq's third-largest city.

Turks Finger Kurds Over Bombing
Turks Finger Kurds Over Bombing

Turks Finger Kurds Over Bombing

Iraq-based separatist group blamed, boosting tensions

(Newser) - Turkish authorities identified the suicide bomber in Tuesday's Ankara bombing yesterday, and pointed the finger at the PKK, a Kurdish separatist group headquartered in northern iraq. The Financial Times reports  the bombing  has renewed calls for Turkey to attack guerrilla bases in Kurdistan, a move which would have serious repercussions...

Bombing Rocks Turkish Capital
Bombing Rocks Turkish Capital

Bombing Rocks Turkish Capital

Ankara attack may prompt move against Kurdish militants on Iraqi border

(Newser) - An explosion shocked the Turkish capital yesterday, killing six and injuring at least 100 in a busy marketplace. The bombing comes at a delicate time for the country, the New York Times observes, as Parliament clash with the governing party over the place of Islam in the secular democracy.

Turks threaten action in Iraq against Kurds

U.S. scrambling to head off strikes that could derail effectiveness of surge

(Newser) - Turkey is threatening military intervention against leftist Kurdish guerrillas said to be massing in northern Iraq, planning to attack targets across their border. Washington is trying to placate the Turks, fearing that a Turkish incursion would further destabilize the fledgling Iraqi government.

The Uncontainable Kurds
The Uncontainable Kurds

The Uncontainable Kurds

(Newser) - Tehran resident and frequent commentator on Iran, Christopher de Bellaigue, travels west to Turkey to examine the status of Kurds in Turkey. He describes how some have become the fully assimilated Turks that the government so much wanted them to become; but that many have maintained a separate ethnic and...

Iraqi Cabinet Approves Deal to Divide Oil Revenues

Every region would get a share of profits based on population

(Newser) - The Iraqi cabinet approved a law yesterday spelling out how revenue from the country's petroleum reserves will be doled out to provinces: based on population. The deal, which must be approved by the parliament, eases Sunni fears about being cut out of wealth generated by oil reserves in Shiite areas.

Stories 101 - 114 | << Prev