nuclear weapons

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India Nuclear Deal Is a Go
 India Nuclear Deal Is a Go 

India Nuclear Deal Is a Go

Congress passes agreement three years in the making to sell nuclear material

(Newser) - A deal with India to sell nuclear fuel and technology made it through Congress last night after 3 years of negotiation, the LA Times reports. The agreement, passed by the Senate moments before the bailout bill, repeals the 30-year-old ban imposed after India defied international law to develop a bomb....

Bush Is Right on Nuclear India
 Bush Is Right on Nuclear India 

Bush Is Right on Nuclear India

Recognizing the country's status—with nukes and otherwise—sensible diplomacy

(Newser) - President Bush has taken a lot of heat for the nuclear deal he’ll celebrate during this week’s visit by Indian PM Manmohan Singh, but it’s a wise move, Gideon Rachman writes in the Financial Times. “India is going to be one of the great powers of...

Kim's Death Unlikely to Breed Chaos
 Kim's Death Unlikely 
 to Breed Chaos 

Kim's Death Unlikely to Breed Chaos

Doomsday scenarios for North Korean succession farfetched

(Newser) - With Kim Jong Il conspicuously out of the public eye in recent months, some speculate that his death could shatter the North Korean government and precipitate humanitarian and possibly military crises. But the reality of succession, Philip Bowring writes in the International Herald Tribune, is likely to be far more...

Kim Jong-Il a 'Pigmy', 'Tyrant' US Will Miss
Kim Jong-Il a 'Pigmy', 'Tyrant' US Will Miss

Kim Jong-Il a 'Pigmy', 'Tyrant' US Will Miss

Like a good dictator, he kept N. Korea's nukes in check

(Newser) - The Bush administration felt a pending bittersweet goodbye when news leaked that North Korea's Kim Jong-Il likely had a stroke last month, the New York Times reports. True, officials had called Kim a "tyrant" and a "pigmy," but they knew he kept close tabs on his nation's...

Elect the Guy Who Can Prevent This
 Elect the Guy 
 Who Can Prevent This 

Elect the Guy Who Can Prevent This

Keeping terrorists from striking US with nukes is next president's only real goal

(Newser) - Fannie and Freddie, health-care reform, and Wasilla, Alaska, are just meaningless election “commentary” to Jeffrey Goldberg, who writes in the New York Times that nuclear terrorism is the only issue that matters. Proliferation experts say the chance of a terrorist group detonating an atomic bomb in the US could...

Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia
Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia

Nuke Advantage Emboldened Putin's Russia

US disarmament partly to blame for Georgia war, says Schoenfeld

(Newser) - Diplomats and pundits have debated what led Russia to attack Georgia so forcefully, pointing to everything from newfound economic strength to a sense of national humiliation. But Gabriel Schoenfeld, editor at neoconservative magazine Commentary, has another explanation: it's Russia's growing nuclear advantage, especially with short-range arms, that has "helped...

Russia Issues Nuke Threat to Poland

Nation 'exposed' to strike if it hosts US base, general warns

(Newser) - A top Russian general warned yesterday that Poland would be "100% exposed" to nuclear attack if it follows through with plans to host a US missile defense system, reports the Times of London. The agreement "cannot go unpunished," the general warned in the first direct threat from...

North Korea Sticks on 'Axis of Evil' List

Rice says Pyongyang hasn't made progress on nuclear issue

(Newser) - The US will not remove North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism, Reuters reports. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told her Japanese counterpart that Pyongyang had not made sufficient progress on a verification plan for its nuclear programs, which was a condition for removing it from the...

World to Iran: More Sanctions in Store

Move follows missed deadline concerning nuclear program

(Newser) - Iran faces new global sanctions after ignoring an offer designed to halt its uranium enrichment program, the AP reports. In a move intended to boost international pressure, the UN Security Council's permanent members, plus Germany, agreed today that their only option is to turn up the heat. "Iran has...

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights
Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

President rejects deadline for halting uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected an informal deadline from the UN Security Council to halt its uranium enrichment program, the AP reports. In talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad refused to cede "a single iota of its nuclear rights" despite threats of more sanctions. Tehran maintains its nuclear program is...

US Nuke Bomb Crew Caught Napping

Sleeping missile crew held secret codes

(Newser) - A three-man US missile crew fell asleep while in possession of  top secret launch codes for nuclear missiles, reports Reuters. It happened earlier this month at a Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota—the same site of a breach last year in which nuclear weapons were erroneously loaded on...

Judge Orders Rosenberg Evidence Kept Secret

Attorneys sought material to clear Ethel

(Newser) - Evidence that could clear the name of Ethel Rosenberg must stay under wraps to protect grand jury secrecy, a judge ruled yesterday. Ethel and husband Julius were executed in 1953 for passing atomic secrets to the Soviets. Her brother David Greenglass, who testified against her, has since said he lied...

Dear Obama: Oppose Iran and We'll Love You
Dear Obama: Oppose Iran and We'll Love You

Dear Obama: Oppose Iran and We'll Love You

On eve of visit, one Israeli explains his nation's nuclear fears

(Newser) - On the eve of Barack Obama’s visit to Israel, Yossi Klein Halevi writes to him in the New Republic about Israel's fears. Like many nations, Israel is well-inclined towards Obama: It has no fear of his Muslim middle name and recently hailed his description of Israeli security as "...

Israel to US: Iran Threat Bigger Than You Think

Barak talks tough, will press case in Washington next week

(Newser) - In the wake of Iranian missile tests, Israel’s defense minister will visit the US for talks next week to press the case that Tehran poses a serious nuclear threat, the Jerusalem Post reports. Yesterday, Ehud Barak suggested that Israel is ready to attack. "We have proven in the...

US Removes Last of Saddam's Uranium From Iraq

US completes months-long mission to secure material

(Newser) - A secret US mission to remove 550 metric tons of concentrated uranium known as “yellowcake” from Iraq came to a close yesterday as the material arrived in Canada, AP reports. In an operation that quelled concerns over the yellowcake falling into insurgency hands, 37 flights took the remainder of...

Israel Has a Year to Thwart Iranian Nuke: Official

Iran responds with threat; Tel Aviv worries about US backing

(Newser) - Israel has 12 months to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons or risk Tehran’s wrath, a former Israeli defense official said. “The time that is left to be ready is getting shorter all the time,” Shabtai Shavit told the Telegraph. “We should do whatever (is) necessary...

North Korea Hands Over Nuclear Data
North Korea Hands Over Nuclear Data

North Korea Hands Over Nuclear Data

White House moves to remove Pyongyang from 'axis of evil'

(Newser) - The North Korean regime has submitted a long-awaited rundown of its nuclear program to China, 6 months after its due date. The report is expected to detail the nation's plutonium enrichment efforts, but will probably leave out details of its nuclear arsenal, reports the BBC. The White House responded by...

Nuclear Parts Still Missing: Pentagon Report

Sensitive components remain unaccounted for in mess that cost Air Force brass jobs

(Newser) - The investigation that resulted in the dismissal of top US Air Force brass two weeks ago also found that hundreds of nuclear-missile parts remain missing, the Financial Times reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the Pentagon needed "to re-establish positive control of these sensitive, classified components" in announcing the...

Arms Smugglers Had Nuke Blueprints
Arms Smugglers Had Nuke Blueprints

Arms Smugglers Had Nuke Blueprints

Design could have been passed to any 'treacherous regime'

(Newser) - Smugglers who sold weapons parts to Libya, Iran, and North Korea also had blueprints for a compact nuclear weapon—plans that could have been sold “to some of the most treacherous regimes in the world," warns an upcoming report by American and international investigators. The device could be...

Bush, Sarkozy Warn Iran Over Spurned Nuke Offer

Tehran turns down 6-nation deal to stop enriching uranium

(Newser) - Iran said no to an incentive offer today to stop making uranium, sparking a warning from President Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy not to build nuclear weapons, the AP reports. "Our allies understand that a nuclear-armed Iran is incredibly destabilizing," Bush said. Even before an EU official delivered the...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>