nuclear weapons

Stories 421 - 434 | << Prev 

Nukes Go Missing in Mix-Up
Nukes Go Missing in Mix-Up

Nukes Go Missing in Mix-Up

B-52 flies cross-country with five warheads mistakenly attached

(Newser) - Five nuclear warheads were briefly unaccounted for last week, the Military Times reports, when the warheads were not removed from missiles carried by a B-52 bomber prior to its flight from North Dakota to Louisiana. Though the weapons were in Air Force control at all times and there was no...

N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes
N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes

N. Korea Agrees to Ban Nukes

Move could lead to friendlier relations with US

(Newser) - North Korea has promised to disable all of its nuclear facilities by the end of this year, the BBC reports, possibly paving the way for warmer relations between the US and a country it now lists as a supporter of terror. After meeting with representatives from the North, US negotiator...

US May Take North Korea Off Terror List

Status change could come before nukes are dismantled

(Newser) - The US may be willing to remove North Korea from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, qualifying the country for American aid and World Bank loans, before Pyongyang has dismantled its nuclear weapons program. In the run-up to talks with North Korean officials in Geneva this weekend, the lead...

French Prez Warns of 'Bombing Iran' Over Nukes

Sarko calls for more sanctions

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy took a bead on Iran in his first major foreign policy speech yesterday, suggesting that if Iran's nuclear weapons program wasn't halted, bombing could be the only alternative. He called Iran's atomic ambitions "without doubt the most serious crisis that weighs today on the international...

Hillary to Barack: 'Don't Even Do as I Say'

Clinton chided Obama for untabling nukes— like she did last year

(Newser) - A year before Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama’s prohibition on nukes against Pakistan, she made one on using them in Iran. The AP reports the frontrunner’s head-shaking rebuke last week—no “president should make any blanket statements” about nuke use—doesn't jibe with her own position last...

Clinton, Obama in Nuke War
Clinton, Obama in Nuke War

Clinton, Obama in Nuke War

Candidates square off over use of A-bombs on al-Qaeda

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are locked in a Cold War of words over how their putative administrations would handle the US nuclear arsenal. Clinton launched a scathing attack on Obama's apparent reluctance to deploy nukes against al-Qaeda, calling "blanket statements with respect to the use or nonuse of...

Deal Close on Disarming Nukes
Deal Close
on Disarming Nukes

Deal Close on Disarming Nukes

North Korean talks extended, agreement near, says upbeat Hill

(Newser) - Negotiators were optimistic they're close to forging an agreement as early as tomorrow on a deadline for North Korea to permanently close down its nuclear facilities and reveal details of its nuclear weapons program, Reuters reports. The deadline could be as soon as the end of the year. The North...

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor
North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

North Korea Shuts Down Reactor

UN nuclear inspectors to confirm claim; first fuel oil shipment arrives

(Newser) - North Korea claimed to have shut down the nuclear reactor at Yongbyon today, just hours after a ship arrived bearing the first installment of the fuel oil that  was promised in exchange for closing the reactor. UN inspectors are headed to the site to confirm the shutdown, the first major...

North Korea Seeks Military Talks With US

US parries request, stands firm on push to end nuclear programs

(Newser) - On the eve of the arrival of UN observers monitoring the shutdown of its main nuclear plant, North Korea today appealed for direct military talks with the US. But Washington insists that the elimination of Pyongyang's nuclear-weapons program takes precedence, the Voice of America reports, and a South Korean expert...

US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea
US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea

US Goes One-on-One With N. Korea

Top envoy dispatched to Pyongyang as nuke talks get serious

(Newser) - In a sudden reversal of White House strategy, envoy Christopher Hill has been dispatched to North Korea for direct talks on dismantling the nation's nuclear arsenal, the New York Times reports. The move came just hours after the US released $25 million in frozen North Korean funds that had stalled...

US and Russia Lock Horns over Kosovo, Missile Shield

Cold War fault lines rumble at prelim G-8 summit

(Newser) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US counterpart Condi Rice butted heads during a sit-down with G-8 foreign ministers yesterday, over US plans to grant Kosovo independence and build a missile defense shield in the region. The entire group endorsed freeing Kosovo from Serbian control, the Washington Post reports, except...

Russia Tests New Missile System
Russia Tests New Missile System

Russia Tests New Missile System

Russian nuclear arsenal can now circumvent defense shields

(Newser) - Russia tested a new line of missiles yesterday that the Kremlin claims can penetrate any defense system. Putin took the opportunity to reiterate his warning that the US plan to to deploy an anti-missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic will turn the region into a "powder keg,...

Bush Urges Stiffer Sanctions on Iran

Iran persists in building nukes, against UN orders

(Newser) - President Bush called for tougher sanctions against Iran today, a day after a new report showed the country is continuing its nuclear enrichment programs. Bush vowed to form a multinational bloc with Russia, China, and European allies to pressure Iran into ceasing its nuclear aspirations, reports the Washington Post.

Why Iran Must Be Bombed
Why Iran
Must Be Bombed

Why Iran Must Be Bombed

Norman Podhoretz on Ahmadinejad, Hitler, and the case for war with Iran

(Newser) - The only way to protect the West from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to bomb Iran now, writes Norman Podhoretz in Commentary. The irascible neocon blasts left-wingers who downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran, and argues that deterrence won’t stop the Iranian leader once he’s armed.

Stories 421 - 434 | << Prev