
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

Walmart Holds Food Drive ... for Its Own Workers

It's asking other workers to help them out

(Newser) - An Ohio Walmart store wants to make sure its workers can enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner—so it's asking them to give each other enough food to do so. The Canton store has set up bins in an employee-only area under a sign that reads, "Please donate food items...

Walmart Tries to Look Cool in Silicon Valley

Has foosball tables, conference room named after Justin Bieber

(Newser) - Amazon has left Walmart in the dust in the online shopping game, so now the big-box store empire is playing catch-up, rapidly expanding its presence in Silicon Valley. To do so, the company is trying to replicate a hip Bay Area start-up environment, reports the New York Times : Walmart's...

Walmart Fires Man After He Tries to Stop Assault

They say Kristopher Oswald violated its non-violence policy

(Newser) - It's hard to imagine an attempt at heroism going worse than the one Kristopher Oswald attempted Sunday. The 30-year-old Walmart employee was taking a lunch break in his car at around 2:30am (he worked as an overnight stocker), when he heard a woman screaming for help and saw...

Frenzied Shoppers Empty Walmarts After Food Stamp Glitch

Company decided to allow purchases despite card error

(Newser) - Thanks to a much-publicized glitch that shut down food stamp programs in 17 states this weekend , food-stamp debit cards stopped showing spending limits in some areas—and Louisiana Walmart shoppers wasted no time in cashing in on the situation. They raided store shelves at two different locations, causing such a...

Man Says Stuffed Walmart Bag Broke, Killed Wife
Man Says Stuffed Walmart Bag Broke, Killed Wife

Man Says Stuffed Walmart Bag Broke, Killed Wife

William Freis is suing store, bag maker

(Newser) - A Nebraska man is suing Walmart, claiming one of its plastic bags led to his wife's death. William Freis says his wife, Lynette, went shopping in 2010 and the Walmart cashier put her 2-pound bag of rice and two 42-ounce cans of La Choy in just one plastic bag—...

Mom Upset to Find Son's Ashes in Walmart Bag

Says funeral home got lazy

(Newser) - An Ohio woman is upset with a Kentucky funeral home after she opened up her son's funeral urn to find his ashes placed inside a Walmart bag. Nancy Bronner of Amelia tells WCPO-TV that she opened the urn after the teenager's death last September. Bob McDaniel of the...

Walmart Offers Benefits to Same-Sex Partners

Biggest US employer wants 1 policy for all states

(Newser) - Walmart is extending its health care benefits to its workers' domestic partners—including those of the same sex. America's largest private-sector employer, which has long been a target of attacks by labor groups for what they call skimpy wages and benefits, says the changes were made so it could...

Walmart Safety Violations Prompt Fixes at 2.8K Stores

It will also pay $190K fine as part of Labor Dept. agreement

(Newser) - More tough press for Walmart: The megastore will pay a $190,000 fine after "repeat and serious" health and safety violations affecting employees were uncovered at a Rochester, New York, store in 2011. But the second part of the deal, announced yesterday, is far more wide-reaching. The chain...

5 Walmart Myths

 5 Walmart Myths 

5 Walmart Myths

It's not just for low-income shoppers: Washington Post

(Newser) - With Walmart in the midst of a fight with DC over employee wages, the Washington Post devotes its weekly "five myths" feature to the company. Among them:
  • It's only for low-income shoppers: A Pew survey found that 80% of respondents in households earning more than $75,000 had

Should DC&#39;s Mayor Veto &#39;Living Wage&#39; Bill?
Should DC's Mayor Veto
'Living Wage' Bill?

Should DC's Mayor Veto 'Living Wage' Bill?

Here's a yes, a no, and something in the middle

(Newser) - Now that the DC Council has required Walmart and other big-box retailers who want to do business in the city to pay a "living wage" of $12.50 an hour, Mayor Vincent Gray has to decide whether to veto the measure. Walmart is threatening to pull the plug on...

DC Shrugs at Walmart Ultimatum, OKs Living Wage

Members' not awed by company's threat to abandon city

(Newser) - Walmart's threats to take its toys and go home if Washington, DC, passed a "living wage" bill appear to have met with one big shrug from city council. The body voted 8-5 yesterday to approve the bill—which jacks minimum wage to $12.50 an hour for retailers...

Walmart to DC: We'll Jump Ship Over 'Living Wage'

Mayor says ultimatum may make him veto bill

(Newser) - Walmart officials and lobbyists made their presence felt in Washington yesterday, telling DC lawmakers that they'd pull the plug on at least three planned stores in the city if it went through with plans to pass a drastic (but conditional) minimum wage hike, the Washington Post reports. The bill,...

Now Walmart Dumps Paula Deen

Chain will stop selling her products

(Newser) - Her tears on Today weren't enough to sway Walmart: The nation's biggest retailer said today it is severing ties with her company, reports the Eater blog . Walmart sold Deen's cookware, some food products, and even her style of eyeglasses, but it won't place new orders once...

Gunman Shoots 4 at Walmart, Law Firm

All are suspected to survive; suspect is in custody

(Newser) - A man armed with a shotgun shot one person outside a North Carolina law firm today, darted across a busy street, and wounded three others outside a Walmart before officers subdued him, police said. Officers confronted the man outside the store and caught up with him behind a nearby Toys...

Attempt to Check Item Off &#39;Bucket List&#39; Ends in Jail
 'Bucket List' 
 Attempt Ends in Jail 

'Bucket List' Attempt Ends in Jail

Lifelong friends try, fail to steal bathing suits from Walmart: police

(Newser) - It's too bad a stint in jail wasn't on the bucket list of two Florida women, because their trip to Walmart on Wednesday would have killed two birds with one stone. Police say lifelong friends Andrea Mobley and Jennifer Denise Morrow's list of things they wanted to...

Walmart Admits Dumping Pollutants, Will Pay $81M

Company pleads guilty in California to hazardous waste charges

(Newser) - Walmart pleaded guilty today to charges the company dumped hazardous waste in California. Walmart entered the plea in federal court in San Francisco to misdemeanor counts of negligently dumping pollutants from Walmart stores into sanitation drains across California. As part of the plea, the company will pay $81 million, which...

Hot &#39;New&#39; Drink: Moonshine
 Hot 'New' Drink: 

Hot 'New' Drink: Moonshine

Even Walmart's carrying the stuff

(Newser) - Moonshine is making a comeback—and it's very much legal. Of course, that may be a contradiction in terms, at least when it comes to moonshine's traditional definition. But today, the term tends to refer to any unaged white whiskey, and the market for the stuff is growing....

Target Dabbling With Its Own Netflix Competitor

Employees currently testing streaming service

(Newser) - When you think "streaming video," Target is probably not the first name you think of—or the fiftieth. But the retail giant is hoping to change all that; it's currently beta testing a Netflix-esque service that, the Target Ticket site proclaims, provides "instant access to 15,...

Gap, Walmart Dodge Bangladesh Safety Plan

Walmart says its own voluntary plan is better, faster

(Newser) - Major European retailers are lining up to sign a Bangladesh safety plan aimed at preventing disasters like Rana Plaza , but American companies, including the Gap and Walmart, are backing away. Walmart—which blames a "rogue employee" for an order for its clothes found in the rubble of the building...

Internet Sales Tax One Step Closer

Passes Senate, but bill still has a fight looming in the House

(Newser) - Start brushing up on your Quicken, Etsy moms. The Senate has just passed a bill that would allow states to collect taxes for online purchases, USA Today reports. States with sales taxes have previously been unable to require online retailers to collect sales tax unless they had a physical presence...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>