
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Apple Pips Wal-Mart to Become No. 1 Music Store

iTunes rise to the top a major milestone for the Internet

(Newser) - Apple has become America's No. 1 music retailer, the Los Angeles Times reports. The company said yesterday that its iTunes store had overtaken Wal-Mart for the first time. Analysts say its ascent to the top spot after just 5 years is a major milestone for the industry and the Internet.

Gibson Sues Over Guitar Hero
 Gibson Sues Over Guitar Hero 

Gibson Sues Over Guitar Hero

It wants retailers to stop selling game, claims patent infringement

(Newser) - Gibson Guitar has sued Guitar Hero retailers, saying the Activision video games infringe on a patent it holds for a virtual-reality concert. The federal suit seeks to stop Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, Amazon, GameStop, and Toys "R" Us from selling the games, reports AP. But Activision is fighting back—earlier...

Wal-Mart Helps Farmers Grow, American Style

But Central American stores may ruin them first, critics say

(Newser) - Wal-Mart is helping Central American farmers even as the chain threatens to render their mom-and-pop ways outdated, the Los Angeles Times reports. Thousands of small farmers are financially at risk, unable to grow produce that fits the US giant's supply chain—so Wal-Mart, Washington, and a Portland, Ore., relief group...

Part-Time Work Jumps 16% as Many Jobs Contract

Some 4.79 million worked part time in February; 1.8 million held two or more jobs

(Newser) - Tough economic times—and a drop in full-time jobs in some sectors—are pushing more people into part-time work, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Labor Department says 16% more workers—some 4.79 million people—are working part-time jobs this year than last, the highest total since 1993.

Wal-Mart Leads Feb. Retail Rally
Wal-Mart Leads Feb. Retail Rally

Wal-Mart Leads Feb. Retail Rally

Overall sales jump doubles expectations, calms consumer spending fears

(Newser) - Big retailers showed unexpected signs of life in February, beating weak sales predictions to inject some hope into the market. Wal-Mart led the way, posting a 2.6% same-store increase, beating its own predictions of flat-to-2% growth. Overall, same-store sales climbed 1.9%, with more than half of retailers beating...

Wal-Mart Gets Halal Makeover
Wal-Mart Gets Halal Makeover

Wal-Mart Gets Halal Makeover

Execs confer with Arab community to open Mideast-themed Michigan megastore

(Newser) - Tahini, olives and frozen falafel line the shelves in a new Michigan Wal-Mart in Dearborn that caters to local customers: in this case, the nation's largest Arab-American community. The 200,000-square-foot megastore, which opens today, even has a section for Halal meats culled in accordance with Islamic law, Newsweek reports.

Wal-Mart Blog Lets Buyers Post Real Reviews

Some suppliers vexed, but site 'puts real personality out there'

(Newser) - Wal-Mart is letting its buyers blast or hail store products on a new blog, and do so freely—a shift for the once-strict corporate culture. Posts have so far panned Microsoft's Vista and a "Star Wars" movie, all while revealing favorite books, Bible quotes, and pets. "It puts...

Wal-Mart Taps 'Inner Skinflint' Amid Downturn
Wal-Mart Taps 'Inner Skinflint' Amid Downturn

Wal-Mart Taps 'Inner Skinflint' Amid Downturn

Economy woes play to mega-store's strengths, Newsweek scribe says

(Newser) - Newsweek blogger Daniel Gross asks why Wal-Mart, with its sales increasing, appears to be untouched by the US economic slowdown, and comes up with four answers. One, the behemoth mostly sell necessities. Two, its cheaper-than-thou branding is attracting pinched customers. Three, investors like Wal-Mart's prospects down the line. And four,...

iTunes Store Now No. 2 Music Retailer

Apple's baby takes back seat only to Wal-Mart

(Newser) - iTunes is the world's No. 2 music retailer, a ranking that includes stores that sell CDs. The reason is a combination of a modest increase in digital music sales and a sharp dive in CD sales, so the news isn't much to celebrate for the music industry. And kids are...

Retailers Bully Shoplifters for $$
Retailers Bully Shoplifters for $$

Retailers Bully Shoplifters for $$

'Civil recovery' systems using threat of legal action to extort funds

(Newser) - A system designed to compensate retailers for losses incurred by shoplifters has few controls to prevent the extortion or harassment, the Wall Street Journal reports. “Civil recovery” laws allow retailers to turn the names of suspected shoplifters over to collection agencies who demand fees of $200 or much more—...

Toshiba May Pull HD DVD Plug
Toshiba May Pull HD DVD Plug

Toshiba May Pull HD DVD Plug

Sales, studio defections indicate fat lady may have sung

(Newser) - Toshiba has temporarily halted production of players and movies in the HD DVD format, and is contemplating dropping the format altogether, PC World reports. The move would cost the company tens of billions of dollars, but the defection of several studios and retailers to the rival Blu-Ray format has left...

Wal-Mart Chooses Blu-Ray Over HD DVD

Latest in long list of defeats for beleaguered hi-def format

(Newser) - The blows just keep coming for HD DVD: Wal-Mart announced today that it will sell Blu-Ray high-def movies and players exclusively, CNET  reports. A buyer for Wal-Mart disclosed the decision on her blog, saying that the company had been influenced by Netflix and Best Buy's recent announcements by they will...

Sex Aids' Shelf Space, Sales Grow
Sex Aids'
Shelf Space, Sales Grow

Sex Aids' Shelf Space, Sales Grow

Wal-Mart, other major chains aren't hiding lubricants and the like

(Newser) - Be careful letting your kids wander in Wal-Mart—the retail giant and other mainstream stores are devoting more shelf space to sex aids, Newsweek reports, and they aren’t hiding it. Lubricants, oils and even vibrators are increasingly appearing next to contraceptives and pregnancy tests. “Even the more conservative...

Slow Jan. Sales Worry Retailers
Slow Jan. Sales Worry Retailers

Slow Jan. Sales Worry Retailers

Wal-Mart misses January projections as recession concerns gain momentum

(Newser) - Winter storms and lagging gift-card redemption iced Wal-Mart’s January same-store sales growth, the retailer said, raising concerns the US is in a recession, reports the Wall Street Journal. Wal-Mart expected 2% sales growth in stores open more than a year, but saw sales bump just 0.5%. Its 1....

Hillary Keeps Quiet About Corporate Years

Hopeful heralds her non-profit work over high-paying gigs

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton trumpets her non-profit work on the campaign trail rather than the 15 years she spent representing big companies for a corporate law firm, McClatchy Newspapers reports. She did do much public service work in Little Rock, but also sat on corporate boards (like Wal-Mart's) and battled disgruntled workers...

TV Makers Scoff at Your Puny Recession

Say buyers will continue snapping up flat panels; investors not so sure

(Newser) - Who cares if there’s a recession? The Super Bowl’s on! Even after the worst retailing Christmas in years, the makers of flat-panel, high-definition TVs are confident their trendy product will keep selling, spurred by falling prices and prime tube-watching events like the Olympics. One market-research firm is predicting...

Wal-Mart Stores Going Green
Wal-Mart Stores
Going Green

Wal-Mart Stores Going Green

Retail giant lays out energy saving initiative

(Newser) - Retail giant Wal-Mart has launched an ambitious blueprint to go green, with plans to cut energy use of many of its products by 25%, and may even begin to sell hybrid cars and provide sustainable energy to charge them, reports the New York Times. Wal-Mart has already sold 145 million...

Wal-Mart Scraps Online Movie Service

Move comes as HP nixes software that supported the site

(Newser) - Wal-Mart shuttered its 10-month-old video download service without fanfare last week, ending a disappointing experiment for the bargain retailer, Reuters reports. The site was scrapped after Hewlett Packard canceled the software that supported it, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman said. HP said it made the move after the market failed to perform...

Retailers Put Brakes on Expansion
Put Brakes
on Expansion

Retailers Put Brakes on Expansion

As economy lags, big chains open fewer stores

(Newser) - America's biggest retailers are beginning to ease up on the construction of new stores, reversing the if-we-build-it-they-will-come trend of recent years, CNNMoney reports. Faced with decreasing sales in a slowing economy, chains such as Wal-Mart, Target, Starbucks, McDonald's, and Walgreen either have cut back on new stores or are considering...

Wal-Mart Shops for Green Cred
Wal-Mart Shops for Green Cred

Wal-Mart Shops for Green Cred

Critics skeptical as mammoth chain donates to eco groups, reduces energy use

(Newser) - Hoping to soften its image, Wal-Mart is going green, the Washington Post reports. The retail giant is now donating to environmental groups, improving its energy efficiency, and creating the first hybrid shipping truck. Yet some critics say it's a mere cover. "Wal-Mart is willing to spread its money wherever...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>
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