Bill Clinton

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Bill Clinton Joins Obama in Florida for Late Push

(Newser) - Bill Clinton and Barack Obama engaged in a mutual admiration fest tonight, their first joint appearance since their relationship soured during the primaries, the Boston Globe reports. "This man should be our president," Clinton told a Florida crowd at the end of a spirited endorsement. Obama then joined...

Blair Banks $20M in First Year as Ex-PM

Feat beats Clinton, but UN wonders if he's doing his peace job

(Newser) - Tony Blair took in around $20 million since stepping aside as British PM last October, the Times of London reports, six times what he’d made in his entire life and more than double Bill Clinton’s take in his first year out of office. Some at the UN have...

Obama's First 100: Channel FDR, Avoid Clinton Foibles

Democrats hoping for 'new New Deal,' but financial crisis will be drag on any efforts

(Newser) - Up big in the polls with Election Day fast approaching, “a lot of people around Barack are reading books about FDR’s first 100 days,” one Obama insider tells New York. Aides have gone beyond simply planning his White House transition; they’ve drafted a book-length administration blueprint,...

From Sickbed, Kennedy Crafts Health Plan

Bipartisan effort includes industry; goal is universal coverage

(Newser) - Even as he undergoes cancer treatment, Ted Kennedy is coordinating bipartisan meetings with colleagues and lobbyists in an effort to produce health care legislation that includes universal coverage, the Washington Times reports. The meetings—involving labor unions, insurers, drug companies, and hospitals—“are a testament to how people feel...

Clinton Housing Chief Paved the Way for Risky Loans

How American Dream Became Economic Nightmare

(Newser) - The top housing chief of the Clinton administration helped launch a major financing wave that transformed the American dream of homeownership into reality for thousands of people—whether they could afford it or not, reports the New York Times. From his post, Henry Cisneros loosened mortgage restrictions for first-time buyers,...

How Would Cool Hand Obama Govern?
 How Would 
 Cool Hand 

How Would Cool Hand Obama Govern?

Brooks asks: How would someone so calm actually govern?

(Newser) - Barack Obama, like LBJ and Bill Clinton, may rise from an outsider's position to the highest echelon of American politics. But while those presidents sought power for respect or public adoration, writes David Brooks, Obama exudes an "untroubled self-confidence" in the mold of FDR and Ronald Reagan. Watching Obama's...

Ex-Presidents Call for More Ike Funds

Bush and Clinton, having raised $1.5M, see more need in devastated Texas

(Newser) - Former presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton called today for more money to aid Texas communities devastated by Hurricane Ike, the Houston Chronicle reports. The pair, who toured the Galveston area, has raised $1.5 million for their Bush-Clinton Coastal Recovery Fund. The money will be used to...

Clintons Surface for Home Stretch

Powerful pair turn up the campaign heat

(Newser) - The Clintons hit the campaign trail yesterday, stumping with Joe Biden in former Hillary territory in Pennsylvania, reports CNN. Hillary Clinton urged that Democrats "must elect Barack Obama," and warned: “This election is too important to sit on the sidelines of history." It was the couple's...

Clintons Cool to Obama After Hillary Snub

Insiders say he wouldn't promise her a Supreme Court seat

(Newser) - Bill and Hillary Clinton are doing little to help elect Barack Obama because the Democratic nominee “balked” at promising Hillary a Supreme Court judgeship, insiders tell the New York Post. “Hillary wants an assurance that if she shows loyalty and goes out there like a good soldier, she...

Palin Is Bubba's Mirror Image
 Palin Is Bubba's Mirror Image 

Palin Is Bubba's Mirror Image

Small-state governors on big stage have more similarities than you'd imagine

(Newser) - At first blush, Sarah Palin—a “fitness-obsessed, policy-lite, skirt-wearing conservative” might not remind you of Bill Clinton—a “Big Mac-scarfing, policy-relishing, skirt-chasing Democrat”—but dig a little and the similarities are staggering, writes Eve Fairbanks in the New Republic. Both governors were forged “in the cramped...

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit
 Spar Over 
 Bailout Credit 

Candidates Spar Over Bailout Credit

Obama strategist calls claim "little bit of fiction"

(Newser) - Both Barack Obama and John McCain claimed credit on the Sunday talk shows for ushering through the bipartisan bailout plan, Politico reports. The highlights:
  • “What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans,” GOP strategist Steve

All Hail Paul, 'Ultimate Cool Guy'

From Clooney to the Clintons, nation pays tribute to actor icon

(Newser) - E! Online published a list of high-profile tributes in remembrance of Paul Newman's death Friday. Here are some highlights:
  • "He set the bar too high for the rest of us. Not just actors, but all of us." —George Clooney
  • "Paul Newman was the ultimate cool guy

Fear of Lefty Obama Gets Bill Behind Mac

Centrist ex-prez has common ground with Republican, and his win sets up Hillary in '12

(Newser) - If Bill Clinton seems to be sabotaging Barack Obama's campaign, it may not only be for Hillary's presumed 2012 run, but because he prefers John McCain, Roger Simon writes in Pajamas Media. Since "showing up" Obama with his convention speech, Clinton has been "lavishing praise" on McCain and...

Both Candidates Are Playing It Too Safe
Both Candidates Are Playing It Too Safe

Both Candidates Are Playing It Too Safe

Time for innovative policy proposals, not rote party positions

(Newser) - In facing an extraordinary economic crisis, the presidential nominees are falling back on party orthodoxy instead of staking out bold new positions, Michael Gerson writes with regret in the Washington Post. Both candidates, earlier in the campaign, proved they are capable of provocative ideas, but now they're singing the old...

Hillary Didn't Really Want VP Slot: Bill

Clinton would've paired up with Obama only out of sense of 'duty'

(Newser) - Even as rumors continue to bounce around the Internet that Hillary Clinton could end up on the Democratic ticket, she never wanted to—and would only have accepted the VP slot out of a sense of duty, Bill Clinton said on The View today. “Not really, she didn’t,...

Clinton Takes In The View on Monday
Clinton Takes
In The View
on Monday

Clinton Takes In The View on Monday

Ex-prez likely to get warmer reception than McCains did last week

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is scheduled to appear Monday on The View, where he hopes to get a more friendly reception than John and Cindy McCain did Sept. 12. The GOP candidate and his wife are still fuming about their treatment, the New York Post reports, with the wife of the Republican...

What Bill Told Barack: How to Win the Race
What Bill Told Barack: How to Win the Race

What Bill Told Barack: How to Win the Race

It's not hard to guess the advice Clinton may have given Obama

(Newser) - Reporters weren't allowed at Bill Clinton's meeting with Barack Obama yesterday in Harlem, but John F. Harris, in Politico, thinks he has a pretty good idea of some talking points:
  • Obama can be himself, but the election shouldn't about him—it's about the voters.
  • Less rhetoric, more catchy policy proposals.

Barack and Bill to Lunch—Finally

First individual meeting between the once and future party leaders

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will have their first one-to-one sit-down Thursday, reports the Chicago Tribune. Obama will lunch with the former president while in New York for the 9/11 anniversary. For months the two have remained in a stand-off over perceived slights during the prolonged primary battle, but Clinton...

Biden &amp; Co. Take Cue From Rove
 Biden & Co.
 Take Cue
 From Rove

Biden & Co. Take Cue From Rove

Dems' new plan of attack follows map left by GOP spinmeister

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s speech last night mapped out the new plan of attack for Democrats against John McCain, and it’s positively Rovian, Walter Shapiro writes on Salon. The Democrats went directly for McCain’s biggest strength—national security—and tried to turn it into a weakness. “These times...

Clinton Passes the Torch&mdash; or Does He?
 Clinton Passes
 the Torch—
 or Does He?


Clinton Passes the Torch— or Does He?

Clinton passes the torch - or does he?

(Newser) - Pundits are raving over Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic Convention last night. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Mark Halperin of Time gives Clinton an A+ for a speech seemingly untouched by primary bitterness. “Let's face it: while Obama is a marvelous speaker, Clinton is better,”

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