
Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

Kucinich Fights Off Challenge for His Seat

Failed presidential bid hurt his standing locally, but he bounced back

(Newser) - Supporters of Dennis Kucinich had reason to worry about last night's primary for the congressional seat he's held for 12 years: with the Democratic gadfly away on the presidential campaign trail for so long, four rivals had built up a formidable challenge. But Kucinich weathered the onslaught to win the...

Clinton Revives Campaign With Wins in Texas, Ohio

She also won in Ohio to snap Obama's winning streak

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton brought her campaign back from the brink tonight with primary wins in Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island, NBC reports. "For everyone who's ever been counted out but refused to be knocked out, this one's for you," she told jubilant supporters in Columbus. Obama won Vermont in...

McCain Clinches; Huckabee Out
McCain Clinches; Huckabee Out

McCain Clinches; Huckabee Out

Front-runner racks up four easy wins to secure the GOP nomination

(Newser) - John McCain officially clinched the Republican nomination for president tonight, the Washington Post reports. Mike Huckabee conceded after McCain racked up easy wins in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island to surpass the necessary number of delegates—1,191. He is expected to go to the White House tomorrow to...

Ohio Contest Splits on Race, Geography

Clinton banks on rural vote, white gov; Obama on cities, black mayor

(Newser) - Today’s Ohio Democratic primary is expected to follow sharp demographic lines, with the urban north likely breaking toward Barack Obama and the rural south expected to back Hillary Clinton. The endorsement derby points up the racial dimension, the LA Times reports, with the white, rural governor backing Clinton and...

Ohio, Texas Torn Over Iraq
Ohio, Texas Torn Over Iraq

Ohio, Texas Torn Over Iraq

Ohio, Texas have suffered 1 in 8 US troop deaths

(Newser) - Tomorrow's most delegate-rich primary states, Ohio and Texas, are key to the US war effort and staunchly support the troops—but remain divided over whether to stay or quit a conflict that has cost 4,000 US lives and $500 billion. And between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the...

Clinton Slams Obama Over Nafta Talk

Report: Aide assured Canada the candidate was only 'positioning'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton hammered Barack Obama today over reports that his chief economic adviser privately told Canadian officials anti-Nafta talk was “more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy.” The simmering story lurched forward today when the AP obtained the Canadian memo, reports Talking Points Memo. Obama's...

Under Fire, Kucinich Fights for House Seat

Rivals say candidate abandoned Cleveland for national ambitions

(Newser) - Ex-presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is battling no fewer than four contenders competing for his House seat in tomorrow's primary—and battling accusations that he abandoned Cleveland during his White House bid, Salon reports. Kucinich counters by saying that local issues are national: "Is this war not an issue for...

United Tech Makes $3B Bid for Diebold

Deal would expand UTC's footprint in electronic security business

(Newser) - United Technologies is bidding $3 billion for Diebold, one of the largest manufacturers of ATMs and voting machines. The unsolicited bid is $40 per share, a 66% premium over Diebold’s closing stock price Friday of $24.12, reports the New York Times. The deal would provide an opportunity for...

Looking to Knock Out Clinton, Obama Spends Big

Both Dems pumping ad bucks into Texas, Ohio

(Newser) - Barack Obama is lavishing his considerable campaign wealth on advertising and get-out-the-vote efforts in Texas and Ohio, hoping to deal a death blow this week to Hillary Clinton's faltering campaign. The Obama cash blitz is most apparent on television, where he is outspending Clinton nearly 2-to-1 in both states, the...

NAFTA Casts Wide Shadow on Ohio Vote

Clinton, Obama look to score points bashing trade pact

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battle for votes in Ohio, each pushes a simple theme: NAFTA is bad. Ohio has been hit hard by free trade, which is why Obama reminds voters that Bill Clinton backed NAFTA. And both hopefuls have mined each other's comments for anything that favors...

Obama Riffs on Clinton Scare Ad
Obama Riffs on Clinton Scare Ad

Obama Riffs on Clinton Scare Ad

Candidates trade Texas ads playing on experience ahead of vital vote

(Newser) - Barack Obama threw Hillary Clinton's "red phone" ad right back at her yesterday—with a twist, the Chicago Tribune reports. Clinton's ad showed sleeping children, with a voice intoning that it's 3am, and a phone is ringing the White House. “Who do you want answering the phone?” Barack's...

Clinton Counts on Sisterhood in Ohio

Comeback hopes rest on 17% lead among female voters

(Newser) - Sitting on a 17% lead among women in Ohio, Hillary Clinton is playing the gender card in an effort to save her presidential bid. She holds a slim overall lead in the state, where her focus on jobs has scored with women in all age and economic brackets. "She...

Obama Up by 6 in Texas, Down by 2 in Ohio

Female, Hispanic voters stick with Clinton

(Newser) - Ahead of Tuesday’s crucial primaries, Barack Obama leads Hillary Clinton in Texas, 48% to 42%, and trails in Ohio, 44% to 42%, Reuters reports. “All the momentum is with Obama,” said pollster John Zogby. “The question is whether she can stem the tide.” In Ohio,...

States Look to Collect Tax on Internet Sales

Many are asking people to fess up when they fill out their IRS forms

(Newser) - As tax time draws near, more Americans may be stumbling upon an extra line on their state returns, Forbes reports. About half of state governments—including New York, Michigan, California, North Carolina, and Ohio—are trying to collect their fare share of sales taxes from Internet sales. Chances remain slim,...

Killer Ex-Cop Begs Jury to Spare His Life

Pleads for life sentence for murdering pregnant girlfriend

(Newser) - A former Ohio police officer convicted last week of murdering his pregnant girlfriend yesterday begged a jury not to sentence him to death. "I'm asking you to spare my life," said a sobbing Bobby Cutts Jr. The jury begins penalty deliberations this afternoon, reports the Canton Repository.

Storm Snarls NE Flights
Storm Snarls NE Flights

Storm Snarls NE Flights

Snow falls from Ohio to New England; icy roads kill 5 in Missouri

(Newser) - A nasty winter storm swept across the country today, forcing major flight delays at New York City airports, closing schools from Ohio to Connecticut, and causing road accidents in Missouri that left 5 dead, the AP reports. Heavy snowfall in the New York metro area grounded 900 flights and led...

Poll Sees Texas Dead Heat, Slight Clinton Lead in Ohio

Races close ahead of March 4 primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are running neck and neck in Texas, while Clinton holds a significant but tenuous lead in Ohio, according to a Washington Post-ABC News Poll. Heading into the crucial March 4 primaries, Clinton leads Obama 48% to 47% in Texas, and 50% to 43% in Ohio...

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton
Teamsters Endorse
Obama Over Clinton

Teamsters Endorse Obama Over Clinton

It's another troubling sign for Hillary and her base

(Newser) - The Teamsters union endorsed Barack Obama today, giving him a chance to make further inroads into Hillary Clinton's base of blue-collar workers. Obama met with Teamsters chief Jim Hoffa today, who afterward gave Obama the backing of the 1.4-million-member union, the Chicago Tribune reports. The move could help in...

Obama Makes Inroads in Ohio, Texas
Obama Makes Inroads in
Ohio, Texas

Obama Makes Inroads in Ohio, Texas

Youth focus boosts effort to sway Latino, blue-collar voters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's staunchest allies include Hispanic and working-class voters, and those are exactly the assets Barack Obama is targeting in the must-win states of Ohio and Texas, the Los Angeles Times reports. He's using young voters as a wedge: In a radio ad aimed at young Latino Texans, the announcer...

Clinton Leads Obama by Double Digits in Ohio, Pa.

Blue-collared Buckeye State a 'demographic fit' for Hillary

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton leads by wide margins in Ohio and Pennsylvania, two primary states on which her campaign has staked its comeback, according to new polls on the Democratic race. The New Yorker leads Barack Obama in the Buckeye State by 55% to 34% and in Keystone country by 52% to...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>