
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Asst. Fire Chief Kills Puppy in 'Self-Defense'

(Newser) - Neighbors are accusing a Los Angeles County assistant fire chief of beating their puppy so badly that she had to be put down, KTLA reports. Glynn Johnson attacked the dog for no reason, they say, pummeling it with a rock and trying to break its jaws. Johnson told superiors he...

Promised First Dog May Be 'a Mutt, Like Me': Obama

With daughter's allergies, choice of pooch will be 'a major issue,' president-elect grins

(Newser) - Of all the pressing questions looming before the Obama administration, one is dominating discourse at water coolers, around dinner tables, and even on the president-elect's website: What kind of dog are Malia and Sasha getting? The president-elect's first press conference today quickly turned to the family pet, which he laughingly...

Allergies Complicate Obamas' Pooch-Vetting Process

Malia's issues have AKC pushing 'hypo-allergenic' breeds; docs say there's no such thing

(Newser) - Animal advocates are chomping at the bit to sway President-elect Obama’s choice of first dog, and they’re using daughter Malia's allergies to do it, the New York Times reports. The American Kennel Club suggests the Obamas buy a “hypoallergenic” breed like a poodle or Bichon Frise, but...

Bush's Dog Bites Reporter

(Newser) - Take that, liberal media. One of the presidential pooches, Barney, bit the finger of a Reuters reporter at the White House today, ABC News notes. When Jon Decker reached down to pet Barney, the Scottish terrier snapped at him and broke the skin on his index finger. Decker got some...

A Tough Decision for Obama: Picking the First Dog

AKC wants a poodle, PETA wants a mutt

(Newser) - Barack Obama promised his daughters a dog after the election, win or lose. So it was no surprise when he told the girls during his acceptance speech they “have earned the puppy that is coming with us.” But what kind will the first family choose? Malia, 10, wants...

Bow WOW! Berlin Opens Soup Kitchen for Dogs

New leash on life for pets of struggling humans

(Newser) - Things are apparently woof all over—so Berliners have now opened a soup kitchen for dogs. Businesses have donated pet food and funds so that hounds belonging to homeless people and the unemployed can chow down. Organizers shrug off criticism that their efforts would be put to better use serving...

Hero Pup Protects Kittens in Burning House

'Leo the Lion-Hearted' revived by firefighters as family of 7 escapes raging fire

(Newser) - A terrier pup in Australia is due for a bravery medal after refusing to abandon a box of kittens trapped in a blazing house over the weekend, reports the Melbourne Herald Sun. Leo the Lion-hearted—as he’s been dubbed—was carried from the blaze and resuscitated by firefighters, who...

Military Opens $15M Dog Hospital

'Canine Walter Reed' will treat pooches wounded in combat

(Newser) - If GI Rover gets injured in Iraq, chances are he'll end up at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, where the "Walter Reed of the veterinary world" has just opened. The base has long been training pups for service in all branches of the military, but its old animal...

Melamine Kills 1,500 Chinese Dogs

Fears sparked about widespread tainting

(Newser) - About 1,500 Chinese raccoon dogs, bred specially for their fur, have died after eating tainted food over the last two months, the AP reports, raising fears of rampant misuse of the chemical melamine. The discovery comes as melamine-tainted milk has sickened thousands of babies with kidney stones and been...

Soldier Fights to Bring Home Iraq Pup

Sergeant starts petition after Army blocks rescued pup's route home

(Newser) - A sergeant who saved a puppy from a pile of burning trash in Baghdad is fighting to be allowed to bring her beloved pet home, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune. An Army officer took 6-month-old Ratchet off a convoy to Baghdad airport where the pooch was to be sent to...

Puppy Rescued From Baghdad Had Rabies

National alert follows dog's death; other pets on flight seized

(Newser) - Twenty-four animals flown to the US from Iraq have been taken back from their adoptive homes after the CDC learned a puppy on their flight had rabies, the New York Times reports. The dogs and cats, befriended by troops in Iraq, were vaccinated only days before being exposed to the...

In Love With the Pet-Sitter? You Dog!

Companion animals loyal to their humans, except when they're not

(Newser) - It can lead to tearful separations, but cheating is natural—for quadrupeds, that is. It really is them, not you, a veterinarian tells MSNBC. Pets may gravitate toward a new owner for any number of reasons. “Hallie was my dog, but I always sensed her unhappiness at having to...

College Dorm Rooms Go to the Dogs
College Dorm Rooms Go
to the Dogs

College Dorm Rooms Go to the Dogs

More campuses allow pets in hopes of de-stressing students

(Newser) - College students have long been expert at sneaking everything from gerbils to puppies into their dorm rooms, but a number of schools have made furry residents official, reports USA Today. The pet-friendly movement's spread to more than a dozen campuses, where officials hope reducing the stress of college life and...

Kinky Lawyer Gets 15-to-Life in Horrific Dog Maul Death

'Blamed' victim 'left to die alone,' says judge

(Newser) - The owner of a dog who fatally mauled a neighbor as she watched has been sentenced to 15 years to life in prison for murder, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Lawyer Marjorie Knoller lost control of her vicious 140-pound dog, who attacked neighbor Diane Whipple in 2001 in the hallway...

Big Dog Millan Still Fetching, 100 Episodes Later

Long-running Whisperer draws nearly 700K canine fans to National Geographic

(Newser) - These are anything but the dog days of summer for Cesar Millan, the pet trainer-turned-TV host whose popular Dog Whisperer will air its 100th episode Friday, reports Variety in a look at the program's top dog. Millan kicked off Whisperer in 2004, as an unpromoted half-hour segment for the National...

Dog Dials 911, Barks for Help
 Dog Dials 911, Barks for Help 

Dog Dials 911, Barks for Help

German Shepherd trained to call

(Newser) - A German shepherd in Arizona dialed 911 and summoned help for his owner who had suffered a seizure, AP reports. Buddy barked and whimpered on the line until the 911 dispatcher sent help. The dog is trained by Paws with a Cause—which provides assistance animals to the ill and...

'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up
 'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up 

'Dog Years' Just Don't Add Up

The '7-year' rule is too simplistic, veterinarians say

(Newser) - A human year is 7 dog years, right? That ubiquitous formula has been driving veterinarians and dog enthusiasts nuts for decades. If it were accurate, some pooches would live to the equivalent of age 150 or so, Carl Bialik writes in the Wall Street Journal. For those who must convert,...

Police Rescue 1,000 Dogs From Kennel in W. Va.

(Newser) - The longtime owner of a West Virginia kennel has surrendered her approximately 1,000 dogs to humane officials amid allegations that the animals were never let out of their cages and were rarely, if ever, touched by a human being. Authorities raided the facility over the weekend. To avoid arrest,...

Doggie-Dining Goes Legit in Tampa

Tampa eatery receives city's first canine permit

(Newser) - Puppy-lovers can now legally chow down in the company of their canine companions at Tampa's Java & Cream cafe, the first eatery in the city to boast a dog-dining permit. Permits for pups have been required in Tampa since 2006, though restaurateurs have apparently been unaware of the law: The...

Are Cloned Puppies Worth the Risks?

Critics say there may be many failures for every high-profile success

(Newser) - Canine cloning looks set to become big business but critics warn that deformed and diseased failures could outnumber the tail-wagging successes, Wired reports. Cloning fails far more often than it succeeds, and dogs are notoriously hard to clone. A Humane Society report earlier this year charged that "serious animal...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>