
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Paris Denied New Pup
 Paris Denied New Pup 

Paris Denied New Pup

Pet store rejects heiress as legit buyer

(Newser) - Paris Hilton went “ballistic” over the weekend when an LA pet store refused to sell her a Yorkie, telling the celebutante the purchase was clearly “an impulse buy,” the New York Post reports. Hilton was on her way to a photo shoot and "wanted a puppy...

Judge to Helmsley's Dog: Let Go of That

Pooch must scrape by on $2M; snubbed grandkids cash in

(Newser) - Leona Helmsley’s dog, Trouble, turns out not to need that $12 million trust fund after all. The world's most spoiled Maltese will manage on $2 million, and the rest will go to charity, the New York Post reports.

Summer's 'Most Enchanting Debut Novel'
Summer's 'Most Enchanting Debut Novel'

Summer's 'Most Enchanting Debut Novel'

Edgar Sawtelle is Hamlet -inspired 'bolt from the blue'

(Newser) - The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, the debut novel from former software developer David Wroblewski, is “a great, big, mesmerizing read, audaciously envisioned as classic Americana," Janet Maslin raves in the New York Times. "Pick up this book and expect to feel very, very reluctant to put it...

Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck
 Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck 

Dogs Think Robo-Vacs Suck

Pet owners try to keep the peace between high technology and 'bio-pets'

(Newser) - Dogs are getting more suspicious as robots get more sophisticated, the Wall Street Journal reports. Dog owners find that jealous, territorial, or terrified pooches bark at the robots—and sometimes rip them apart. Some post videos of the battles on YouTube, while others are trying to find ways for canine...

The Battle to Baby-Proof the Family Dog

Trainers help dogs adjust when they're no longer the 'only child'

(Newser) - For many couples today, dogs aren’t just pets, they’re the “first baby.” But that puppy love can cause problems when it comes to the second baby—the human one. Like any only child, dogs can react badly to new siblings, so a small industry has sprung...

When Marriage Goes to Dogs, Where Do Dogs Go?

Custody of furry friends often becomes 'very hotly contested issue'

(Newser) - Joint custody, visitation rights, continued care, and financial support—custody negotiations are no longer restricted to the kids, USA Today reports, as more ex-partners wrangle over the pooch. In a recent survey, 25% of divorce lawyers reported an increase in pet-custody issues, with 90% of those cases involving dogs. It’...

Peru Lawmaker Under Fire in Dog Shooting

Congress probes neighbor's complaint against 'madman' pol

(Newser) - A Peruvian lawmaker is under investigation after a neighbor complained that the politician shot and killed her dog for bothering ducks. He's "a madman who takes pot-shots from his house every time he's upset,” said the neighbor, who lost her giant schnauzer. The member of Parliament, Miro Ruiz,...

US Imports its Drug-Sniffing Dogs for $4,500 Each

American breeders outraged over European preference

(Newser) - The US government purchases hundreds of untrained bomb- and drug-sniffing dogs from Europe every year for as much as $4,535 each, quadruple the price of American dogs, a new federal report says. Domestic breeders and spending watchdogs are angered by the government's penchant for expensive foreign purebreds. "What...

Tainted Pet Food Firms Settle With Owners

$24M deal intended to cover expenses

(Newser) - Pet-food companies have agreed to a $24-million settlement with pet owners after their products were tied to the deaths of thousands of animals, the AP reports. Under the deal, pet owners can be reimbursed for financial losses, such as vet bills, burial costs, and the market value of their lost...

Moscow Subway Is a K9 Kingdom
 Moscow Subway
 Is a K9 Kingdom 

Moscow Subway Is a K9 Kingdom

Stray dogs grow ever more comfortable with life in the capital

(Newser) - It's not only humans who get around the Russian capital by subway these days. Stray dogs are now a common sight on the Moscow metro, and, as the Wall Street Journal reports, their lives are pretty cushy. Muscovites are accustomed to seeing them lounging in stations, waiting for someone to...

Cannes Goes to the Dogs
 Cannes Goes 
 to the Dogs 

Cannes Goes to the Dogs

Brass-studded collar is 8-year-old mark of honor

(Newser) - Dogs will paw the red carpet at Cannes this week as the "Palm Dog" ceremony returns to the festival, the Times of London reports. Critics determine the winner of the 56-year-old award (8 in human years) for the top canine performer in the competing films. The victor receives a...

Doggy Wants a Bone...Transplant
 Doggy Wants
 a Bone...Transplant 

Doggy Wants a Bone...Transplant

Bone marrow procedure to cost $15K-$20K

(Newser) - Doggy wants a bone, and he deserves it too. Canines will soon be lining up at Washington State University for bone marrow transplants, enjoying a little payback after pooches made the procedure possible in people, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. But the cancer treatment won't come cheap: WSU will treat man’...

Man's Best Friend Buried in Style
Man's Best Friend Buried
in Style

Man's Best Friend Buried in Style

Owners spare no expense in funerals for pampered pets

(Newser) - The family files into the chapel, signs the registry, and pays its respects before the coffin. It looks much like a normal funeral parlor, and it is—just not for humans. Instead Oak Rest Pet Gardens in Georgia buries beloved pets, charging $2,000 or more for the service. “...

Martha Loses 'Loyal Companion'
 Martha Loses 'Loyal Companion'

Martha Loses 'Loyal Companion'

Gushed-over pet and guest star gone at 12

(Newser) - Martha Stewart's chow Paw Paw, a frequent gushed-over guest on her TV show, has died of renal failure, reports AP. The pooch got his name—Kublai Khan Paw Paw Chow Chow Chow—for his huge paws. "Paw Paw was a spectacular chow and an even more spectacular dog,"...

Humane Hunters Hound Foxy Humans

'Drag-hunt' runners are hounds' new prey

(Newser) - England banned fox hunting with hounds three years ago—but riding clubs unwilling to give up centuries of tradition or the thrill of the chase are recruiting human prey, ABC News reports. The runners drag along a dead animal—road kill—to leave a trail for the hounds, and are...

Oprah Dedicates Program to Her Late Dog

Puppy mills probe a tribute to beloved spaniel Sophie

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey's show on Friday will be in honor of her late cocker spaniel, Sophie, AP reports. The show features a probe into "horrific" abuses at puppy breeding mills, according to the correspondent who investigated the piece. Sophie gave me 13 years of unconditional love," said Winfrey. "...

Run, Spot, Run: Max and Bella Now Top Dog Names

Pooches get kids' names now

(Newser) - Traditional dog names like Spot and Buster have been abandoned for human names such as Max and Lucy, according to a survey of most popular pet names. The list was compiled by a pet health insurance company from the names of dogs in its database, reports USA Today. Max, Buddy,...

Foreclosure Victims Also Furry
 Foreclosure Victims Also Furry 

Foreclosure Victims Also Furry

As more people lose their homes, so do their pets

(Newser) - As foreclosure rates skyrocket around the country, animal shelters are feeling a heartbreaking byproduct: an influx of pets being surrendered, USA Today reports. Across the country, areas with high foreclosures are seeing increased rates of pet abandonment, and shelters worry that even more could be coming as unemployment rates rise...

Man Eats Man's Best Friend
 Man Eats Man's Best Friend 

Man Eats Man's Best Friend

Slate's Ted Kerasote protests animal cruelty in China

(Newser) - While you're busy worrying about human rights in China, author and journalist Ted Kerasote argues, add animal rights to the list. After a trip to a ski camp in China where he was befriended by a "dead ringer for Lassie," he was appalled to find his canine pal...

Robot Dogs Cheer Up Elderly
Robot Dogs Cheer Up Elderly

Robot Dogs Cheer Up Elderly

Study says robo-mutt relieved loneliness as effectively as a real dog

(Newser) - Robot dogs are almost as effective as the real thing in cheering up elderly nursing home residents, a new study at St. Louis University has found. Once the patients had some time to get used to him, researchers say robot mutt AIBO lowered loneliness levels about as well as a...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>