House Republicans

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House on ObamaCare Vote: Now We're Repealing a Tax

GOP gleefully bandying about 'T' word in 31st vote

(Newser) - House Republicans will vote to repeal the health care reform law today, and if that sounds familiar, it's because they've done it 30 times already . But this time House leaders are gleefully bandying about the "T" word in the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling that...

House Has Voted to Repeal ObamaCare 30 Times

And No. 31 is on deck this week

(Newser) - House Republicans have voted 30 times in the past year and a half to repeal, defund, or otherwise squash ObamaCare, with the first attempt coming just two weeks after they took control of the House last year. This week, in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision on the...

If ObamaCare Goes Down, GOP Plans to Do ... Nothing

Republican leaders want full repeal, popular provisions and all

(Newser) - If the Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act, expect Republicans to do one thing: smile. Once, House leaders had planned to try to preserve the most popular parts of the law, like requiring insurance companies to cover people with preexisting conditions, letting young adults stay on their parents'...

House Panel Cites Holder for Contempt

Measure now moves to full House, probably next week

(Newser) - Darrell Issa's House panel has voted along party lines to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt, reports Politico . The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee acted after Holder refused to comply with a subpoena to hand over documents related to Fast and Furious, the gun-surveillance program that went...

GOP Rep: At Heart, Obama's 'Not an American'

Mike Coffman already backpedaling after bringing up birther issue

(Newser) - Rep. Mike Coffman of Colorado is already backpedaling furiously after being caught on tape bringing up President Obama's citizenship and questioning his patriotism. "I don't know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don't know that," Coffman said at a...

TSA Let $184M Equipment Gather Dust: House

Republicans accuse agency of waste

(Newser) - The Transportation Security Administration stashed $184 million worth of equipment in a Texas warehouse instead of sending it to the airports it was intended for—and then tried to hide it from Congress, House Republicans allege. In a report presented today at a joint hearing of the Oversight and Transportation...

Bill to Lower Student Loan Rates Fails in Senate

GOP blocks measure; parties can't agree how to pay for it

(Newser) - Hope your federal student loans are paid off, kids, because Washington appears deadlocked over legislation that would prevent their rates from doubling this July. A Senate bill to do so failed in a 52-45 vote along party lines today, failing to get the 60 votes needed to avoid a filibuster,...

'Radical' Girl Scouts Back Gays, Abortion: Indiana Rep.

Indiana's Bob Morris refusing to honor group on 100th anniversary

(Newser) - A Republican member of the Indiana House is refusing to honor the the Girl Scouts on its 100th birthday because the "radicalized" organization backs gays and abortions. Rep. Bob Morris ripped the Girl Scouts, which he considers the "tactical arm" of Planned Parenthood, for allowing transgendered children to...

House GOP Caves, Backs Payroll Tax

Boehner and Co. say they'll accept tax cut without paying for it elsewhere

(Newser) - House Republican leaders have surprised and angered rank-and-file lawmakers by abruptly backing down from demands that a 10-month extension of the payroll tax cut be paid for with cuts elsewhere. GOP leaders are wary of holding up a tax cut for 160 million Americans in an election year, Politico notes,...

GOP Frosh&#39;s Plan to Reduce Debt a Pathetic Gesture
GOP Frosh's Plan to Reduce Debt a Pathetic Gesture
Dana Milbank

GOP Frosh's Plan to Reduce Debt a Pathetic Gesture

Dana Milbank amused 2010's revolutionaries grand plan

(Newser) - Republicans swept into Washington in 2010 vowing to reduce the debt, and yesterday eight of them unveiled their plan to do so... by returning the unused portion of their office budgets, reducing the debt by all of $1.5 million ... "a whopping .00001% of what the nation owes. The...

House Votes to Freeze Congress, Federal Pay

Bill expected to die in Senate

(Newser) - House lawmakers have voted in favor of a pay freeze for themselves and millions of other people whose paychecks come from Uncle Sam. The House voted 309-117 in favor of extending President Obama's 2-year pay freeze for federal employees , reports the Washington Post . Obama has called for an 0....

GOP Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana to Retire

He famously tried to tie Bill Clinton to aide's murder

(Newser) - Republican Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana won't be running for re-election, he announced today, citing unspecified personal issues. You might remember Burton as the guy who once shot a watermelon in a bizarre attempt to prove that Bill Clinton was involved in the murder of aide Vince Foster. He...

Charles Krauthammer: GOP Fell Into Democrats' Trap on Payroll Tax

 GOP Fell Into 
 'Trap' on 
 Payroll Tax 
charles krauthammer

GOP Fell Into Democrats' 'Trap' on Payroll Tax

Looked 'heartless' as Obama seized advantage: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Republicans really blew it in the payroll tax debate—both in terms of policy and politics, writes Charles Krauthammer. For one thing, the two-month extension simply doesn't make sense: It requires businesses to plan for "two-thirds of a one-quarter tax-holiday extension." More importantly, for Democrats, it was...

House Expects to Clear Payroll Tax Cut Today

Though it's possible dissenting members could delay things

(Newser) - The payroll tax cut deal is expected to be ratified today, with congressional leaders planning voice votes that would require just a handful of members to be present, the Washington Post reports. Politico notes that the House will be using unanimous consent rules, however, meaning a dissenting member could force...

House Frosh May Balk at Payroll Deal

Angry Republicans could force House to reconvene

(Newser) - Most members of Congress have already headed home for the holidays, but a few freshmen Republicans in the House are so unhappy with the last-minute payroll tax deal that they might return to Washington to try to derail it. At least two freshmen legislators (Mo Brooks and Mike Kelly) have...

House GOP Agrees to Payroll Tax Cut Deal

John Boehner reluctantly agrees to two-month extension

(Newser) - Get ready for a lot of "Boehner blinks" headlines. House Republicans have agreed to a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut after all, reports CNN . "Senator Reid and I have reached an agreement that will ensure taxes do not increase for working families on January 1,"...

Obama to House: 'This Is About People'

President raises pressure for payroll tax cut

(Newser) - President Obama tried to turn the screws a little tighter on House Republicans today by showcasing people who said they'd be hurt if the payroll tax cut fails to go through. He again used the $40 argument , the average amount people would lose from their paychecks, reports the AP...

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight
 GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight 

GOP Botched Payroll Tax Fight

The 'Wall Street Journal' can't understand how this happened

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal is furious with the GOP over the way it has handled what it terms the “ payroll tax fiasco ” in a scathing editorial today. “How did the Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?” the editors marvel. “GOP leaders have somehow...

GOP Pulls 'Reverse Braveheart' on Payroll Tax

Scots got slaughtered, points out Dana Milbank

(Newser) - Last night, as the House was on the verge of scuttling the payroll tax cut extension , House Republicans gathered in a Capitol basement to talk—Braveheart? “You, Mr. Speaker, are our William Wallace," one rep has said. "Let’s rush to the fight." Besides being a...

House Rejects Payroll Tax Deal

Republicans call for talks with Senate to hammer out longer deal

(Newser) - Congress finds itself in a familiar place this afternoon on a key piece of legislation: stuck in partisan gridlock. The House voted 229-193 to reject the two-month extension of the payroll tax cut that cleared the Senate , reports Politico . Instead, House Republicans called for a House-Senate conference to hammer out...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>