House Republicans

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Republican Congressman Apologizes for Limbaugh Flap

Sees 'eye-to-eye' with talk show host

(Newser) - A Republican congressman who defended his colleagues from the wrath of Rush Limbaugh apologized today to his "fellow conservatives" and said his anti-Rush statements were taken out of context, Politico reports. Georgia's Phil Gingrey said his comments "read much harsher than they were actually intended," and he...

After Stimulus Vote, Happy Hour's at the White House

Obama invites lawmakers for cocktails

(Newser) - A little liquor can buy a lot of goodwill. At least, that’s what President Obama is hoping—he’s invited key lawmakers to the White House for cocktails after the House votes this evening on the stimulus package, the New York Post reports. Keeping with Obama’s keenly diplomatic...

House Rejects Digital TV Delay
 House Rejects Digital TV Delay 

House Rejects Digital TV Delay

Republicans argue deferral will cost broadcasters

(Newser) - The House defeated a bill today to delay the switch to all-digital television, the Washington Post reports. The vote comes two days after the Senate approved extending the deadline to June 12 from Feb. 17, and is a defeat for congressional Democrats and the Obama administration, who want to give...

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh
Fires Back
at Limbaugh

GOP Rep Fires Back at Limbaugh

Ga. congressman defends leadership, blasts talking heads

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh is in hot water with an unexpected critic: A Republican congressman who doesn't appreciate the radio blowhard's take on his party's leaders. Limbaugh and President Obama have traded barbs this week, but Limbaugh's dragging Mitch McConnell and John Boehner into the spat was too much for Phil Gingrey...

House GOP Pounces on Visiting Obama

President 'all form—not substance' on stimulus, one lawmaker says

(Newser) - President Obama’s visit with House Republicans on Capitol Hill today, intended as an olive branch, instead turned into a forum for grievances about Obama’s stimulus proposals, Politico reports. The GOP is steadfast in its push for more tax cuts, but Obama isn’t budging, either. “Feel free...

Both Sides Wary of Blowback Over Stimulus
Both Sides Wary of Blowback Over Stimulus

Both Sides Wary of Blowback Over Stimulus

Obama, Dems want GOP buy-in, Repubs seek constraints

(Newser) - As President Obama and congressional Republicans fight over the outline of an economic stimulus package, each side is wary of catching blame for a botched effort, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Obama can’t guarantee the $825 billion plan will actually work and seeks public GOP buy-in; Republicans want to...

Boehner Rejects Stimulus as Obama Heads to Hill

Minority whip gets in line ahead of tomorrow's vote

(Newser) - President Obama is headed to the Capitol today to chat up House Republicans on the stimulus bill, but they may be tough to sway: House Republican Leader John Boehner has told them to vote against Obama’s pet package tomorrow, Politico reports. Minority whip Eric Cantor seconded the motion in...

Obama 'Wants Me to Fail': Limbaugh

Radio righty says he's more fearsome than GOP brass

(Newser) - The verbal back-and-forth between Barack Obama and Rush Limbaugh continued today, as the talk-show host shot back at the president for comments he made last week, the New York Post reports. Obama is “not a unifier and not bipartisan,” Limbaugh said, and “wants me to fail.”...

Obama to GOP: Turn Off Limbaugh

Rush isn't helping to 'get things done'

(Newser) - Meeting with GOP lawmakers to discuss his stimulus plan yesterday, Barack Obama took the opportunity to zing Rush Limbaugh, who said earlier this week that he wasn't one of those conservatives rooting for the new president to succeed, despite their differences. "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and...

GOP Balks at Stimulus Plan
 GOP Balks at  
 Stimulus Plan 

GOP Balks at Stimulus Plan

Republicans, Democrats trade charges of under-the-table partisanship

(Newser) - The $825 billion stimulus plan before Congress has hit a wall of Republican objections despite the president's call for bipartisan unity, reports the Washington Post. GOP lawmakers charge that Democrats have shut them out of the decision-making process and that the plan pours cash into Democratic agenda items like arts...

GOP Peeved at Pelosi's New House Rules

Package limits minority party power, repeals committee term limits

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi is kicking off the 111th Congress with a rule change, and Republicans are not pleased, reports the Hill. The move institutes new restrictions on motions to "recommit," squashing a tactic that allowed the outnumbered GOP to delay bills to stymie Democrats. “This is not the...

Obama to Market Stimulus Plan

Republicans hoping to delay bill may filibuster

(Newser) - The incoming Obama administration plans to launch a nationwide political push for a quick passage of his $775 billion economic stimulus plan, the Los Angeles Times reports. Says adviser David Axelrod: “There shouldn't be endless debate about it.” Republicans acknowledge that they can’t stop his plan, but...

Obama Dials GOP Just to Say Hi
 Obama Dials GOP Just to Say Hi 

Obama Dials GOP Just to Say Hi

Prez-elect on charm offensive with key Republican legislators

(Newser) - As Barack Obama readies a massive agenda, he’s been keeping key Republicans on speed-dial, the Hill reports. Though he seemed more comfortable with big crowds during the campaign, the prez-elect is reaching out to touch Republicans likely to be both adversaries and collaborators alike. “I think this seems...

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP
 Old Guard Will 
 Win Battle for GOP 

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP

Defeat likely to send party further to the right, ensuring future losses

(Newser) - A battle between reformers and traditionalists for the soul of the GOP lies in the party's immediate future, David Brooks writes in the New York Times—and the reformers don't stand a chance. The conservative old guard, with Rush Limbaugh as its loudest mouthpiece and Sarah Palin as its heroine,...

Blunt Steps Aside as GOP House Whip
Blunt Steps Aside as GOP House Whip

Blunt Steps Aside as GOP House Whip

Missourian weary of cajoling an unwilling Republican membership

(Newser) - House Minority Whip Roy Blunt is giving up his place in the Republican leadership, CQPolitics reports. Blunt, who’s held the post since 2002, said today he’s weary of “asking members to do something they don’t want to do.” He endorsed his deputy, Eric Cantor, as...

GOP Memo Warns of House Rout
GOP Memo Warns of
House Rout

GOP Memo Warns of House Rout

Nearly 60 seats are at risk in elections, internal list says

(Newser) - A memo passed around to House Republicans describes a looming catastrophe for the caucus in November, reports Politico. Written by a GOP consultant, the document describes as many as 58 Republican-held seats at risk, with 11 already written off and 34 in serious danger. Just a handful of Democratic seats...

Bush Moves Quickly, Signs Bailout Bill Into Law

Reps who switched vote already spinning change for constituents

(Newser) - Less than 2 hours after the House passed the $700 billion bailout bill, President Bush signed it this afternoon. With a stroke of a pen, he set in motion $110 million in tax cuts and sent the legislators on both sides of the 263-171 vote home to explain themselves to...

Revised Bailout Bill Easily Clears House, 263-171

(Newser) - The House passed the revised $700 billion buyout plan this afternoon, 263-171, raising hopes that the economy will be able to fend off a recession, reports the Washington Post. After 5 days of arm-twisting, 26 Republicans switched their no votes; a total of 91 joined 172 Democrats in backing the...

House Steels for High Noon Bailout Vote

Efforts to sway votes move into overdrive as second effort looms

(Newser) - Leaders and lobbyists are scrambling to marshal support for the revamped bailout bill before it returns to the House at midday today, the Washington Post reports. Democratic and GOP chiefs believe they can sway enough votes to swing it—although only a few have switched so far. Some Republicans who...

Senate Puts Pressure on House to Pass Bailout

New bill will cost even more

(Newser) - By resoundingly passing its version of the bailout bill, the Senate has ratcheted up the pressure on House leaders to go along with the plan, the Swamp reports. “We’re going to fix the problem this week,” promised Mitch McConnell. The new bill more than doubles the FDIC...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>