Lindsay Lohan

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Jail Is Just What LiLo Needs
 Jail Is 
 Just What 
 LiLo Needs  

Jail Is Just What LiLo Needs

Troubled starlet can launch comeback from behind bars

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan's incarceration—the troubled starlet started serving 90 days for a probation violation this morning—is no accident. "Lohan at the Century Regional Detention Facility in Lynwood, Calif., is a culmination of a perfect storm of failures," Courtney Hazlett writes for MSNBC . Whether or not the 90-day...

Lindsay Lohan Goes to Jail
 Lindsay Lohan Goes to Jail 

Lindsay Lohan Goes to Jail

Actress incarcerated for probation violation

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan showed up in court this morning—late, not surprisingly—to surrender for her 90-day prison sentence. Judge Marsha Revel ordered cameras turned off as Lohan was remanded into custody and handcuffed, but TMZ ’s live stream did catch an onlooker holding a “Free Lindsay” sign and...

LiLo Going Full-Frontal in Inferno
 LiLo Going 
 in Inferno 


LiLo Going Full-Frontal in Inferno

Assuming she survives jail, that is

(Newser) - Not too shocking considering she’s playing a porn star, but Lindsay Lohan will indeed go full-frontally nude for her role as Linda Lovelace in Inferno. Don’t get too excited, though; it sounds like kind of a bummer: “It will not be cinematic nudity—it will be more...

New Attorney Dumps Lohan
 New Attorney Dumps Lohan 

New Attorney Dumps Lohan

Jail starts today for troubled star

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan apparently didn't listen to her new attorney because following orders was one of his conditions for sticking with her, and he's already dumped her. Robert Shapiro has informed Lohan's judge that he is no longer representing her, just days after he agreed to take her on, reports TMZ...

On Eve of Reporting to Jail, LiLo's a 'Mess'

Actress begins 90-day sentence tomorrow

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan starts her 90-day sentence for a probation violation tomorrow, and the Tinseltown trainwreck is a "nervous, fidgety mess," a source tells People . "All weekend, Lindsay kept crying, chain smoking and chewing her nails." Another alleged friend says, "She's been picturing herself in jail...

LiLo Lawyer: Go Directly to Jail

Robert Shapiro wants Lindsay to do some time in the clink

(Newser) - He may have gotten OJ Simpson off, but Robert Shapiro wants new client Lindsay Lohan to spend some quality time in jail. "I have agreed to represent Ms. Lohan on the condition that she complies with all the terms of her probation, including a requirement of jail time that...

7 Things LiLo Can Learn From Lil Wayne
 7 Things LiLo Can 
 Learn From 
 Lil Wayne 

7 Things LiLo Can Learn From Lil Wayne

How to survive in prison by following rapper's plan

(Newser) - As Lindsay Lohan’s prison date approaches, she might want to take a look at Lil Wayne—currently serving a year for gun possession—for some tips on how to survive the slammer. Jason Newman offers seven Wayne-inspired ideas on PopEater :
  • Visit with friends: Celebrity friends, that is—just like

Lindsay Lohan, This Is Your Life!

Processed chicken and Jell-O for dinner...yum!

(Newser) - What will life be like for an incarcerated Lindsay Lohan? If she ends up at the Lynwood prison she’s expected to go to—where Paris Hilton spent 23 days—her days will start with a 5am wake-up call of, “Line up for chow! Make your bed! Tuck your...

Sam Jumps to Defend LiLo From ... Joan Rivers
Sam Jumps to Defend LiLo From ... Joan Rivers
twitter wars

Sam Jumps to Defend LiLo From ... Joan Rivers

Hey, at least no one's throwing drinks

(Newser) - The bad news: Lindsay Lohan is going to jail. The good news: Her pined-after ex, Samantha Ronson, is back on her side. Ronson recently defended Lohan against a stream of hilarious—er, mean— tweets from Joan Rivers. Samples: “Lindsay Lohan said she wouldn't mind being under oath because she...

Frustrated Lawyer Can't Quit LiLo—Yet

LiLo "doesn't follow advice'

(Newser) - Seems the frustrated attorney eager to dump Lindsay Lohan has to hang on to her troubled star client a bit longer. Shawn Chapman Holley announced last week she was exiting the case as she blasted LiLo's 90-day sentence for breaking DUI probation orders as "harsh." But Beverly Hills...

How LiLo Can Pass Time in Jail
 How LiLo Can Pass Time in Jail 
idea No. 8: prison tattoo

How LiLo Can Pass Time in Jail

If she scores a book deal, she can start writing it...

(Newser) - Look on the bright side, LiLo: You might not be happy about having to spend 90 days in jail, but at least it’ll give you the time you need to get a trendy prison tattoo. That's one of the 12 ideas Kate Torgovnick has for how Lindsay Lohan can...

LiLo 'Scared to Death': Mom

Actress 'blindsided' by 90-day jail sentence, Dina Lohan says

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan was "completely blindsided" when a California judge sentenced her to 90 days in jail for violating her probation, and the troubled actress is "scared to death," her mother tells Entertainment Tonight . "It's very difficult, we're not sleeping well, we're not functioning," Dina Lohan...

Michael Lohan Drops F-Bomb on Fox News

 Michael Lohan 
 Drops F-Bomb 
 on Fox News 
plus more lilo drama

Michael Lohan Drops F-Bomb on Fox News

Plus, check out the maybe-or-maybe-not leaked LiLo song

(Newser) - Michael Lohan can always be counted on to bring the class. While defending himself against allegations he doesn’t do enough to help his troubled daughter in an interview with Shepard Smith on Fox News, Lohan dropped the F-bomb: “Don't tell me how much time I spend helping my...

Lohan's Lawyer Quits
 Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer Quits 

Lindsay Lohan's Lawyer Quits

She didn't like the manicure?

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan's lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, quit yesterday after releasing a statement saying the Mean Girls star was ready for the slammer and calling her 90-day sentence for violating probation on 2 DUI convictions "harsh." No word, yet, on why the lawyer soured on Lindsay, notes the New ...

Lindsay, Go 'F' Yourself
 Lindsay, Go 'F' Yourself 

Lindsay, Go 'F' Yourself

That finger should have been pointed backwards

(Newser) - It’s safe to say Andrea Peyser is not a fan of “blubbering, bawling mega boob Lindsay Lohan.” Lohan is—among other things—a “pathologically spoiled, drug-addled skank” whose 90-day jail sentence is just the latest in a series of “epic failures as a sentient human,...

This Could Get LiLo More Jail
 This Could Get LiLo More Jail 
bad ideas dept.

This Could Get LiLo More Jail

And it probably won't help that she called judge a 'b***h'

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan’s “f*** u” fingernail message might have been a “joke” to her, but it could land the troubled actress in jail for even longer than her 90-day sentence. It was a “creative” and “outrageous” way to land a contempt of court charge, two public...

Twittery LiLo: 'FU' a Joke
 Twittery LiLo: 
 'FU' a Joke 


Twittery LiLo: 'FU' a Joke

Meanwhile, she keeps cookin' on 5 prescription drugs

(Newser) - Twitter-happy Lindsay Lohan has hit the chatter-sphere with her own unique brand of largely incoherent comments in the wake of her tear-wrenching 90-day jail sentence for blowing off alcohol education classes. First, she insisted that whole "F U" message written on the middle fingernail of her left hand...

LiLo's Rehab 'Satisfaction' for Dad

Plus, how she could still get wasted before jail, and more

(Newser) - At least one person is somewhat happy with Lindsay Lohan’s sentence: Her estranged father, Michael. He tells Larry King in the above video he feels “a little satisfaction that she’s going to rehab,” though the jail part of the sentence is “harsh.” More from...

LiLo Flipped Off Court
 LiLo Flipped Off Court 

LiLo Flipped Off Court

What not to say to a judge

(Newser) - Next time Lindsay Lohan's at a probation hearing, she might want to skip the message on her middle fingernail that says "eff you." The words can be seen in a blown up Getty photo written on the bird-flipping finger of her left hand as she sits at the...

Lindsay Lohan Gets 90 Days in Jail

Judge has little sympathy over probation violation

(Newser) - A judge is sending Lindsay Lohan to jail for 90 days after ruling she violated probation in a 2007 drug case by failing to attend court-ordered alcohol education classes. Lohan immediately burst into tears after the sentencing. She was not required to immediately surrender but will have to turn herself...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>