Lindsay Lohan

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2008's Hottest Ladies

2008's Hottest Ladies

Fox News names the best bods

(Newser) - You didn't think Fox News would forget about the ladies, did you? Here's a sample of its choices for hottest bods of 2008:
  • Karolina Kurkova: She has no bellybutton, "but that didn't stop magazines from Photoshopping one on her for their photo spreads."
  • Angelina Jolie: "

LiLo: I'm Just Like Britney
 LiLo: I'm Just 
 Like Britney 

LiLo: I'm Just Like Britney

Starlet not exactly full of holiday cheer in MySpace post about public trials

(Newser) - In a rambling post on her MySpace page, Lindsay Lohan says she’s “going through a lot right now,” just like Britney Spears did. LiLo praises the “amazing” Brit for chasing her dreams despite publicity and other distractions, then recommends the pop icon’s album to fans,...

Want Ashley's Email? Ask Marie Claire

Mag forgets to Bcc in holiday blast, exposes celeb addresses

(Newser) - Whoops! Marie Claire accidentally gave an early Christmas gift to 582 people: the email addresses of celebrities including Ashley Olsen, Tina Fey, and Lindsay Lohan, Gawker reports. The blunder occurred when the mag forgot to use the good old Bcc line on its holiday email blast. It’s the third...

Ronson Hospitalized for Exhaustion

Back home after visit to LA clinic, DJ cites busy schedule

(Newser) - Samantha Ronson checked herself in to a Los Angeles hospital for exhaustion yesterday, but is now resting up at home, People reports. On her MySpace page, Ronson thanked fans “for all your messages,” and attributed her poor health to “traveling and working too much.” But thanks...

LiLo, Sean Penn Talk Collaboration

Spy overheard celebs gabbing with director Gus Van Sant

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan and Sean Penn may make a movie together, the New York Post reports. LiLo, out with girlfriend Samantha Ronson, was overheard talking shop with the actor and director Gus Van Sant. They discussed “possibly doing a film together,” an eavesdropper told Page Six. “Lindsay seemed...

Lindsay: We're Still Together

Lohan denies rumors of break-up

(Newser) - Regardless of their catfight in London last week, Lindsay Lohan and girlfriend Samantha Ronson are going strong, the New York Daily News reports. LiLo, frustrated with all the rumors, tells visitors to her MySpace page, “because I have been getting a lot of emails asking me this one question...

Squabbling LiLo and Sam Get Counseling

Pair 'fighting like cats and dogs, sources tell Page Six

(Newser) - Vicious spats between Lindsay Lohan and galpal Sam Ronson have led the pair to seek couples counseling, a source tells the New York Post. They’re “fighting like cats and dogs,” the insider said. “Sam and Lindsay are still very much together and very much in love,...

Lilo, Sam Duke It Out at Club
 Lilo, Sam Duke It Out at Club 

Lilo, Sam Duke It Out at Club

Couple comes to blows in London nightclub

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan and girlfriend Samantha Ronson had an ugly fistfight in London, “screaming and spitting” at each other, the British tabloid Sun reports. Ronson flew off the handle when she spotted Lilo dancing with ex Calum Best at trendy nightclub Boujis. “And then all hell broke loose,”...

Sam Growls Over PETA 'Flour Bomb'

PETA dusts 'fur hag' Lohan with flour in Paris

(Newser) - Fur-wearing Lindsay Lohan was "flour bombed" by a PETA activist in Paris over the weekend, and lover Samantha Ronson is whining about it, reports E! Online. "My dog is far more civilized than that person," Ronson sniffs in her MySpace blog. The activist dumped a bag of...

LiLo and Sam Getting Engaged
 LiLo and Sam Getting Engaged 

LiLo and Sam Getting Engaged

Couple flies to Paris to pick rings; announcement set for next week

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are getting engaged in the City of Lights, sources tell the Daily Mirror. The pair leave London tomorrow for Paris, where they will visit jewelers to discuss their “hip and edgy”—not “flash and expensive”—ring designs.

LiLo a Lesbian? 'No.' Bisexual? 'Maybe. Yeah.'

Actress dishes on Sam, career; doesn't 'want to classify myself'

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan appears to be growing up, discussing her wild-child image, her career, relationship, and family drama over a Shirley Temple with Harper’s Bazaar. The actress, who called her old life “not OK,” said she is happy and working toward new goals. She alluded to rumored girlfriend...

Betty 's Ugly Charms Wear Thin
 Betty's Ugly Charms Wear Thin 

Betty's Ugly Charms Wear Thin

Star Ferrera's rumored off-set cattiness isn't helping, either

(Newser) - When she lost the poncho, she lost the charm: America Ferrera’s Ugly Betty character “seems to be losing her very Betty-ness,” lament the Fug Girls in New York. “Ferrera and her scrappy, brace-faced alter ego” once brought “surprising heart” to ABC’s show, but “...

Friends Say LiLo's Too Skinny
 Friends Say LiLo's Too Skinny 

Friends Say LiLo's Too Skinny

Actress has dropped 14 pounds, and 6 dress sizes, while seeing Ronson

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan's dropped 14 pounds, and friends worry her skinny-mini girlfriend might be the reason, the Boston Globe reports. “Since falling in love with Samantha Ronson—who is naturally very slim—Lindsay seems desperate to lose more weight,” a source says. But Lohan, who's denied eating disorder rumors...

Papa Lohan Sorry for Sam Slam
 Papa Lohan Sorry for Sam Slam 

Papa Lohan Sorry for Sam Slam

'Family matters should be kept private,' Michael Lohan says

(Newser) - Michael Lohan is, er, publicly really sorry for publicly slamming La Lohan's girlfriend on a gossip website, New York magazine reports. Lohan calls himself "a Christian" and says he regrets everything he said about Samantha Ronson (especially that bit about calling her "dark, hideous, and a disgusting representation...

LiLo Hearts Sam, Won't Rule Out Guys

Friends say Lohan insists her next date will be a dude

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan isn't taking back any confessions of love for Samantha Ronson, but she's also not restricting her options, friends of the star tell the New York Daily News. Lohan "would date a guy next" if things fizzled with her DJ girlfriend, and plans to make it clear in...

Feud Cuts LiLo's Betty Stand Short

Mean-girl antics between Lohan, star Ferrara trim 6-episode arc to 4

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan’s stand on ABC’s Ugly Betty has been reduced from six episodes to four, and a breakdown in relations with star America Ferrera is the cause, the New York Post reports. Insiders said Lohan—signed to play a high-school rival—wouldn’t emerge from her (trashed) dressing...

Lohan Sued for Wild High-Speed Car Chase

Plaintiffs say they were shanghaied by intoxicated star

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is being sued by three men who claim the star made them unwilling passengers in a high-speed car chase, reports Access Hollywood. The trio say the "highly intoxicated, as well as angry and aggressive" Lohan drove off with the SUV they were sitting in to chase her...

LiLo's Halloween Costume? Sarah Palin

Girlfriend Ronson may dress up as First Dude Todd

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan will strike out at Sarah Palin, whom she has described as a “media-obsessed homophobe,” by pretending to be her for Halloween, the New York Daily News reports. The actress promises the glasses, red suit and cleavage. The icing on the cake: Lohan’s lover Samantha Ronson...

Papa Lohan Invites Your Best Jab
Papa Lohan Invites Your
Best Jab

Papa Lohan Invites Your Best Jab

Bidding starts at $5K to face Michael in Long Island charity bout

(Newser) - Step right up and be the next to knock out Michael Lohan, best known for using his platform as a celeb’s father to pitch his own outsized opinions. The highest bidder at a Long Island charity boxing match will get to take on Papa Lohan inside the ring Nov....

LiLo May Seek Protection From 'Erratic' Dad

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is so scared of her father that she is considering taking out an order of protection against him, the New York Post reports. "He's behaving so erratically that she's terrified he'll do something to her," said a source. "She's contacted her lawyer to arrange this....

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