Lindsay Lohan

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Inside the $3B 'Gossip Machine'

Authorities want to protect privacy, but thwarted by a 'river of cash'

(Newser) - The behemoth gossip industry relentlessly ferrets out any and all scurrilous details about celebrities, churning out "rivers of cash" that amount to about $3 billion a year, and often tossing privacy laws by the wayside, reports the New York Times in a lengthy look. And thanks in part to...

Exciting Weekend: Lindsay Lohan Gets 'Belligerently Drunk,' Then Hangs With Marilyn Manson
LiLo Gets 'Belligerently Drunk,' Hangs With Manson
unholy unions

LiLo Gets 'Belligerently Drunk,' Hangs With Manson

Not, however, in the same evening

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan’s weekend festivities were apparently so epic that stories are still trickling out today. Most notably, the troubled starlet crashed the DeLeon Tequila anniversary party at one of her favorite hangouts, the Chateau Marmont. A source tells the New York Post that Lohan was asked to leave, which...

Lohan Case Returns to Court ... Without Her

She doesn't have to appear in hearing over necklace theft case

(Newser) - Things may be looking up for Lindsay Lohan—for the first time in months, she has a court date and isn't required to appear. Despite being sentenced to serve 120 days in jail at her last appearance, her case was downgraded from felony grand theft to a misdemeanor, which...

Lindsay's New Guardian Angel: John Travolta?

Actor plans to make her a Scientologist

(Newser) - Just what Lindsay Lohan needs: a new religion! John Travolta has decided to take the troubled starlet under his wing and introduce her to Scientology, Showbiz Spy reports. Travolta and Lohan are both starring in an upcoming movie about the Gotti family , but LiLo only snagged her spot because Travolta...

Tonight Show Crowd Gives Lindsay a Standing O

Jay Leno snags first post-sentencing interview

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan might be facing another stint in jail and is definitely in store for some grim community service , but at least she scored a standing ovation on the Tonight Show. Lohan taped an appearance with Jay Leno that will air tonight, and apparently the crowd loved her, the Daily ...

Lindsay Lohan Morgue: Actress Will Complete Community Service Doing Janitorial Work in Morgue
 LiLo: Not 
 Dead Yet, 
 but Going 
 to Morgue 

LiLo: Not Dead Yet, but Going to Morgue

Lohan sentenced to janitorial work at LA County Morgue

(Newser) - Community service is never glamorous, but for Lindsay Lohan, paying her debt to society is going to be especially gruesome: The actress will be doing part of her community service—120 hours, to be exact—at the LA County Department of Coroner, reports People. "She won't be handling...

Lindsay Lohan Released From Jail on Probation Violation After Posting $75,000 Bail
 Lindsay Lohan 
 Released on 
 $75K Bail 

Lindsay Lohan Released on $75K Bail

After judge reduces her theft charges to a misdemeanor

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is out of jail after posting $75,000 bail following a roller coaster legal day for her. The starlet appeared before a judge yesterday for the fourth time in nearly a year and was sentenced to 120 days for violating her probation by taking a designer necklace. But...

Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to 120 Days in Jail

Starlet's attorney files notice of appeal

(Newser) - It's back to jail for Lindsay Lohan. Maybe. The actress was sentenced to 120 days for violating her probation by taking a designer necklace . But the judge had earlier reduced her theft charge from a felony to a misdemeanor, a move that may have set in motion what has...

Lindsay Cutting 'Lohan' From Her Name

LiLo becomes ... Li?

(Newser) - Is Lindsay Lohan about to join the ranks of Madonna, Cher, and Beyonce? If her mother is to be believed, yes. Dina Lohan has confirmed to PopEater that Lindsay intends to drop "Lohan" from her name and just go by Lindsay. "Plus, me and Ali will be officially...

Lindsay's 'Crime Wave' Costs California Millions

Experts estimate that taxpayers are footing a giant bill

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan's "one-woman crime wave," as some in LA's legal community have called it, seems like little more than the stuff of tabloids. But there is a dark side, Fox News points out: Experts estimate that the former actress' legal foibles are costing cash-strapped California millions of dollars....

Lindsay's Jewelry Shop Video to Hit Web

Will be streamed live so viewers can judge for themselves

(Newser) - Looks like Lindsay Lohan is going to be a screen star again. A surveillance video allegedly showing her "lifting" jewelry from a store has reportedly been sold by the shop for $35,000. Venice Beach jewelry store Kamofie & Co. sold the tape to a Beverly Hills software company,...

Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johannson, Jessica Alba Plug Jimmy Kimmel's Humpilates
 LiLo, ScarJo 
 Plug Jimmy K's
post-oscar special

LiLo, ScarJo Plug Jimmy K's 'Humpilates'

Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria drop by for 'infomercial'

(Newser) - Jimmy Kimmel’s annual post-Oscar special featured a bevvy of Hollywood ladies: Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson, and a host of other celebs appeared in a lengthy "infomercial" for Hollywood workout program "Hottie Body Humpilates." Created by "Jimmy K," the regimen transformed the likes of Sofia...

Judge to Lindsay Lohan: Plea Deal Means Jail

But she's expected to accept the deal anyway

(Newser) - Looks like Lindsay Lohan is going to wind up in jail after all, if even for a brief spell, reports TMZ . Prosecutors offered her a plea deal today—reportedly for six months behind bars—on charges that she stole a necklace . The judge made clear that if she accepts, she...

Lohan's Dad: I Booked Lindsay on Letterman

And my daughter was all for it before she backed out, he says

(Newser) - Wait 'til David Letterman pens a Top 10 List about this. Turns out it was Lindsay Lohan's father who booked her on Letterman, only to see her back out and blame "someone purporting to be her friend ," in the words of a representative. Lindsay "knew full well"...

Sheen to Lohan: Work on Your 'Impulse Control'

He thinks she should 'think things through' more

(Newser) - Charlie Sheen knows a thing or two about impulses, so he's got some advice for Lindsay Lohan. She should work on her "impulse control," he suggested while calling in to Dan Patrick's radio show for the second time this week . "Just try and think things through a...

Letterman Gets Duped: No Lohan

Show thought bailed star would appear via satellite, read Top 10

(Newser) - Oh, the irony! After announcing that none other than Lindsay Lohan would be appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman tomorrow, the show announced that, wait, she wouldn't be gracing it with her presence. Turns out Letterman got suckered by "someone purporting to be a friend of Lindsay's,...

LiLo Almost Swiped Earring, Too: Jeweler

Plus: She wants a plea deal, and more

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is accused of stealing a $2,500 necklace, and now the jewelry store accusing her says the troubled starlet also tried to walk out with a diamond earring just four days prior. La Lohan allegedly tried on a pair of diamond earrings on Jan. 18, and only removed...

Lindsay Lohan Pleads Not Guilty to Felony Theft

Judge warns her: 'Don't push your luck'

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan pleaded not guilty today to felony grand theft of a $2,500 necklace—a case that could return the starlet to jail rather than the big screen. She'll be freed on $40,000 bail and is due back in court on Feb. 23. Prosecutors claim the 24-year-old starlet...

Lindsay Lohan Faces Felony Charges Tomorrow

She's accused of stealing necklace from jewelry store

(Newser) - The world gets treated to another Lindsay Lohan booking photo tomorrow. She'll be arraigned at 4:30pm EST on charges of felony theft related to the disappearance of a $2,500 necklace from a Venice jewelry store near her home, reports the Los Angeles Times . One bit of good news...

Lohan: I Borrowed Necklace

Also, LiLo says she's really just an easy mark

(Newser) - For everybody freaking out about the felony charges Lindsay Lohan may or may not be facing over her alleged jewelry theft, she has news for you: That necklace was just borrowed. "We vehemently deny these allegations and, if charges are filed, we will fight them," her lawyer tells...

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