
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Space May Be 20% Closer Than We Thought
World's 'Most
Widely Accepted
Boundary' May
Be Wrong

World's 'Most Widely Accepted Boundary' May Be Wrong

Astrophysicist says Karman Line is 50 miles above Earth, not 62

(Newser) - Astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell calls the Karman Line the world's "most widely accepted boundary." It's otherwise known as the point where space meets Earth's atmosphere, and since before the launch of Sputnik, it's thought to have hovered 62 miles above our heads. Until now. In...

Trump Orders Creation of 6th Military Branch: 'Space Force'

It's not clear whether he can do so without congressional approval

(Newser) - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard ... and Space Force? President Trump, speaking at a meeting of the National Space Council at the White House Monday, ordered the Pentagon to create a sixth branch of the military, Politico reports. "We are going to have the Air Force, and we...

Study Shows How Many Spaces Should Be Used After a Period

It's 2

(Newser) - A heated debate on the merits of more or less sentence spacing may have been put to rest. A study has found that two spaces are better than one between sentences, the Washington Post reports. The study, from researchers at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, NY, sought to settle the...

Trump Claims Credit for 'Space Force' Idea

'What a great idea, maybe we'll have to do that'

(Newser) - SpaceX founder Elon Musk cut through the excitement surrounding future travel to Mars Monday, noting "it's difficult, dangerous," and there's a "good chance you will die." A day later, President Trump appeared more optimistic, claiming Americans will reach Mars "very soon" and touting...

NASA Offers Next Best Thing to Touching the Sun

Fly your name to our star instead

(Newser) - NASA will fly you to the sun—or at least your name. From now until April 27, NASA is accepting online submissions for this hottest ticket in town, which is free. The names—including that of pitchman William Shatner —will be included on a microchip to be sent on...

Space Lab Is Likely Only Weeks From Falling

New estimates suggest re-entry in late March or early April

(Newser) - China's "Heavenly Palace" will tumble to Earth within weeks, experts say. Two new estimates suggest the Tiangong-1 space lab will fall from space in an uncontrolled re-entry in late March or early April. According to a "highly variable" estimate put forth Tuesday, the European Space Agency predicts...

Scientists: Musk's Roadster a 'Biothreat'

Scientists point out risk that car's Earthly bacteria might contaminate life on Mars

(Newser) - In the small chance that Elon Musk's space-exploring Tesla Roadster comes crashing back to Earth, experts say the planet will be just fine. It's a different story with Mars, where the car could become what one scientist calls a "biothreat." The Tesla, in a large orbit...

Here's How Likely It Is Tesla Comes Crashing Back to Earth

Elon Musk launched Roadster into space earlier this month

(Newser) - Scientists say there's a 6% chance Earth will having flying cars in the future. Specifically one flying car: the Tesla Roadster Elon Musk launched into space earlier this month. Researchers analyzing the car's orbit say there's a 6% chance it will crash into Earth at some point...

Farthest Photos Ever Taken, From Nearly 4B Miles Away

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft snapped the pics in December

(Newser) - The NASA spacecraft that gave us close-ups of Pluto has set a record for the farthest photos ever taken, the AP reports. In December—while 3.79 billion miles from Earth—the New Horizons spacecraft snapped a picture of a star cluster. The photo surpassed the "Pale Blue Dot"...

Asteroid Makes a Close Pass on Friday

2018 CB will be much closer to us than the moon, but there's no danger

(Newser) - Celebrate the end of the work week and continued survival of our planet Friday with a glance up at the sky. There, you could get a glimpse of an asteroid whipping past Earth at a distance of 39,000 miles—roughly five times closer to us than the moon—around...

There Could Be a Car in Space on Tuesday

SpaceX aims to send Tesla Roadster into sun's orbit during Falcon Heavy test

(Newser) - A space superhighway remains only an idea , but Elon Musk will attempt to blast a flashy red convertible skyward regardless. Musk's Tesla Roadster will be aboard SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket on its debut launch from Florida's Kennedy Space Center on Tuesday. The car is meant to showcase...

White House Eyes End of Funding for Space Station

Draft budget proposal gives 2025 end date, reports The Verge

(Newser) - The Trump administration looks poised to deliver bad news to advocates of the International Space Station. The White House plans to end NASA's funding for ISS by 2025, according to a draft 2019 budget proposal seen by the Verge . NASA supplies ISS with up to $4 billion annually, and...

Astronaut Was to Make History—Until NASA Intervened

Jeanette Epps was to be the first African American on the ISS

(Newser) - Jeanette Epps was to make history when she set foot on the International Space Station in June, as the first African-American astronaut to do so. Emphasis on "was." NASA on Thursday announced a shake-up to its crew assignments, stating Serena Auñón-Chancellor would be bumped from her...

Astronaut's Blessing and Curse: Growing 3.5 Inches in Space

Norishige Kanai was likely joking about it being a problem, but not about it happening

(Newser) - One fringe benefit of an astronaut's trip to space: He or she returns to Earth taller (though only temporarily). That's thanks to the lack of gravity, which elongates the distance between the vertebrae in one's spine. And for one Japanese astronaut, the change has been more extreme...

Earth to Be Visited by a Halloween &#39;Skull&#39;
Earth Will
Get a Spooky
Visitor in 2018
In Case You Missed It

Earth Will Get a Spooky Visitor in 2018

Skull-shaped asteroid expected to zip by in November

(Newser) - Earth will get its own Halloween decoration next year, though a little late. In mid-November, a skull-shaped asteroid will make its second flyby past Earth since it was discovered just beyond the moon in October 2015. It went on to pass by Earth on Oct. 31, 2015, prompting it to...

Scientists to Check if This 'Messenger' Comes From Aliens

Green Bank telescope will scan 'Oumuamua for signs of alien technology

(Newser) - It's unlikely that the first object found to have visited our solar system from interstellar space is carrying a message from aliens, but scientists will listen for one anyway. Beginning Wednesday, the Green Bank telescope in West Virginia will observe the mysterious cigar-shaped 'Oumuamua across four radio transmission...

US Will Have to Wait for Its Army of Space Marines

Congress removes proposal for creation of 'Space Corps' from defense bill

(Newser) - Well, it looks like America won't be getting its own army of space marines—at least not this year. CNN reports Congress has dropped a proposal to create a new "Space Corps"—similar to the Marine Corps but spacier—from the final version of the $692 billion...

Scientists Explain &#39;Scratch Marks&#39; on Mars

Scientists Explain
'Scratch Marks' on Mars

Scientists Explain 'Scratch Marks' on Mars

Levitating dry ice causes deep gullies: scientists

(Newser) - No, a giant cat has not been clawing at the surface of Mars, though it might look like that. According to scientists, "scratch marks" or linear gullies on the Martian plains of Hellas Planitia were caused not by life forms but by dry ice—in fact, levitating dry ice....

Massive Lava Tubes Could Shelter Humans on Moon
Massive Lava Tubes Could
Shelter Humans on Moon
New Study

Massive Lava Tubes Could Shelter Humans on Moon

Researchers say they've found intact lava tubes below the moon's surface

(Newser) - Thanks to a study in Geophysical Research Letters , we now know where the first human settlement on the moon could be built—a massive lava tube potentially extending miles below the surface. Astronauts haven't been able to spend more than three days on the moon—which lacks Earth's...

China's Space Lab Could Fall at Any Time

Most will burn up in atmosphere, but chunks of it could land on Earth

(Newser) - Look up and you might see a bird, a plane, or 200-pound chunks of China's space lab falling from the sky. Actually, the chance of that last one is remote, but technically possible, and now more than ever. China acknowledged last year that its Tiangong-1 lab, launched in 2011,...

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