terrorist attack

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Resurgent Militants Could Ignite India-Pakistan War

India braces for fresh attacks that could spark war

(Newser) - The Pakistan-based terror network that organized the slaughter of 163 people in Mumbai last year is still thriving, and security officials on both sides of the border fear it's only a matter of time before operatives attack India again. Lashkar-e-Taiba enjoys broad support within Pakistan, its top leadership remains intact...

Huge Kandahar Blast Kills 43, but Taliban Deny Role

(Newser) - A Taliban spokesman today denied that the group was behind a huge explosion that killed at least 43 and injured 65 more in Kandahar last night. Roughly 40 shops were destroyed in the blast, which went off outside a wedding hall just as people were breaking their Ramadan fast. Rescue...

Iraqi Bombing Suspect Paid $10K to Pass Checkpoints

(Newser) - Attackers paid $10,000 to get a bomb-laden truck past checkpoints and next to the Iraqi Finance Ministry in last week's attacks, one of the suspected masterminds said in a confession broadcast today. Seeking to fend off widespread criticism over security lapses, the Iraqi military released what it said was...

Gadhafi Readies Private Jet for Lockerbie Bomber

(Newser) - Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has his private jet ready to zip into Glasgow to pick up the Lockerbie bomber, reports the London Times. Scottish officials say they have made a decision about Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi but won't announce it until 1pm local time. Megrahi, who continues to insist on his...

Lockerbie Bomber Deal Sparks Cover-Up Claims

(Newser) - News that the Lockerbie bomber has dropped his appeal amid reports that he's about to be released on compassionate grounds has critics smelling a back-room deal and a cover-up, the Times of London reports. Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, who has terminal cancer, is expected to be sent back to Libya soon...

Palestinian Militants Threaten Bruno

(Newser) - A Palestinian militant group mocked in the movie Bruno has warned ominously that it will "respond in the way we find suitable" against the film's star Sacha Baron Cohen. The movie "was part of a conspiracy against the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade," said a statement from the group....

Suicide Attackers Strike Afghan City

(Newser) - Taliban fighters wearing suicide vests and armed with AK-47 rifles and rocket-propelled grenades attacked the main police station today in the southeast city of Khost, triggering hours-long gunbattles that left seven militants dead and 14 people wounded, officials said. The attack began in the afternoon when at least six fighters...

Mastermind of Bali Attacks Suspected in Jakarta Blasts

(Newser) - Indonesian officials are fairly certain the wanted terrorist who masterminded the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings is also responsible for yesterday's attacks in Jakarta, the BBC reports. There are “strong indications” that Noordin Mohamed Top—a financier for al Qaeda-linked terror group Jemaah Islamiah who is thought to have...

'Strategic Patience' Will Neuter Al Qaeda
 'Strategic Patience' 
 Will Neuter Al Qaeda 

'Strategic Patience' Will Neuter Al Qaeda

(Newser) - Al Qaeda is weak militarily and “has been rejected by a great majority of Muslims,” Steve Coll writes in the New Yorker, but the terrorist organization and its affiliates can still create a “shock” like today's bombings in Jakarta. Despite the group's apparent inability to pull off...

Jakarta Bombings Blamed on Resurgent Terror Group

(Newser) - Today's terror attack in Jakarta appears to be the work of a group Indonesia thought it had put out of business years ago, experts tell ABC News. The twin attacks on luxury hotels that killed 8 people and injured at least 50 are being blamed on Jemayah Islamiyah, a group...

London Unveils Terror Memorial

(Newser) - London officially unveiled its memorial to the 52 people killed in the July 7, 2005, terror attacks today, the Guardian reports. The Hyde Park memorial consists of 52 stainless steel pillars, each representing a victim, split into four groups corresponding to the four bombing targets. In the center is a...

Liberty's Crown Reopens
 Liberty's Crown Reopens 

Liberty's Crown Reopens

(Newser) - The Statue of Liberty's crown reopened to the public today for the first time since the 9/11 attacks, reports the Daily News. The first people allowed up were seven US servicemen who took the oath to become citizens. Those interested in ascending the narrow staircase to the top better be...

Beck Guest: US Needs Attack by bin Laden

Glenn himself seems to agree

(Newser) - Glenn Beck and his guest last night, ex-CIA employee Michael Scheuer, kicked off the 4th of July festivities early when Scheuer declared that America’s only hope “is for Osama bin Laden to deploy and detonate a major weapon in the United States.” Gawker blogger the Cajun Boy...

Terrorists Didn't Down Flight 447: Autopsies

(Newser) - Autopsy reports indicate that Air France flight 447 did not crash because of a terrorist strike, the Independent reports. Examinations of the first 16 bodies—all recovered whole—show no signs of explosion, fire, or penetration by shards of metal. The autopsy details, leaked to the Brazilian press this weekend,...

Pakistan Bombing Kills 40 as Holbrooke Visits

(Newser) - A bombing at a mosque in northwest Pakistan killed about 40 people today, Reuters reports. The attack, which occurred near the troubled Swat Valley, took place as Pakistani leaders urged visiting US envoy Richard Holbrooke to ramp up US aid, notes the AP. Such attacks won't "deter the government...

US Fears al-Qaeda Bioattack From Mexico

(Newser) - US counterterrorism officials are worried that al-Qaeda may mount a biological attack from Mexico and could even seek to collaborate with domestic terrorists, the Washington Times reports. The fears are bolstered by a February video from Kuwait al-Qaeda recruiter Abdullah al-Nafisi. In the video, Nafisi boasted that anthrax “carried...

US Soldier Held After Killing 5 at Baghdad Base

(Newser) - A US soldier has been charged today with killing five in a shooting at the stress clinic at an American base in Baghdad today, the AP now reports; earlier bulletins said the shooter died of self-inflicted wounds. A US officer said the clinic is for soldiers seeking relief from combat...

45 Dead in Turkey 'Blood Feud' Strike
 45 Dead in Turkey 
 'Blood Feud' Strike 

45 Dead in Turkey 'Blood Feud' Strike

(Newser) - Masked assailants with grenades and automatic weapons attacked an engagement ceremony in southeast Turkey on Monday, killing 45 people. Two girls survived after the bodies of slain friends fell on top of them during the onslaught. Some media outlets reported that a "blood feud" among families had led to...

Cricket Victims See 'Inside Job'

Sri Lankans say security vanished; al-Qaeda may have played role

(Newser) - An unexplained gap in scheduling at this week's cricket match in Lahore has led to angry speculation that the gunmen who attacked the Sri Lankan team may have acted on inside information. While the Pakistani and Sri Lankan teams had traveled together on earlier days, the Pakistani team left later...

Jerusalem Bulldozer Attack Ends With Palestinian Dead

(Newser) - A Palestinian driver rammed a construction vehicle into a bus and police car on an Israeli highway today, wounding two officers before he was shot dead. It was the third bulldozer attack in Jerusalem in the past eight months. Witnesses described a yellow front-loader speeding along Begin Highway, dragging the...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>