terrorist attack

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Suicide Bomber Kills 13 in Russia Train Station

Scores wounded in Volgograd attack; no one has claimed responsibility

(Newser) - At least 13 people were killed and scores were wounded today by a suicide bomber at a railway station in southern Russia, officials said, heightening concern about terrorism ahead of February's Olympics in Sochi. The National Anti-Terrorist Committee said the explosion at the central railway station in the city...

Al-Qaeda: Sorry About Yemen Hospital Attack

AQAP says assault that killed 52 was work of fighter who disobeyed orders

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda, not necessarily the first organization one thinks of when one thinks of remorse, is apologizing for an assault on a hospital in a Yemeni defense ministry complex that killed 52 people, al-Jazeera reports. "Now we acknowledge our mistake and guilt," says al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula chief...

Kenya Mall Attack Rehearsed, 'Meticulously Planned'

Plus: Gunshots still ringing out

(Newser) - Some of the terrorists who attacked Kenya's Westgate Mall are said to have used G3 assault rifles, cumbersome guns carried by Kenyan security officers, and "you don't bring something like a crew-served weapon through the door," an American official tells the New York Times . "Those...

NYPD Staging Fake Bio-Terror Subway Attack

Releasing harmless gas to track its movement

(Newser) - Don't worry: The gas the NYPD will be releasing into the New York City subway system in July is totally harmless. The "per fluorocarbons" will be released as part of a $3.4 million-dollar study looking at airflow in the subway system, with the aim of helping authorities...

Feds Might Not Certify Boston as 'Act of Terror'

Property damage too low for certification, but health care costs could top $9M

(Newser) - President Obama has called the Boston Marathon bombings terrorism, but apparently insurance companies aren't inclined to agree. After 9/11, Congress enacted the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program to help stabilize terrorism insurance premiums, and under that federal law, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew must certify violent incidents as an "act...

One Guy Could Have Pulled Off Boston Bombing: Expert

FBI takes lead on investigation

(Newser) - As investigators follow up on leads in the Boston Marathon bombing , the Boston Herald talks to security experts who say the attack may have been nearly impossible to prevent. That's because the use of an IED is "hard to stop ... in a free and open society," one...

Federal Official: It's a 'Terrorist Attack'

And early reactions to Boston bombings appear online

(Newser) - A federal law enforcement official called today's fatal explosions in Boston a "terrorist attack" but said it wasn't clear whether the responsible party was foreign or domestic, CNN reports. Meanwhile speculation, dread, and political agendas are swirling around the Internet as the story unfolds. Slate notes the...

Portland City Worker Busted in Pakistan Terror Attack

Reaz Qadir Khan charged with aiding terrorist in attack that killed 30

(Newser) - FBI agents yesterday arrested a Portland city worker on allegations that he provided support to a suicide bomber who participated in a 2009 attack in Pakistan that killed about 30 people and injured another 300. Reaz Qadir Khan, a 48-year-old wastewater treatment plant operator, was arrested at his home and...

American Mumbai Plotter Gets 35 Years

David Coleman Headley scouted targets for 2008 hit in India

(Newser) - An American was sentenced today to 35 years in prison for the key role he played in a 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai that has been called India's 9/11. David Coleman Headley's meticulous scouting missions facilitated the assault by 10 gunmen from a Pakistani-based militant group. The attack...

Why the Algerian Gas Plant Didn't Have Armed Guards

Officials differ on whether more security could have stopped large attack

(Newser) - The companies that run the Algerian gas plant overrun by militants last week decided against deploying armed guards in the large compound, depending instead on government patrols in the area and steel wire fences for protection, reports the New York Times . Many experts think an armed force, common at many...

5 Arrested in Algeria Crisis; Death Toll at 81

Mali-based terrorist takes responsibility for attack

(Newser) - Officials in Algeria have arrested five suspects in the Algerian gas-plant hostage crisis that left at least 81 people dead, report the BBC and AP . All five are members of an Islamist group, according to a private TV channel, and Algerian officials say each hailed from one of six different...

Senate Report Blasts State Dept. on Benghazi

Lieberman-Collins report echoes independent probe

(Newser) - The State Department didn't provide its Benghazi team with enough protection against possible threats, a bipartisan Senate report finds, marking the second slap at State this month over the Libya attack. What's more, intelligence pointed to the attack being the work of terrorists all along—but the Obama...

Terrorist Attacks Have Quadrupled Since 9/11

But deaths are falling: new study

(Newser) - Annual terrorist attacks have more than quadrupled since the September 11, 2001, attacks, a new study finds, with Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, and Yemen most affected. But, after peaking in 2007, the number of deaths per year in such attacks has been decreasing, Reuters reports. Last year, there were 7,...

Bomb Explodes on Tel Aviv Bus
 Bomb Explodes 
 on Tel Aviv Bus 

Bomb Explodes on Tel Aviv Bus

Israel calls it a terrorist attack, Hamas praises the bombing

(Newser) - In a development that could thwart ceasefire hopes , a bomb exploded on a bus in Tel Aviv today, leaving 21 people wounded, al-Jazeera reports. Though most suffered only minor injuries, three are in the hospital in serious condition, according to CNN . The bus was traveling along a road that abuts...

India Hangs Sole Surviving Mumbai Attacker

Pakistani citizen executed for deadly 2008 terrorist assault

(Newser) - The only attacker to be captured alive after the 2008 terrorist assault on Mumbai was executed this morning. Pakistan citizen Ajmal Amir Kasab, one of 10 gunmen whose brazen attack killed 164 people, was hanged in a jail outside the city, the Washington Post reports. His execution, only the third...

Jordan Busts 11 in '9/11 (2)' Terrorist Plot

11 men arrested

(Newser) - Jordan has foiled what it calls a "major terrorist plot," arresting 11 men who were planning a series of attacks they dubbed "9/11 (2)." The men, described as being "associated with the ideology of al-Qaeda," planned to start by attacking diplomats in hotels; then...

Suspected Leader of Libya Attack Still at Large

Libyan security officials say Ahmed Abu Khattalah was at the scene: WSJ

(Newser) - Libyan security officials say Ahmed Abu Khattalah, founder of Islamist militia Ansar al-Sharia , was at the US consulate in Libya during the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens—the most direct link between the militia and the attack so far, though officials have been focusing on Ansar al-Sharia for a...

Obama Lies About Terrorism

 Obama Lies About Terrorism 

Obama Lies About Terrorism

Libya lies are 'a scandal,' writes Stephen F. Hayes

(Newser) - After the US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in Benghazi, the Obama administration insisted they were simply caught in a protest over an anti-Islam film. Now, as it has become increasingly clear Chris Stevens and the other victims were actually killed in a planned terrorist attack,...

Bulgaria: Bus Bomber Had Fake US ID

Israel blames Iran for suicide attack that killed 8

(Newser) - The bus bombing that killed at least eight people at a Bulgarian airport yesterday, most of them Israelis, was probably the work of a suicide bomber, according to Bulgarian authorities. Investigators believe that the man—who was filmed by security cameras walking around the airport for an hour before the...

Israeli Tourists Killed in Bulgaria Bus Bombing

Police put death toll at 4, but it could grow

(Newser) - A bus carrying young Israeli tourists in a Bulgarian resort exploded today, killing at least four people and wounding about 20, police say. Witnesses told Israeli media that the huge blast occurred soon after someone boarded the vehicle. Images showed smoke billowing from the scene in the Black Sea city...

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