Election 2008

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

Franken Sues for Records of Rejected Voters

Coleman leads Minn. race by 206 votes, calls suit 'shameless'

(Newser) - Senate hopeful Al Franken is suing Minnesota counties to get the names and addresses of locals whose absentee ballots were rejected, the Star Tribune reports. Franken’s team is sweeping the state for such information in an effort to cut GOP Sen. Norm Coleman’s current 206-vote lead. A full...

McCain Returns to Trail, Urges Ga. Voters 'Into Battle'

(Newser) - John McCain found himself back on familiar terrain tonight—the campaign trail. The Republican also-ran traveled to Georgia to stump for Saxby Chambliss, who's locked in a runoff battle for the Senate with Democrat Jim Martin, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. “I did not think I would be back on...

Cheneys Greet the Bidens
 Cheneys Greet the Bidens 

Cheneys Greet the Bidens

(Newser) - Joe Biden and wife Jill paid a pleasant social call this evening on the man Biden once called the "most dangerous vice president" in the nation's history. Dick Cheney and wife Lynne invited the Bidens for a meeting and a tour of the VP's official residence at the Naval...

Obama Gives First Interview to 60 Minutes

President-elect and future first lady will be on the show Sunday

(Newser) - Barack Obama will give his first post-election interview to 60 Minutes, reports Variety. The show's Steve Kroft will interview the president-elect and the future first lady in Chicago this week, and the show will air Sunday night. Obama seems to have a soft spot for the CBS institution—he also...

Clinton Rumored On Short List for Secretary of State

Clinton under consideration with fellow senators Kerry, Hagel, Gov. Richardson

(Newser) - The Washington rumor mill has spit out an interesting item: Barack Obama may be considering erstwhile archrival Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, the Post reports. Obama is not pleased with names floated for the position, including Sens. John Kerry and Chuck Hagel and Gov. Bill Richardson. Clinton might salve...

'First Jewish President' Delights Chicago Faithful

Obama understands community's issues 'better than most of us'

(Newser) - Though there was doubt during the campaign of broad Jewish support for Barack Obama, the Chicago Jewish community didn't share it, Haaretz reports. “I said with a smile that he will be the first Jewish president,” said one community leader and who traveled with Obama to Israel in...

Palin Focuses on Future at Glum GOP Event

Ex-VP candidate cites 2010 governors races as party's next chance

(Newser) - Breaking from presidential-campaign habits with a press conference, Sarah Palin thanked supporters, mentioned Joe the Plumber, and dodged the obvious question about 2012 today at the Republican governors confab in Miami, the New York Times reports. “The future is not that 2012 Presidential race, it’s next year and...

GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove
 GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove 

GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove

Democratic wave was aberration caused by unusual factors

(Newser) - Voters didn’t so much choose liberalism or the Democratic Party as they did Barack Obama, writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal. And that’s potentially good news for the GOP in the 2010 midterm elections, Rove says: “In politics, good years follow bad years. Republicans...

GOP Could Face a Decade of Oblivion
GOP Could
Face a Decade of Oblivion

GOP Could Face a Decade of Oblivion

Tory move to the right after Blair defeat was utter debacle

(Newser) - What happens when a party gets the thumping that the Republicans endured in 2006 and 2008? If their British cousins are anything to go by, says Jonathan Freeland, "the first response to electoral disaster is denial." Writing in the New York Times, the Guardian columnist analyzes the Tories'...

Begich Leads Stevens by 814 Votes in Alaska
Begich Leads Stevens by 814 Votes in Alaska

Begich Leads Stevens by 814 Votes in Alaska

Democrat takes first lead; another 40,000 votes to be counted

(Newser) - Democrat Mark Begich has taken the lead—by 814 votes—over Ted Stevens in the race for the Senate in Alaska, reports FiveThirtyEight.com. With about 40,000 absentee votes still to be counted, Begich leads 132,196  to 131,382. When the day began, Begich trailed by more than...

Pelosi Among Most Powerful of Speakers

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi may wield her influence behind the scenes, but she is the most powerful woman in the history of US politics, Politico reports, and with recent Democratic gains in Congress, she's poised to have power few other speakers could match. Though she’s nice about it, “whatever Nancy...

Newsweek Searches for Obama Mamas
Newsweek Searches for Obama Mamas

Newsweek Searches for Obama Mamas

Mag is anticipating Election Night-inspired baby boom

(Newser) - Did you find yourself roused to more than tears of joy at Barack Obama's historic victory Election Night? If so, Newsweek wants you. One of the mag’s reporters submitted a query to Help A Reporter Out, reports Gawker, looking for sources who “made love in the name of...

Fox Pundit: Media Bashed Palin for Not Aborting Trig

Writer makes 'humorous dig' at liberal media for relentless Palin attacks

(Newser) - Political analyst Michael Barone was booed by a crowd of academics after saying the media hated Sarah Palin for not aborting Trig, Politico reports."The liberal media attacked Sarah Palin because she did not abort her Down syndrome baby," the US News & World Report writer said, prompting...

Palin Refuses to Give Up Post-Election Spotlight
Palin Refuses to Give Up Post-Election Spotlight

Palin Refuses to Give Up Post-Election Spotlight

Governor looks back in anger, ahead with interest

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is upending protocol with a barrage of post-election interviews, Alessandra Stanley writes in the New York Times. The Alaska governor may be seeking to repair her image after a brutal campaign, and to get the ball rolling now for a White House run, Stanley speculates. She's continuing to...

McCain to Leno: Don't Blame Palin

(Newser) - John McCain poked fun at himself and his campaign on Jay Leno tonight but refused to place blame for his loss on Sarah Palin or the media, Politico reports. "The one thing I think Americans don't want is a sore loser," said McCain. "I'm a fighter. I...

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...
 And Don't Let 
 the Door Hit You ... 

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...

Lefty glories in Bush's imminent departure, fires off some parting shots

(Newser) - George W. Bush will soon no longer be president, and “it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the multifaceted burden that will soon be lifted from our collective shoulders,” Paul Waldman writes in the American Prospect, taking more than a few minutes to catalog the low...

McCain Will Campaign for Chambliss in Ga. Runoff

Election could influence balance of power in Senate

(Newser) - John McCain will stump for Saxby Chambliss this week as the Republican Senator drums up support for a Dec. 2 runoff vote against Democrat Jim Martin, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Chambliss has also secured Mike Huckabee to campaign for him in Georgia. Martin, meanwhile, has pleaded with President-elect Barack Obama...

Robbins, Officials Still Sparring Over Voting Snafu

Actor may have been in the wrong location

(Newser) - Actor and political activist Tim Robbins, who filed a court order to vote after his name wasn’t in the poll books on Election Day, may simply have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The election commissioner now claims Robbins filed a change-of-address form when he moved...

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP
 Old Guard Will 
 Win Battle for GOP 

Old Guard Will Win Battle for GOP

Defeat likely to send party further to the right, ensuring future losses

(Newser) - A battle between reformers and traditionalists for the soul of the GOP lies in the party's immediate future, David Brooks writes in the New York Times—and the reformers don't stand a chance. The conservative old guard, with Rush Limbaugh as its loudest mouthpiece and Sarah Palin as its heroine,...

Dems Leave the South Behind
 Dems Leave the South Behind 

Dems Leave the South Behind

Once-pivotal region misses the boat

(Newser) - Remember when the only winning Democrats were Southerners? Dixie’s desertion of the Democrats made Republicans the dominant party, and only when Democrats stole back part of the pivotal region could they win. Well, writes Adam Nossiter in the New York Times, the South is pivotal no longer. While running...

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