Election 2008

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Meet Princess Di's Frontier Cuz
 Meet Princess Di's Frontier Cuz 

Meet Princess Di's Frontier Cuz

Connected through Brits who emigrated to America

(Newser) - In the "not-completely-shocking" category, the People's Princess and the Caribou Princess go back a way on the family tree, according to a genealogy organization, with Sarah Palin counting Princess Diana as her 10th cousin. Both women are descendants of Brits John Strong and Abigail Ford, who emigrated to America...

McCain Resorts to Atwater's Bag of Dirty Tricks
McCain Resorts to Atwater's Bag of Dirty Tricks

McCain Resorts to Atwater's Bag of Dirty Tricks

They're trying to turn Obama into Willie Horton, Dowd writes

(Newser) - Before Karl Rove, Maureen Dowd reminds us, it was Lee Atwater who masterminded the Republican smear campaign, and his demolition of Michael Dukakis was his greatest, dirtiest success. Atwater painted the 1988 candidate as a weak Harvard-educated elitist with a weird last name, a man who supported "the Scary...

McCain Ranks High With Military: Poll

Nearly 70% of career service members say he's their man in November

(Newser) - Career members of the military are nearly three times as likely to vote for John McCain for president in November as Barack Obama, reports the Military Times. In a survey of 4,300 subscribers of the Army Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, and Air Force Times—mostly older and...

What We Saw: Hot vs. Cool Old vs. Young

How they acted

(Newser) - What viewers see is as important as what they hear in debates. So what did pundits see?  
  • "The expressions on John McCain's face, and the irritation in his voice, said it all," writes the San Francisco Chronicle. McCain “was a portrait of frustration,” while Obama

McCain's Housing Rescue Plan: What Is It? Is It New?

Candidate surprises with question-laden bailout proposal

(Newser) - John McCain’s proposal to bail out homeowners by buying up their troubled mortgages, the only policy surprise in last night’s debate, left observers scrambling to understand how it was—if it was—different from the Treasury’s existing bailout plan. The proposal, fleshed out by the campaign, would...

Esquire Endorses Obama ... Kinda

He might be unable to define what change means, but Barack's the only horse in the race, say mag's editors

(Newser) - Barack Obama "is the only possible choice to lead the country," says Esquire, though the magazine’s position is less an endorsement of Obama and more a treatise against John McCain. Obama has failed to define his key campaign theme of change “except as all those things...

Rambling Palin Opens Up to Press Pack

Sarah rips Obama's 'forthrightedness' on 'No-Talk Express'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin surprised reporters yesterday by coming to the back of her campaign plane to take questions from the press corps for the first time ever, Fox News reports. The candidate spoke in her trademark rambling style for nearly 15 minutes aboard what reporters had dubbed the "No-Talk Express....

Obama Takes Round 2: Polls
 Obama Takes 
Round 2: Polls 

Obama Takes Round 2: Polls

Dem grabs clear debate victory in CBS, CNN polls

(Newser) - Barack Obama was the clear winner of last night's debate against John McCain, two separate polls conducted for television networks found. Minutes after the debate ended, 40% of uncommitted voters identified Obama as the winner to 26% who said McCain came out on top, CBS News reports. Viewers found Obama...

Candidates Tangle on Economy in Debate No. 2

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain were hit with blunt questions tonight about how they would "bail out" Americans hurt by the staggering economy. In the second of three debates, this one a town hall-style face-off, the candidates fielded questions from an audience of 80 undecided voters and moderator Tom...

Women Swing Back to Barack
 Women Swing Back to Barack 

Women Swing Back to Barack

Sarah Palin's candidacy shook up the race, but polls show female support in line with past elections

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s novel influence on the presidential campaign appears to have waned, and the “gender gap” among voters has reverted to that in past elections, the Chicago Tribune reports. That means women favor Democrat Barack Obama over Republican John McCain. Women will support Obama by a margin of...

Details of Palin's Union Membership Prove Elusive

McCain cited union tenure as evidence of running mate's ties to 'regular folk'

(Newser) - John McCain described Sarah Palin as a former union member when introducing his running mate in August, but was she? The Las Vegas Sun has been trying to find conclusive proof, but so far Palin’s union experience remains unclear. McCain officials were initially unresponsive, while her Alaskan office said:...

Facing Actual Voters Can Be Tall Order
 Facing Actual Voters 
 Can Be Tall Order 

Facing Actual Voters Can Be Tall Order

Candidates won't be as easily able to duck pointed questions in tonight's debate format

(Newser) - The presidential candidates will be walking into a lion’s den tonight, forced to face those most dangerous of creatures: undecided voters. The town-hall debate could be a “snooze-fest,” writes John Dickerson on Slate, but there’s also a chance “Ponytail Guy”—the town-haller who famously...

Palin Supporters Berate Media at Ugly Rally

Black sound operator told to 'sit down, boy' amidst other taunts

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s supporters are taking her attacks on the mainstream media to heart. Reporters at a rally yesterday were greeted with jeers and taunts from the 3,000-strong crowd, Dana Milbank reports in the Washington Post. Palin’s supporters banged thunder sticks and shouted abuse at reporters, and one...

Mac, Dave to Make Up
 Mac, Dave to Make Up 

Mac, Dave to Make Up

Candidate plans Oct. 15 appearance

(Newser) - David Letterman's favorite whipping boy may return to the show next week in a move to make the peace, reports the New York Post. John McCain is in talks for his Late Show redemption on Oct. 15, ending a feud that's dogged the candidate since he ditched Dave for Katie...

Why Are We Talking About Keating, Ayers?

Mac has forgotten the lessons of the scandal that made him a better man

(Newser) - Barack Obama's camp resurrected the Keating Five as a “eye for an eye” campaign issue this week, after the McCain team revived Obama's sometime relationship with Bill Ayers, the former '60s-era radical. But the Obama folks missed what makes the 20-year-old scandal actually relevant, writes Walter Shapiro on Salon....

Palin's Right, the Press Does Stink ...
Palin's Right,
the Press
Does Stink ...

Palin's Right, the Press Does Stink ...

... for labeling her horrible debate performance success

(Newser) - Sarah Palin doesn’t like the mainstream media, and after watching its reaction to her debate performance, neither does Richard Cohen of the Washington Post. Palin ignored questions, lied, and invented new powers for the vice president, but somehow the media wound up praising her anyway. “I could quote...

New Yorker Endorses Obama's 'Uplift and Realism'

After 'disaster' of Bush, he offers 'both uplift and realism'

(Newser) - At a critical moment in its history, the United States "needs both uplift and realism, both change and steadiness"—and Barack Obama is the man to deliver it, writes the New Yorker in a 4,000-word endorsement. After George W. Bush, whose presidency has been "the worst...

McCain Linked to Group That Aided Contras

Ariz. senator joined board when he came to Washington

(Newser) - John McCain has past connections to a group that supplied aid to guerrillas seeking to overthrow the leftist government of Nicaragua in the Iran-Contra affair. The US Council for World Freedom was part of an international organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America. Its...

Tonight's Tango: Think Dance, Not Debate
 Tonight's Tango: 
 Think Dance, Not Debate 

Tonight's Tango: Think Dance, Not Debate

Get ready for Barack and Mac to bust some Clintonian moves

(Newser) - Tonight in Nashville, don’t expect either a real “town hall” format or a true debate, advises Jack Shafer in Slate. We won’t see unvetted questions or reasoned exchanges. What we can expect are some interesting moves, with the candidates taking cues from earlier performances by Bill Clinton,...

McCain Losing Ground in Pro-Bush Strongholds

Poll: Obama holds slim lead in Ohio; dead heat in NC; Mac's edge slim in Ind.

(Newser) - John McCain finds himself fighting to hold some states that went red in 2000 and ‘04—a bad sign for the Republican, Time reports. Polls show Barack Obama in real contention in once-solid GOP states like Indiana and North Carolina, and inching ahead in crucial Ohio. Obama has also...

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