Election 2008

Stories 1241 - 1260 | << Prev   Next >>

Campaign Costly for Secret Service

Department nees $9.5 million more than budgeted, leaders say

(Newser) - The Secret Service has asked for an additional $9.5 million to cover the costs of protecting candidates during this year's campaign—already the longest and costliest in agency history, AP reports. The department had budgeted $107 million, up from $73 million in 2004, but between the marathon primary season,...

Maliki Pegs Obama as the Most Pliant: Krauthammer

Iraq PM thinks Dem can be manipulated, writes Krauthammer

(Newser) - Nouri al-Maliki's endorsement of Barack Obama's timetable for withdrawal from Iraq this week was "the earliest and most ostentatious absentee ballot of this presidential election," writes Charles Krauthammer. The Washington Post columnist thinks that the Iraqi PM gave Obama an electorial assist for a clear reason: between him...

Free of History and Politics, Berlin Is Perfect for Obama

Even 'Victory Column' is associated now with a music festival

(Newser) - Forget the chatter about whether Barack Obama should be stopping in Brussels or giving Germany pride of place over France and Britain. Berlin is “quite an appropriate setting” for the candidate's big European speech, Cameron Abadi writes for the New Republic. The “existential angst of the Cold War”...

Arizona May Not Roll for McCain
Arizona May Not Roll for McCain

Arizona May Not Roll for McCain

Candidate shores up support as shift in demographics pushes home state into play

(Newser) - Al Gore's 2000 loss of Tennessee aside, normally a presidential candidate can expect to win his home state relatively easily. But this month John McCain, a full press retinue in tow, made a campaign stop in Arizona, shaking hands and encouraging volunteers to get out the vote. As the New ...

Obama in Berlin Ahead of Speech

Candidate meets Angela Merkel before public address

(Newser) - Barack Obama arrived in Berlin this morning, where he met Angela Merkel at the German chancellery ahead of a major speech this evening. The Europe leg of the candidate's tour followed an early-morning stop at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Obama will speak to the chancellor and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, her...

Obama Visits Sderot, Meets Olmert, Abbas

Candidate's Israel visit continues in meetings with Abbas, Olmert

(Newser) - Barack Obama waded into the thicket of Mideast politics today, siting down with Israeli and Palestinian leaders and visiting Sderot, an Israeli city near the Gaza border that's a frequent target of rocket attacks. If Iran were to obtain nuclear weapons, Obama said at a press conference, it would mark...

Best Iraq Policy Would Mix Mac, Obama Plans
Best Iraq Policy Would Mix Mac, Obama Plans

Best Iraq Policy Would Mix Mac, Obama Plans

Friedman: Timetable is a political must, but with a little wiggle room

(Newser) - John McCain was right about the surge, so it’s natural he’s eager to talk about it. But thanks to that very success, Barack Obama finds himself, by luck or cunning, positioned perfectly, Thomas Friedman writes in the New York Times. As security improves, Iraqis want Americans to leave....

Candidates Failing to Reach Florida's Hispanic Voters

Obama and McCain both pushing wrong message, nonpartisan group says

(Newser) - Hispanics could swing the presidential election in November, especially in crucial Florida, but the presumptive nominees aren’t reaching them, the St. Petersburg Times reports. Hispanics tend to vote on issues rather than along strictly party lines, but the media and candidates are pushing immigration reform though polls show the...

Evangelical Dobson Softens on McCain

Given Obama 'threat,' Republican appears to be lesser of two evils

(Newser) - James Dobson still won’t formally endorse John McCain, but the evangelical leader voiced support for the Republican candidate in a radio broadcast today, the AP reports. “Barack Obama contradicts and threatens everything I believe about the institution of the family and what is best for the nation,”...

Iraq Sands Shifting Under McCain Position
Iraq Sands Shifting Under McCain Position

Iraq Sands Shifting Under McCain Position

Move by Bush, Maliki toward timetable is 'devastating blow'

(Newser) - Republican presidential candidate John McCain is stuck in an awkward position after both President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki moved closer to a withdrawal timetable favored by Barack Obama, Politico notes. McCain has opposed such a measure, but in 2004 asserted that if a sovereign Iraqi government asked...

Jimmy Carter, Rogue Ex-President
 Jimmy Carter,
 Rogue Ex-President 

Jimmy Carter, Rogue Ex-President

Carter's ideas and initiatives, slammed by old guard, resonate with youth

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter does things his own way, pursuing peace initiatives in the Middle East and South America whether Washington likes it or not, and generally redefining what it means to be an ex-president. So it’s no wonder “his mind-set and his policies seem to jibe so well with...

Clinton Lends Campaign $1M as Debts Mount

Reticent donors make mountain of liabilities difficult to pay off

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton lent her suspended presidential campaign an additional $1 million at the end of last month, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission. The newest self-loan—the New York senator has now lent herself $13.2 million—underscores how much difficulty she is facing in retiring her mountain...

Rice Keeps Presidential Pick Under Wraps

But she applauds Obama for 'knocking down old barriers'

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice is keeping her choice for president to herself, the Los Angeles Times reports. When Wolf Blitzer asked if she would reveal her pick on Late Edition, she responded with a curt "No." But she did call Obama's run for office "great for our country": "...

McCain Demeans Himself With New Attacks on Obama

Blogger says his tactics are embarrassing

(Newser) - John McCain has abandoned “respect and decorum” with his latest volley of attacks against Barack Obama, blogger Steve Benen writes in the Carpetbagger Report. A case in point: McCain said this week that he had never flip-flopped and, when asked if Obama were a socialist, said simply, "Oh,...

Gramm Quits McCain Campaign
 Gramm Quits

Gramm Quits McCain Campaign

Besieged adviser refuses to be a 'distraction'

(Newser) - After a week of fallout from his gripe that Americans are "whiners," Phil Gramm stepped down today as John McCain's national co-chair, Politico reports. "It is clear to me that Democrats want to attack me,” Gramm said. The “distraction hurts not only Senator McCain… it...

Judaism's Black Converts Growing Part of US Mosaic

More African-Americans switch religions even as Obama seeks to renew connection

(Newser) - The number of African-Americans converting to Judaism is growing, the Christian Science Monitor reports, at a time when Democrat Barack Obama is seeking to renew what was once a strong alliance between the groups. Politics, though, plays a small role; "Obama's candidacy, African-Americans choosing to be Jews ... is all...

No More Navel-Gazing; Go After McCain
No More
Go After McCain

No More Navel-Gazing; Go After McCain

Obama must make the race be about GOP failures, not himself

(Newser) - There are two races for president this year, Michael Tomasky writes in the Guardian, “a race about Barack Obama and a race about what the GOP has done to the country.” And Obama would be well served to turn the focus to John McCain, whose recent gaffes have...

McCain's Elite Fundraisers Trump Obama's

But that could change when Barack matches his rival's disclosures

(Newser) - John McCain appears to be more reliant on funds bundled by elite supporters than Barack Obama, USA Today reports. More than half of the Republican candidate’s receipts, or more than $75 million, came from donations assembled by about 500 top supporters. In contrast, Obama’s top 500 pulled in...

Voters Split on Candidates' Iraq Stances: Poll

Poll score: Obama 50%, McCain 49%

(Newser) - Barack Obama and John McCain have battled each other to a draw when it comes to Iraq, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Americans are split more or less down the middle on Iraq policy, with 50% supporting Obama’s withdrawal timetable and 49% backing McCain’s open-ended...

Obama: Swift End to Iraq War Will Strengthen Security

Candidate makes position crystal clear

(Newser) - Barack Obama will promise a swift end to the Iraq war in a major speech today, arguing that the ongoing conflict “distracts us from every threat that we face,” according to excerpts obtained by Politico. As president, Obama would take the fight to al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan....

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