Election 2008

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>

30% in US Admit to Being Racist
30% in US Admit to Being Racist

30% in US Admit to Being Racist

Most hold negative view of race relations, but 90% of whites welcome black prez

(Newser) - Three in 10 Americans admit to being racist, and more than half say US race relations are bad—but that's better than ratings in the 1990s. White and black views diverge more today, with 6 in 10 blacks calling race relations not good, and 53% of whites saying they're positive,...

Wife's Beer Co. Could Be Big Headache for McCain

Conflict-of-interest brewhaha if Mac wins

(Newser) - Cindy McCain's role as chairwoman of one of the nation’s largest beer wholesalers could turn into a thorny conflict-of-interest problem if John McCain wins the White House, the Los Angeles Times reports. Mrs. McCain's Hensley & Co.—one of its executives is John McCain's son, Andrew—takes an...

Obama Grabs 15-Point Lead Over McCain: Poll

Youth vote gives hopeful long-awaited bump

(Newser) - Breaking out of a tight race, Barack Obama registered a 51% to 36% lead over John McCain in the newest Newsweek nationwide poll, released today. Obama's bounce, expected after Hillary Clinton conceded him the Democratic nomination, comes courtesy of younger voters, who prefer him by 66% to 27%. Among registered...

Death Knell Tolls for Campaign Finance
Death Knell Tolls for Campaign Finance

Death Knell Tolls for Campaign Finance

Obama snub of public cash highlights weakness of system

(Newser) - Barack Obama's decision to forgo public financing for his presidential campaign represents the biggest challenge yet to the troubled, loophole-filled system. But while the Illinois senator is now poised to spend a record amount to win the presidency, the explosion of  Internet donations that have propelled his campaign might actually...

Clyburn Is the Perfect Ally for Obama

Dem whip brings consensus-building record to campaign

(Newser) - Jim Clyburn is exactly the kind of ally Obama needs. A pioneer in his own right, the first Southern-raised black majority whip has a strong record of building consensus among blacks, whites, Hispanics, and people of all faiths. He's the action to complement Obama's lofty words, reports Politico—and holds...

For Obama the Nominee, Even More Discipline

Acutely aware of scrutiny, campaign takes control of image

(Newser) - As Barack Obama's campaign transitions from Democratic frontrunner to nominee, his team is ratcheting down control over the candidate's public image and media access to him. But yesterday's revelation that Obama campaign volunteers prohibited two Muslim women wearing headscarves from sitting behind him at a rally underscores the challenges facing...

Ten House Races to Watch
 Ten House 
 Races to

Ten House Races to Watch

GOP, Dems getting ready to duke it out in several key races

(Newser) - Time profiles the top 10 House races to watch this fall:
  • Calif., 11th District: Dem Jerry McNerney bested an ethically questioned rep in 2006. He’ll get an incumbency boost this time, but opponent Dean Andal has plenty of money.
  • Conn., 4th District: Chris Shays is one of the most

Michelle Obama Takes Back Her Image
Michelle Obama Takes Back
Her Image

Michelle Obama Takes Back Her Image

'Amazed at how deep the lies can be,' she hits rumors head-on

(Newser) - Michelle Obama has been called everything from a black nationalist to a "baby mama" in recent weeks, and sporting a new chief of staff, she's looking to take on the rumors. In a New York Times interview, Obama outlines her journey from Chicago's South Side to the White House...

Obama, McCain Camps Trade Fire on Foreign Policy

Democrats blasts GOP strategy on Iraq; McCain aides says he's naive

(Newser) - A defiant Barack Obama said today he would take no lectures from Republicans on which candidate would keep the US safer, a sharp rebuke to John McCain's aides who said the Democrat had a naive, "September 10th mindset" toward terrorism. Obama said Osama bin Laden is still at large...

How Fair Is the 'Third Term' Jab?
 How Fair Is the
 'Third Term' Jab? 

How Fair Is the 'Third Term' Jab?

McCain offers some differences, but largely agrees with Bush

(Newser) - With President Bush posting record disapproval ratings, Democrats have gleefully dubbed a John McCain presidency a "third Bush term." The claim is at least partially justified, reports the New York Times in an analysis of the "McBush" charge—McCain agrees with Bush on taxation, health care, the...

Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama
Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama

Ex-Clinton Manager Joins Team Obama

Her role as VP aide may keep Hillary from joining ticket

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager and longtime loyalist Patti Solis Doyle will serve as chief of staff to Obama's eventual VP choice. This may mean that Clinton is unlikely to nab the veep spot, since Doyle—booted from Hillary's campaign—has not spoken to her since, Don Frederick blogs in...

Anti-Obama Evangelical Writes Pro-Obama Book

Stephen Mansfield thinks Obama may sway young Christians, though he himself will vote against him

(Newser) - Stephen Mansfield expects to cast his ballot against Barack Obama in November. But that hasn’t stopped him from writing an admiring book about the candidate's religious profile—The Faith of Barack Obama—which argues that the candidate may well steal young evangelical voters away from John McCain. McCain is...

Obama's Electoral Math: Win Without Ohio, Fla.

Dem aims to keep Kerry states, add Virginia, Georgia, in Mountain West

(Newser) - Barack Obama is hardly giving up on Florida and Ohio, but campaign manager David Plouffe thinks the Democrat can win without them. “You have a lot of ways to get to 270,” Plouffe says. “Our goal is not to be reliant on one state on Nov. 4....

Obama as Manager: Crisp, Even, Big-Picture Guy

Senator lets top advisers take control on many issues

(Newser) - Barack Obama's not a micromanager, he's not an obsessor, and he's not a blamer, the New York Times notes in a piece on the Democratic candidate's developing style as commander in chief of his campaign. After losing the Pennsylvania primary, he took a firmer grip on the wheel of his...

Why White Supremacists Prefer Obama
Why White Supremacists Prefer Obama 

Why White Supremacists Prefer Obama

3 of 4 support him, despite racial differences

(Newser) - McCain may lead Obama by 10% among white voters, but three of four white supremacists say they prefer the Illinois senator, Esquire reports.
  1. The Director of the White Aryan Resistance calls Obama a "black racist," but still supports him because of McCain's economic policies. He "hates the

2 Candidates, 2 Americas: Old Values vs. New
2 Candidates, 2 Americas:
Old Values vs. New

2 Candidates, 2 Americas: Old Values vs. New

McCain represents tradition that's changing

(Newser) - It's not just youth vs. age, Peggy Noonan writes of the general election contest that began in earnest this week, it's a battle of the Old America vs. the New America—"between the thing we were, and the thing we have been becoming for 40 years or so."...

Obama Opens 6-Point Lead
 Obama Opens 6-Point Lead 

Obama Opens 6-Point Lead

But results also show trouble ahead for the Democrat

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a 6-point lead over John McCain in a new poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News. Obama leads 47% to 41%, twice the advantage he held a month ago. Despite the edge, however, the Journal notes that Obama shouldn't rest easy. He trails by 20...

Quietly, McCain Makes Overtures to Evangelicals

But leaders are skeptical, wounded by Hagee, Parsley slams

(Newser) - John McCain faces a challenge uncommon among GOP presidential candidates: rallying evangelical Christians to vote for him. As the New York Times reports, the McCain campaign is holding meetings with evangelical leaders and blasting them with emails, but many are still taking a wait-and-see approach. And McCain's lack of rapport...

Clinton's Parting Draws Tears and Jeers
 Clinton's Parting 
 Draws Tears and Jeers 

Clinton's Parting Draws Tears and Jeers

Hillary finally notes historic feat in moving farewell

(Newser) - An emotional audience packed the National Building Museum to watch Hillary Clinton exit the campaign with a speech that finally addressed the historic nature of her candidacy, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Some in the largely female audience wept as she spoke; some booed at the mention of...

Clinton Offers 'Full Support' for Obama

She suspends campaign, asks supporters to rally behind Barack

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton today ended her 16-month campaign for the presidency and threw her "full support" behind Barack Obama, the New York Times reports. She urged her supporters to unite behind him. Clinton vowed to continue working on her key issues, in particular to shatter the glass ceiling for women....

Stories 1301 - 1320 | << Prev   Next >>