Election 2008

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>

Clinton Nails California, Obama Grabs Heartland

Neither candidate strikes decisive blow

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton took the big prize of California and dominated in the Northeast, while Barack Obama claimed his home turf of Illinois and fared well across the nation in Super Tuesday voting, the Washington Post reports. Neither struck a decisive blow. Clinton also won New York, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Arizona,...

Clinton, McCain Win in California
Clinton, McCain
Win in California

Clinton, McCain Win in California

Both gain huge victories as Super Tuesday wraps up

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and John McCain will win the overall state votes in California, CNN reports. The state is the biggest prize in Super Tuesday voting and gives both candidates huge victories as the day wraps up. On the Democratic side, most of the delegates are awarded proportionately by congressional district,...

Arkansas Called for Clinton, Huckabee

Hometown kids win in Natural State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Mike Huckabee are the projected winners in the state of Arkansas, where both have deep roots. The candidates were widely expected to take the honors in the home of a town called Hope, after each was part of the state's first family, MSNBC reports. The Natural State...

McCain Easily Takes NJ, Clinton Wins a Tough Battle

McCain benefited from GOP moderates

(Newser) - John McCain will easily take all of New Jersey's 52 Republican delegates in tonight's primary voting, AP reports, winning strong support from the state's moderates. Hillary Clinton is projected by NBC to win a far tougher battle for the larger Democratic electorate.

Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise
Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise

Clinton Scores Mass. Surprise

Kennedy, Kerry endorsements can't help Obama overcome ad blitz

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton topped Barack Obama in the Massachusetts primary today, overcoming his fervent endorsements by Ted Kennedy and John Kerry, MSNBC reports. Clinton did benefit from backing by state lawmakers like the senate president, Therese Murray, who implied Clinton lost the big endorsements because she is a woman, the AP...

Invigorating, Unprecedented, Unforgettable
Invigorating, Unprecedented, Unforgettable

Invigorating, Unprecedented, Unforgettable

Analogies fail; there's never been an election like this one

(Newser) - Commentators have cast about for historical precedents for the 2008 race—Carter v. Ford in 1976, Hayes v. Tilden in 1876—but for the editor of Guardian America, the truth is simpler: There has never been an election like this one. As 24 states go to the polls, Michael Tomasky...

Dole to Limbaugh: McCain's OK
Dole to Limbaugh: McCain's OK

Dole to Limbaugh: McCain's OK

Ex-senator defends Mac's record as Republican stalwart

(Newser) - Bob Dole has taken up John McCain's defense in a letter written to Rush Limbaugh, the Chicago Tribune's Swamp blog reports. Answering Limbaugh's charge that McCain could "destroy" the GOP, Dole lists McCain's conservative stands when both were senators. "I cannot recall a single instance when he did...

Super Delegates Will Crown Dem Nominee
Super Delegates Will Crown
Dem Nominee

Super Delegates Will Crown Dem Nominee

Blogger runs math, fears party choice will 'lack legitimacy'

(Newser) - So-called super delegates will end up crowning the Democratic presidential nominee, Open Left’s Chris Bowers blogs. Even if Hillary Clinton wins a whopping 937 delegates to Barack Obama’s 862 on Super Tuesday, she would have to score 76% of the rest to win the nod. That's where 796...

Hillary's Health Plan Covers 22 Million More
Hillary's Health Plan Covers 22 Million More

Hillary's Health Plan Covers 22 Million More

Her mandated policy trumps Obama's, NYT 's Paul Krugman writes

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have health plans that sound similar but are vastly different in effect, the New York Times' Paul Krugman writes. Obama wants to make coverage affordable in the hope that Americans will sign up—a change that seems unlikely considering current coverage patterns. But Hillary's plan...

What Do the Candidates Say About Tech?

PC magazine examines positions on access, neutrality, privacy

(Newser) - We may know where they stand on Iraq, but what about technology? Among presidential candidates, the Democrats generally have discussed broadband access, Net neutrality, privacy/security, and innovation more than the Republicans, and both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have clear positions on all four. Among Republicans, John McCain and Ron...

Paul, Obama Score Highest in MTV Debate

Huckabee and Clinton win fewest youth votes in 'instant' polling

(Newser) - Four White House hopefuls were beamed in to MTV's "Closing Arguments" debate in New York tonight and one took first place in "instant" polling: Ron Paul. His stand for friendly foreign relations won over 73% of those polled, and roughly half promised him their vote. Barack Obama fared...

Candidates Are Stumping Like It's November

Republicans head south, Clinton west; Obama's in 3 states

(Newser) - Hopefuls from both parties are stumping today as if the election were in 3 days instead of Super Tuesday, the New York Times reports. GOP candidates are swinging through the South while Clinton heads west and Obama jumps from state to state. “This is the most consequential election in...

Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV
Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV

Prez Hopefuls Get Their MTV

Candidates to face young voters in MTV/Myspace 'Super Dialogue'

(Newser) - Voters hoping to get a question in to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Mike Huckabee or Ron Paul before Super Tuesday will get their chance tonight when the candidates appear via satellite on an MTV/Myspace forum. John McCain and Mitt Romney were also invited to the event, the fourth in the...

Sizing Up the Seismic Shifts
Sizing Up the Seismic Shifts

Sizing Up the Seismic Shifts

Journal 's Peggy Noonan calls this year's races confounding and exciting

(Newser) - Like politics? If so, "you are waking up each morning with a spring in your step" because of this year's political hayride, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. The conservative essayist sizes up the shifts—Democrats rebelling against the Clintons; Republicans thumbing their noses at conservative leadership—...

Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On
Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On

Risky Loan Helped McCain Hold On

Senator took $3M gamble, complete with death clause

(Newser) - John McCain's Lazarus-like return to the top of the race for the Republican presidential nomination required a huge gamble, writes the Washington Post—a $3 million loan last November to fund his struggling campaign, which was not only broke but $500,000 in the red. McCain had put up his...

Sniping Heats Up as Obama Calls Clinton a 'Step Back'

Invokes White House rerun as negative

(Newser) - He claims he didn't snub her at the State of the Union, but Barack Obama was definitely on offense against Hillary Clinton yesterday, arguing that another Clinton in the White House would be a step backward, AP reports. "I know it is tempting, after another presidency by a man...

Carter Backs Obama, Almost
Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Carter Backs Obama, Almost

Ex-president won't endorse, but calls senator 'extraordinary and titillating'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter came tantalizingly close to endorsing Barack Obama in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, calling the Illinois senator's campaign "extraordinary and titillating for me and my family." While he's officially neutral, the former president and Nobel Prize winner heaped praise on Obama, predicting that he...

Edwards to Quit '08 Race
Edwards to Quit '08 Race

Edwards to Quit '08 Race

Ends underdog bid overshadowed by fierce Obama, Clinton rivalry

(Newser) - Democratic hopeful John Edwards is ending his second quest for the presidency, reports the AP, capping a campaign in which he focused on progressive ideals and wrestled with the recurring cancer of his wife, Elizabeth. The former senator canceled campaign events last night for what was to be a major...

McCain Grabs Frontrunner Crown With Florida Win

Momentum shadowed by some concerns

(Newser) - GOP hopeful John McCain won in Florida last night by pulling together the same coalition that worked for him in New Hampshire and South Carolina: moderates, voters concerned about the economy, and those most disenchanted with Bush. Romney campaigned on "fixing Washington" but McCain is the candidate with a...

Romney Lets Guard Down, Boosts Appeal

Geeky CEO shines through matinee idol package on Fla. trail

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's inner nerd is showing, and allowing voters to see it may make him seem likable enough to get elected, Time reports. The candidate's conservative attack dog persona flooded airwaves for months but didn't play well outside of Michigan; now, the tired candidate is letting his dweeby, number-crunching, spreadsheet-loving...

Stories 1521 - 1540 | << Prev   Next >>