Election 2008

Stories 1561 - 1580 | << Prev   Next >>

Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance
Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance

Huckabee Aims to Strike Balance

After SC, ex-preacher must reach beyond evangelical base

(Newser) - As he looks beyond South Carolina, Mike Huckabee strives to balance his evangelicalism with a more secular image, hoping to win support across the spectrum, the New York Times reports. Though a Christian vote even bigger than Iowa's could carry him in today's primary, the ex-preacher will soon face voters...

Thompson Keeps It Slow and Steady
Thompson Keeps It Slow and Steady

Thompson Keeps It Slow and Steady

Corn-pone gems, easy manner don't work with everyone

(Newser) - Recent poll numbers have shown a glimmer of viability for Fred Thompson's campaign, but Thompson treats the chance of a comeback as no cause to speed up the "gentlemanly canter" of his campaign. The folsky candidate is dishing out strong opinions couched in country wit in the same slow...

Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY
Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY

Rudy Needs Florida to Take NY

Anything but first or a super-close second puts tri-state success in jeopardy

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani's supporters predict a distant finish in Florida's Jan. 29 primary will cost him in Feb. 5 voting in strongholds New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. A strategy of focusing on Florida while ignoring early states has seen Giuliani plummet in Republican polls. "If he carries Florida, he...

Mitt-mentum: How Far Will It Go?
Mitt-mentum: How Far Will It Go?

Mitt-mentum: How Far Will It Go?

Michigan win showed Romney in his element; can he sustain it nationally?

(Newser) - Mitt Romney finally got his gold medal last night in Michigan, but the win has analysts wondering whether his home-state comeback can carry the country. Michigan was, after all, the land of his father, a three-term governor in the Big Three's glory days; there was a nostalgic haze around the...

Obama Pastor Faulted for Farrakhan Rave
Obama Pastor
Faulted for
Farrakhan Rave

Obama Pastor Faulted for Farrakhan Rave

Incensed scribe cries racism; candidate deplores same

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s controversial pastor is back in the press—and the blogosphere—this time for praising Louis Farrakhan in an issue of the church's magazine, calling him "an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose."...

Congress Braces for Youthquake
Congress Braces for Youthquake

Congress Braces for Youthquake

Blue-haired lawmakers see resurgence of 20-, 30-somethings

(Newser) - Generations X and Y are setting their sights on Washington—and not as congressional pages, reports the Hill. More than a dozen candidates under 40 have a good shot at winning seats, potentially shaving a few years off the average legislator age, now nearing 60. But much like Barack Obama,...

Bloomberg Dodges Pesky Question Under Oath

Mayor evades declaring intentions in deposition

(Newser) - A lawsuit by gun dealers fighting a crackdown on illegal sales in New York City provided what looked like an airtight opportunity to learn Michael Bloomberg's real presidential intentions. Testifying under oath, the mayor was asked if he intends to run for president. His lawyer quickly interceded, instructing his client...

Obama Cools Race Rhetoric, Praises Hillary

Clinton says MLK dispute doesn't show 'what is in our hearts'

(Newser) - Troubled by the "tenor of the campaign," Barack Obama cooled off the recent race row with Hillary Clinton and praised her for being "on the right side of civil rights issues," the Swamp reports. But he added that her recent comments on Martin Luther King, Jr....

McCain Holds Narrow Edge in Mich.
McCain Holds Narrow Edge
in Mich.

McCain Holds Narrow Edge in Mich.

Independents, Dems power revitalized senator over Romney

(Newser) - John McCain holds a slim lead over Mitt Romney going into tomorrow’s primary in Michigan, according to the latest Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll. The Arizona senator leads Romney 27% to 24%, within the poll’s margin of error. “It’s very close, and it’s been very close every day...

Clinton/Obama Question Splits Labor Unions

Dems worry base too bitterly divided to unite behind single nominee

(Newser) - Labor unions are the foundation of any Democratic campaign, but that foundation in the '08 race remains clearly split between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the LA Times reports. Both have fervent support among different unions, and tension within the party is running high, raising fears that the base won't...

Amateur MTV Journos to Cover Election

Hipsters aim to grab eyeballs lost to bloggers, Daily Show

(Newser) - MTV is banking on enthusiastic amateurs to make it the go-to source for hip election news. The "Street Team"—51 mostly-under-25 journos armed with laptops, digital cameras, and camcorders—have been deployed to recapture eyeballs and cachet lost to bloggers, Comedy Central, and YouTube, while "redefining journalism,...

McCain Ties Hillary, Obama Nationally: Poll

Clinton scores highest 'definitely vote for' score; Romney comes in last

(Newser) - Fresh from his New Hampshire primary win, John McCain scored highest today among Republicans against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in theoretical head-to-head general election match-ups, according to a CNN poll. McCain drew 48% to Clinton's 50% and Obama's 49% in the survey, putting the three hopefuls in statistical dead...

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap
Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Clintons Try Easing Racial Flap

Bill goes on Sharpton's show, explains 'fairy tale' remark

(Newser) - Bill Clinton was in damage control mode yesterday, going on Al Sharpton’s radio show to clear the air over remarks that some have called racially insensitive. Clinton offended by calling Obama’s campaign a “fairy tale,” but Bill says he was referring to Obama’s statements on...

Critics Call on Bloomberg to Run or Pipe Down

NY mayor's doing everything short of launching a presidential campaign

(Newser) - Mike Bloomberg is under increasing pressure to decide whether he's going to enter the presidential race or stay above the fray. New York's billionaire mayor has criticized the field of candidates, talked with potential running mates, and studied intricate polls—and is now beginning to test the public's patience, reports...

Economists Say Recession Risk Rising

Cumulative troubles mounting; most see a Dem in the White House

(Newser) - The odds of a recession hitting the US are rising as the cumulative effects of soaring energy costs, a flailing job market, and a dogged housing slump put the brakes on the economy, predicts a panel of economists in the Wall Street Journal today. Those economic woes, they say, are...

Count 'Em Again, Says Kucinich
Count 'Em Again, Says Kucinich

Count 'Em Again, Says Kucinich

Cites 'irregularities,' calls for New Hampshire recount

(Newser) - Longshot Democratic hopeful Dennis Kucinich wants the ballots recounted in the New Hampshire primary, The Hill reports. While he's not under any illusions that a recount would boost his own number—less than 2%—significantly, he says in a letter to the NH secretary of state there are “serious...

'Could Be' Candidate Bloomberg Crunching Data

NYC mayor targets supporters, volunteers

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg continues to deny that he's going to make an independent bid for the White House, but the billionaire New York mayor has built a colossal database of voter information from all 50 states, reports AP. "They want a hard-headed sense of their chances," said a member...

Are Pollsters the Biggest Losers in NH?

How much should we blame predictors for getting it wrong?

(Newser) - The New Hampshire primary was the biggest high-profile poll upset in memory, says Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall—but don’t jump too far down pollsters’ throats. Marshall has a hunch the polls weren’t “wrong,” but rather couldn’t capture a “late swing,” a...

Wounded Romney Vows Fight
Wounded Romney Vows Fight

Wounded Romney Vows Fight

Supporters crest-fallen, candidate faces critical Michigan hurdle

(Newser) - Rushing through a 7-minute concession speech last night after he came in a disappointing second again, Mitt Romney turned immediately to Michigan, which looks like make-or-break for the former governor. Aides blamed the loss on the mauling Romney got in anti-endorsements in New Hampshire newspapers, and “authenticity” issues they...

Voters Sweat Economy, Slam Bush: Exit Polls

Voters share concerns about Bush, markets

(Newser) - New Hampshire exit polls picked the brains of yesterday’s voters, finding not only that women helped Hillary Clinton and independents boosted John McCain, but also that the economy was foremost in most voters’ minds—and Republicans weren’t giving Bush backers a free pass. While two-thirds of Granite State...

Stories 1561 - 1580 | << Prev   Next >>