Election 2008

Stories 1781 - 1800 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Girl's Crush Is Unrequited
Obama Girl's Crush Is Unrequited

Obama Girl's Crush Is Unrequited

Barack says sexy dancer's antics are confusing his daughter

(Newser) - Barack Obama has no love for sexy fan "Obama Girl." The hot YouTube video featuring the aspiring model crushing on the candidate is confusing his 6-year-old daughter and he says he finds it hard to take. She said, "Daddy, already has a wife," he told the...

Dems Pal Around in Iowa
Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Frontrunners dominate Iowa event

(Newser) - In a more-amiable-than-usual war of words, the Democrats debated this morning in Iowa, the locale of the pivotal first primary. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards dominated the 90-minute discussion moderated by ex-Bill Clinton aide George Stephanopolous, the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza reports, playing it safe as the lower-tier...

Michigan to Shift Primary to Jan. 15

Move forces New Hampshire earlier; Iowa mulls December

(Newser) - Michigan is about to move its 2008 presidential primary to January 15th, sources inside the state Democratic and Republican parties tell MSNBC. A bill shifting the date will go before the state senate next week. The move will provoke other early states to move to earlier—as early as December—...

Obama Brushes off Fall Debates
Obama Brushes off Fall Debates

Obama Brushes off Fall Debates

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign declared forum fatigue today, announcing that the presidential hopeful will decline requests to speak at debates and forums for the rest of this fall, beyond those they've already committed to. “Unfortunately, we simply cannot run the kind of campaign we want and need to," campaign...

Rudy and Romney Spar Over Illegal Immigration

(Newser) - GOP frontrunners Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney are trading heated barbs over immigration, each accusing the other of a weak stance on illegals. Through radio ads and campaign speeches, both candidates are looking to rally the conservative GOP base, the Washington Post reports—though neither man has solid conservative credentials...

Rudy's Foreign Policy Opus Riles Pundits

In 17-page manifesto the candidate tackles Iraq, Palestine

(Newser) - Bloggers are having a heyday parsing the rambling 17-page essay Rudy Giuliani has published in Foreign Affairs, laying out his big-picture foreign policy views. "Lengthy, pompous and ultimately very confused," writes Salon, and Slate is no kinder: "The breadth and depth of his cluelessness are vaster than...

Two More GOP Seats Up for Grabs
Two More
GOP Seats Up for Grabs

Two More GOP Seats Up for Grabs

Reps from Ohio and Mississippi won't seek re-election

(Newser) - Two more congressional seats are in play with the announcement by representatives in Ohio and Mississippi that they won't seek re-election. Rep. Deborah Pryce, who won her Ohio seat by just 1,062 of 220,000 cast, said she wants to spend more time with her family. Also stepping aside...

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters
GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

GOP Is Chasing Away Latino Voters

Immigration policy hurting party, says American Prospect

(Newser) - With 69% of Latino voters going Democratic in 2006, anti-immigration sentiment among GOP presidential hopefuls may only serve to turn off the remaining 30. Meanwhile, the Latino population is growing, especially in swing states. "Even Texas could become a swing state a couple of elections from now," the...

Carville: Rove Cost GOP a Generation

Sticking to base was demographic disaster, Clinton adviser says

(Newser) - Impressive electoral record aside, Karl Rove's strategy of aggressively courting the GOP base has soured an entire generation on the Republican Party, James Carville argues in the Financial Times. Bill Clinton's storied strategist says "theocratic underpinnings" of Rovian strategy are behind polls showing a nameless Democratic presidential candidate favored...

Clinton Elated Over White House Dig
Clinton Elated Over White House Dig

Clinton Elated Over White House Dig

Combative campaign ad strikes nerve with Bush, Hillary says

(Newser) - A Bush spokeswoman has slammed a Hillary Clinton campaign ad in which the Senator says that many Americans, including combat troops, are invisible to the president. But the New York Daily News reports that advisers to Clinton are delighted by the shrill reaction, as they increasingly seek to paint their...

Giuliani Guarantees He Can Halt Illegal Immigration

Romney pokes, ex-mayor lashes out

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani says he can stop illegal immigration by monitoring international travelers, implementing tamperproof ID cards with fingerprints, and tracking the status of foreign workers and students. Under fire from Mitt Romney for his record on illegal immigration while mayor of New York, Giuliani has recently cranked up his rhetoric,...

The Real Rudy Hasn't Joined the Race Yet

America's Mayor is oddly absent on the campaign trail

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani holds a nice lead in the pack of GOP presidential candidates, but it's not a result of anything he's doing on the campaign trail, Peter Boyer reports in a profile in the New Yorker. The Rudy who's winning in the polls is America's Mayor, the guy who cleaned...

Romney's So Rich It Surprised Even Him

With up to $247M, he's worth the other major candidates combined

(Newser) - Mitt Romney looks to be richer than the other presidential candidates combined, Bloomberg reports. In a filing today with the Federal Election Commission, the GOP contender today revealed that he and his wife jointly own assets worth between $190 and $270 million. Since their assets have been in a blind...

Obama Needs to Try On a Blue Collar
Obama Needs
to Try On a
Blue Collar

Obama Needs to Try On a Blue Collar

Dem struggles to overcome ‘arugula’ rep

(Newser) - Barack Obama is having trouble appealing to the more downscale wing of the Democratic Party, a problem on display in a recent Iowa farm appearance in which the Chicagoan complained about the price of arugula at Whole Foods. More a “wine track” than a “beer track” candidate, Obama...

GOP YouTube Debate On Again Despite Holdout Mitt

'You shouldn't have to talk to a snowman'

(Newser) - The Republican YouTube debate—on hold after candidates witnessed how wacky the format could be in the Democratic debate—is on again, the Washington Post reports. The lone holdout is Mitt Romney, fresh from his victory in the Iowa straw poll. Romney, ironically, has posted more videos on his YouTube...

GOP Straw Poll Finishes Tommy Thompson

Former Wisconsin governor drops out after 6th-place showing

(Newser) - Longshot presidential candidate Tommy Thompson announced yesterday he's dropping out of the race after finishing sixth in Iowa's Republican straw poll. The former Wisconsin governor set a goal for himself of coming in first or second, but he couldn't even beat Libertarian loose cannon Ron Paul. "There's no sense...

Runner-up Huckabee Big Winner in Iowa

Showing could catapult GOP longshot into top echelon

(Newser) - Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was a surprise winner in Iowa's straw poll yesterday when he came in a strong second, which may have catapulted him into the top tier. He pulled 18.1% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 31.5%. Huckabee's performance is particularly impressive given that he...

Obama: the Accidental Candidate
Obama: the Accidental Candidate

Obama: the Accidental Candidate

Dem rose with dizzying speed on a cascade of lucky breaks

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s rapid ascent to top-tier presidential candidate was the stuff of lucky break after lucky break, as quiet charisma and other people’s sex scandals catapulted him to the top, the Washington Post reports. It was a chance opening that first took him to Chicago and chance again...

Romney Wins Straw Poll
Romney Wins Straw Poll

Romney Wins Straw Poll

Mormon leads Pubs in Midwest

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has won the Iowa straw poll, widely regarded as a colander for presidential hopefuls, the Washington Post reports. Romney beat out a field of conservatives in the non-binding vote in Ames, but left-lilting frontrunner Rudy Giuliani had already bowed out of the race.

Hillary to Barack: 'Don't Even Do as I Say'

Clinton chided Obama for untabling nukes— like she did last year

(Newser) - A year before Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama’s prohibition on nukes against Pakistan, she made one on using them in Iran. The AP reports the frontrunner’s head-shaking rebuke last week—no “president should make any blanket statements” about nuke use—doesn't jibe with her own position last...

Stories 1781 - 1800 | << Prev   Next >>