Election 2008

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Must Break Mold to Beat Hill

Dem’s success is campaign’s big story, says David Brooks

(Newser) - Hillary is such a surprise campaign juggernaut that her Republican rivals don't stand a chance, says New York Times’ resident conservative David Brooks, unless they muster weapons nobody's seen yet. The senator’s display of experience and confidence has been extraordinary, he writes, and her falling negatives bode well for...

So Many Candidates, So Little Electability

Why GOP voters are yawning

(Newser) - Republican voters choose “none of the above” over every announced primary candidate, and their distaste for the GOP field is no surprise, says Salon’s Thomas F. Schaller. Not only is there no heir apparent to Bush—a dubious honor anyway—but each Republican is carrying a critical flaw.

Turmoil Claims McCain's Media Team
Turmoil Claims McCain's
Media Team

Turmoil Claims McCain's Media Team

Exodus continues in wake of shakeup at top of campaign staff

(Newser) - In the latest defections from John McCain's faltering campaign, his two-man media team has resigned. The ad-making duo, who are veterans of President Bush's campaigns, told friends they hadn't been paid and had no idea when they would be, the Journal reports. McCain planned to begin running ads this fall,...

Richardson: The Cost of Candor
The Cost
of Candor

Richardson: The Cost of Candor

He's the most natural of the candidates, for better or worse

(Newser) - If you think the candidates are all overly scripted, you haven't met Bill Richardson, writes Salon political columnist Walter Shapiro. The fourth-place Dem is so incautious that he ad-libs policy points at debates, and on the stump apologizes for inconsistencies with the cheerful caveat: “my mind is mush.”

Still Divisive, Hillary Makes Headway

In new poll, older women more skeptical

(Newser) - Women overall now see Hillary Clinton as a strong leader and positive role model, according to a new Times poll. Yet older, married women harbor doubts. And neither men nor women completely trust that she is saying what she believes, the poll found. Still, a majority thought she'd be elected...

Obama Is No JFK (Or MLK Either)
Obama Is No JFK (Or MLK Either)

Obama Is No JFK (Or MLK Either)

Der Spiegel says all the hype isn't doing the candidate any favors

(Newser) - On TV, the Barack Obama show works seamlessly. But " unplugged," the candidate is unexciting, even disingenuous, Der Spiegel’s Gabor Steingart argues. In a tough assessment, the political correspondent finds the ambitious marketing of Obama as the Democratic savior is undercut by the candidate's lackluster performance in person....

Stars Collide as Oprah Backs Obama
Stars Collide as Oprah Backs Obama

Stars Collide as Oprah Backs Obama

Mogul plans fundraiser for first candidate she's ever endorsed

(Newser) - In a first-ever move for Oprah Winfrey, the multimedia powerhouse will throw her impressive public muscle behind a presidential candidate—Barack Obama. She's opening her Southern California mansion for a megabucks fundraiser for her fellow Chicagoan on September 8. Tickets start at $2,300, the LA Times reports, and dinner...

Private-Equity $$ Flow to GOP
Private-Equity $$ Flow to GOP

Private-Equity $$ Flow to GOP

Firms shift money as Dems back higher taxes on industry

(Newser) - As Democrats push higher taxes for private-equity firms, the firms are reciprocating by  funneling more money to the other side of the aisle, the Wall Street Journal reports. Figures for 2008 presidential campaign giving show GOP contenders receiving 53% of donations made by private-equity funds. In 2000 and 2004, Democrats...

Stars Shine on Presidential Candidates

From Hollywood to 'Little House on the Prairie,' celebs pony up

(Newser) - This just in: Hollywood loves Democrats, a "Baywatch" babe likes Dennis Kucinich, and Paulie Walnuts is with Rudy Giuliani. CNN scrutinized FEC records with some degree of thoroughness—the results are improbably light on Republicans—to generate a list of celebrity donations to the presidential candidates, and the results...

McCain Exodus Continues
McCain Exodus Continues

McCain Exodus Continues

Latest departures include remainder of national press team, key aides in Iowa, SC

(Newser) - The McCain campaign continued to bleed staff yesterday, losing its communications director and two deputies, plus press secretaries in Iowa and South Carolina. Many of the newest ex-staffers are loyal to two strategists who left last week. The senator told the LA Times his campaign would rebound and its problems...

Firefighter Video Blasts Giuliani
Firefighter Video Blasts Giuliani

Firefighter Video Blasts Giuliani

Attacks Rudy's leadership during and after 9/11

(Newser) - A video produced by the nation's largest union of firefighters attacks Giuliani's leadership during and after 9/11 and urges members not to vote for him. The 13-minute spot features interviews with relatives of fallen firefighters. “The fact of the matter is that we think it is ludicrous that Giuliani...

Sheehan to Pelosi: Impeach or I'll Run

Anti-war mom threatens to challenge Speaker's House seat

(Newser) - Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan declared her intention to challenge House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her congressional seat yesterday unless the top-ranking Democrat draws up articles of impeachment against President Bush. "Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership," said Sheehan. "We hired them to bring an...

Will Trophy Wife Cost Fred?
Will Trophy Wife Cost Fred?

Will Trophy Wife Cost Fred?

Jeri Thompson is smart and sexy—and 25 years his junior

(Newser) - May-December romances are standard in Hollywood—just ask Jack Nicholson—but Fred Thompson's sexy, stylish, 25-years-younger wife, Jeri, has the Beltway all abuzz.   Commentators are wondering aloud whether a “trophy” wife—even one who’s a former GOP spokeperson—will  prove a liability for the almost-declared candidate.

McCain's Slim Chances Dwindle Further

TNR's Judis looks at how the frontrunner fell far behind

(Newser) - Pitiful second-quarter fundraising foretells financing troubles that will likely put the Republican nomination beyond John McCain's grasp, and grave strategic errors have cut the senator off from voters who once appeared to be his natural base. The New Republic’s John B. Judis looks at a onetime maverick frontrunner whose...

Obama Says Hillary Is Old News
Obama Says Hillary Is
Old News

Obama Says Hillary Is Old News

Brands rival as candidate of the past, himself as for the future

(Newser) - Presidential hopeful Barack Obama took a swipe yesterday at his main Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, saying  "change can't just be a slogan" --a reference to the slogan she introduced just a few days ago, "Ready for Change, Ready to Lead."  In fact, her approach is more...

McCain Hopes on Life Support
McCain Hopes on Life Support

McCain Hopes on Life Support

Lack of funds, party backing crippling White House run

(Newser) - John McCain's presidential campaign is barely clinging to life following a paltry $11-million fundraising effort in the second quarter, a symptom of lack of party support, the Politico reports. Once a frontrunner, McCain has alienated the GOP faithful with stands his handlers characterize as principled but unpopular, such as his...

Senate Post Won Thompson Sons Top Lobby Job$

Access to dad kickstarts kids' careers

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's two sons won lucrative jobs as lobbyists after their father became a Senator, despite having next to no qualifications for the work, the New York Times reports. The information could prove embarrassing to the Thompson campaign as the GOP presidential candidate strives to present himself as a reformer...

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up
Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

Richardson Fundraising Heats Up

NM governor raises $7 million and his profile in 2nd quarter

(Newser) - Democratic contender Bill Richardson raised $7 million in the second quarter of this year, beating  his first quarter take, the AP reports, and giving him a solid fourth place in the competition for funds. The New Mexico governor, who has benefited from clever advertising, has also gained in polls in...

Dems Fret Over School Ruling
Dems Fret Over School Ruling

Dems Fret Over School Ruling

Howard U. debate concentrates on race

(Newser) - The Supreme Court decision limiting the role of race in public-school assignments was the talk of the town yesterday—even at the Democratic debate. The agenda at historically black Howard University was minority issues, and although attention naturally fell on Barack Obama, his seven competitors also had their moments in...

Hillary Hunts for the Human Touch
Hillary Hunts
for the
Human Touch

Hillary Hunts for the Human Touch

Slate parses candidate Clinton’s likability gap

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has experience and leadership to spare, but she’s battling innate appearances just to be liked, Slate’s John Dickerson says. No one thinks Clinton's a shrinking violet—pollees call her tougher than former POW John McCain—but she struggles on the "softer" qualities, like, say, appearing...

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>