Election 2008

Stories 1941 - 1953 | << Prev 

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary
Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Iraq vote may not have been anomaly

(Newser) - Hillary  may be more hawkish than liberal supporters realize, Michael Crowley concludes after a lengthy look at the senator's history. Many assume she supported the Iraq war to look tough and won’t back down to avoid the label of flip-flopper. But long before 9/11, she was scornful of those...

Techies Click With Obama
Techies Click With Obama

Techies Click With Obama

Silicon Valley elite are replacing Clinton with a next-generation model

(Newser) - Silicon Valley techies are forsaking  Hillary for Barack—and among the defectors are some of Bill's biggest fundraisers. Obama's is grabbing particular notice among the young and newly wealthy, with deep pockets and little political experience. "In the lexicon of high tech, Barack Obama is the next-generation solution,"...

Blast From Obama's Past
Blast From Obama's Past

Blast From Obama's Past

High school chum, now homeless, hopes for handout

(Newser) - Barack Obama was surprised last week when a buddy from back in the days when he was called Barry got in touch. Keith Kakugawa, recently released from prison for his third drug conviction and living in a car, called the senator's cell phone to ask for help.

Judith Giuliani Reveals Secret Ex-Husband

Which makes six marriages between them, for those keeping score

(Newser) - Rudy turns out to be Judith Giuliani 's third husband, not her second, as  the candidate's spouse (his third) reveals a nearly-five-year starter marriage that had remained a secret to the public and even longtime Giuliani supporters.  

Elizabeth Edwards's Cancer Recurs
Elizabeth Edwards's
Cancer Recurs

Elizabeth Edwards's Cancer Recurs

2008 candidate will continue his campaign

(Newser) - Presidential contender John Edwards and his wife Elizabeth announced today that the breast cancer she battled after the last election cycle has recurred and advanced to Stage IV. The cancer has spread to her bones, a lung, and possibly other organs, her oncologist explained,  and is now inoperable. The...

YouTube Trickster Comes Clean
YouTube Trickster Comes Clean  

YouTube Trickster Comes Clean

(Newser) - An employe of the tech company that handles Barack Obama’s website admits making the notorious “Vote Different” YouTube video portraying Hillary Clinton as Big Brother – now one of the most watched videos on the web. Phil de Vellis writes on The Huffington Post that he created the ...



Does Barack Obama make white people feel safe?

(Newser) - As if Barack Obama did not face enough obstacles, the junior senator from Illinois with Oval Office aspirations is likened to a "magic negro" by David Ehrenstein. The "magic negro" is a cultural and cinematic racial stereotype exemplified by some of the characters played by Sidney Poitier, Scatman...

Richardson Backs Medical Marijuana Law

Presidential contender downplays political costs

(Newser) - New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, who's been pushing for a law to legalize marijuana for medical use since he took office in 2002, will finally get a chance sign one. And he's not going to sweat the political consequences, he says. The bill that passed the New Mexico legislature Wednesday,...

Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain
Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain

Kerry-Smearers Eyeing McCain

McCain calls them the "most despicable people I have ever had the misfortune to encounter"

(Newser) - The veterans who helped sink John Kerry's Swift Boat to the White House is prepping for battle with John McCain. "Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry" founders Jerry Kiley and Ted Sampley have dusted off their 527 forms and created "Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain," to combat the...

Chait: John McCain Is No Luke Skywalker

Candidate has gone over to the dark (read: conservative) side

(Newser) - John McCain liked to portray himself as Luke Skywalker in his 2000 presidential campaign, says LA Times columnist Jonathan Chait, but this time around he resembles a different Jedi: the corrupt Darth Vader. McCain claimed he was an anti-special interests crusader, but the last few years he's gone over to...

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics
Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Just before announcing, Romney made hefty donations to conservative groups

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been lining the coffers of conservative groups whose support he'll be seeking in his presidential bid. Late last year, just two months before he announced his candidacy, Romney gave five-figure personal donations to four Massachusetts groups, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reports—groups to which...

Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'
Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'

Gingrich: 'I Cheat, but Don't Lie'

Republican denies hypocrisy, mulls presidential run

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich, the former "family values" congressman from Georgia, was cheating on his wife even while hounding Bill Clinton for doing the same. In an interview that airs tonight, Gingrich confessed the 1998 affair to Focus on the Family's James Dobson. But he's no hypocrite, he reasons, because he...

Is America Ready for &quot;Rudy Rage&quot;?
Is America Ready for
"Rudy Rage"?

Is America Ready for "Rudy Rage"?

Columnist recalls run-ins with thin- skinned former mayor

(Newser) - "Vindictive," "tone-deaf," prone to bouts of "Rudy rage"—that's the Giuliani that hasn't been visible to a national audience in the early days of the former mayor's presidential campaign, writes Jonathan Capeheart in the Washington Post. As a columnist for the New York Daily...

Stories 1941 - 1953 | << Prev