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Maybe Obama's 'Half-White Side' Is Racist: Limbaugh

Also, president's media 'lust' is Castroesque

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh yesterday capped off a free-wheeling show on the scourge of racism in America by suggesting that Obama’s white half is racist because he hasn’t thrown a bone to his Kenyan relatives, Media Matters reports. “I'm just going on Newsweek, that we're all born racists, and...

Fad or Movement? March Tests Sway of Tea Parties
Fad or Movement? March Tests Sway of Tea Parties 

Fad or Movement? March Tests Sway of Tea Parties

Vocal minority could hurt Republicans, critics say

(Newser) - The “Tea Party Express” bus has rolled into Washington today for a “Taxpayer March” to the Capitol, and if you listen to organizers, it’s the start of a real political movement. “You can’t manufacture this kind of thing,” says a conservative radio host. A...

Right: Angry Obama Exploited Kennedy, Failed to Compromise

President steps up, doubles down on health care reform

(Newser) - Conservative commentators were, predictably, less than impressed with the president's big speech on health care reform last night. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Obama’s speech “was 40 minutes of boilerplate followed by a socko, emotional finish exploiting the death of Sen. Teddy Kennedy,” Fred Barnes writes

Obama Speech: Handwashing, Not Brainwashing

(Newser) - The eagerly anticipated speech President Obama will deliver to the nation's schoolchildren tomorrow contains none of the socialist indoctrination conservatives had apparently feared, Politico reports. Rather, an advance text indicates, he urges kids to work hard, not expect to get something for nothing, and "wash your hands a lot,...

Obama School Address Infuriates Critics

Republicans denounce speech as 'socialist' indoctrination

(Newser) - Conservative critics are blasting President Obama’s plan to give a speech on education in Virginia next week as a ploy to brainwash the nation’s children, the Washington Post reports. The address, which the White House is encouraging educators and students to watch, is part of a push to...

Obama Site Calls Conservatives 'Terrorists'

Apparently user-generated posting sent to supporters

(Newser) - A message posted on President Obama’s “Organizing for America” website and sent to its supporters “likens conservatives to al-Qaeda terrorists,” writes Rory Cooper for the Heritage Foundation. The posting, which Cooper notes “may have been user-generated,” calls for a phone campaign to Senators on...

Beck's Ratings Surge as Ad Boycott Continues

Six more firms to refuse to run ads on host's show

(Newser) - The audience for Glenn Beck’s Fox News show continues to swell even as more advertisers decline to run commercials on the program in the wake of the talk-show host's assertion that President Obama is a racist, the Los Angeles Times reports. Beck’s Monday night show attracted 2.81...

Limbaugh on Kennedy: I Told You So
on Kennedy:
I Told You So

Limbaugh on Kennedy: I Told You So

Shock jock crows over his prediction of the senator's death, fallout

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh gave himself a big pat on the back yesterday for predicting that Ted Kennedy would kick the bucket—and that it would be used as an “inspirational technique” to boost health care reform efforts. “Before it’s all over it’ll be called the Ted Kennedy...

Palin to Fans: Watch Beck
 Palin to Fans: Watch Beck 

Palin to Fans: Watch Beck

Ex-governor encourages Facebook friends to find out 'who is actually running the White House'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is using her social-media soapbox to plug Glenn Beck’s Fox News show, Politico reports. In a message to her 829,000 Facebook friends, Palin says the host has been "doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining...

Obama Urges Activists to Retake Health Care Debate

White House struggles to regain message control

(Newser) - President Obama urged the grassroots activists who helped him so much in the presidential campaign to do the same in the health care debate, Politico reports. “Now come on," the president told members of Organizing for America in a conference call today. "The best ambassadors for true...

Novak: Last of the Shoe-Leather Columnists
 Novak: Last of the

Novak: Last of the Shoe-Leather Columnists

(Newser) - Most Americans will remember Robert Novak as the acerbic right-winger on CNN, but he saw himself first and foremost as "a shoe-leather reporter," writes Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz. Novak prided himself on getting scoops and uncovering secrets via a wide network of Republican officials. But that...

Why Gingrich Became Catholic

 Why Gingrich 
 Became Catholic 

Why Gingrich Became Catholic

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich shrugged off religious issues while in office, and was recently seen reading a novel before Mass—so why his sudden conversion to Catholicism? Some analysts say he converted this spring to position himself for the Republican nomination in 2012. Joining other high-profile conservatives on the road to Rome,...

$57M Health Care Battle Infects Airwaves

Groups spend $57M on tough TV ads

(Newser) - A popular ad blasting President Obama’s health care effort symbolizes the overhaul with a bulging balloon: Eventually, the balloon bursts, as could Obama’s ambitious plan if the White House loses a fierce TV ad war against critics, Katharine Q. Seelye writes in the New York Times. So far...

Add Santorum's Name to 2012 List

(Newser) - The list of Republican presidential hopefuls just keeps getting longer. Former Sen. Rick Santorum will make the first of several scheduled trips to Iowa in October, reports Politico. The conservative Santorum, of course, isn't explicitly calling it a scouting trip for 2012, but he acknowledged he wants a bigger role...

Meet the New Sarah Palin
 Meet the New Sarah Palin 

Meet the New Sarah Palin

(Newser) - With Sarah Palin gone, Democrats have penciled a new name atop their hitlist: Michelle Bachmann, the far-right Minnesota rep. who once called Barack Obama “anti-American.” Like Palin, Bachmann’s a fierce social conservative with a large family and an upper Midwestern accent. And, of course, she drives Democrats...

Israeli Foreign Minister Faces Raft of Corruption Charges

(Newser) - Israeli police have recommended the indictment of the country's foreign minister for bribery, money laundering, and other corruption charges, Haaretz reports. Avigdor Lieberman, who leads the ultranationalist Yisrael Beiteinu party and was kingmaker in February's closely-run election, has been under investigation for years and is accused of funneling cash to...

GOP Needs Its Brains Back
 GOP Needs Its Brains Back 

GOP Needs Its Brains Back

(Newser) - Republican sycophants may think Sarah Palin’s resignation was brilliant, “but don’t kid yourself,” writes Robert Eisinger in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “The GOP is in trouble.” The party has lost its intellectual coherence, and if it wants it back, it’s got to look beyond...

Keys to Palin's 2012 Run
 Keys to Palin's 2012 Run 

Keys to Palin's 2012 Run

Sophia Nelson offers the candidate-to-be some sage advice

(Newser) - So Sarah Palin is going to run for president, writes Sophia Nelson for the Huffington Post—her ambition, stated when she announced her resignation today, to "affect positive change from outside government,” is merely “code” for a 2012 bid. So, as a fellow Republican woman, Nelson offers...

Obama Still Scaring Up Gun Sales

FBI reports surge in background checks

(Newser) - The surge in gun and ammunition sales that started with Barack Obama's presidency shows no sign of abating, NPR reports. In California, gun sales are up 32% from a year ago, and the FBI has reported a consistent rise in applications for background checks. Gun retailers and consumers continue to...

Reader's Digest Shifts to the Right

Struggling magazine aims for new niche market

(Newser) - Reader's Digest is no longer going after Middle America, reports the New York Times. Instead, the slimmed-down magazine will be "aiming a little more to the right," hoping to carve out a niche among conservatives, writes Stephanie Clifford. “It’s traditional, conservative values: I love my family,...

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