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Try Dating Me; I&#39;m Narcoleptic
 Try Dating Me: 
 I'm Narcoleptic 

Try Dating Me: I'm Narcoleptic

Meghan Holohan recounts the travails of dating with narcolepsy

(Newser) - Falling for a man is one thing. Falling on him is another. But such is life for Meghan Holohan, whose narcolepsy first hindered her dating life when she collapsed on the cutest boy in grade six during Holy Communion. Holohan says intense feelings like physical attraction trigger her condition—and...

Caffeine Takes Toll on Morning People&#39;s Sleep
Caffeine Takes 
Toll on Morning
People's Sleep
study says

Caffeine Takes Toll on Morning People's Sleep

But the slumber of night owls isn't affected

(Newser) - Morning person? You might want to go easy on the coffee. A new study suggests that caffeine intake during the day is more likely to disrupt a morning person's sleep than a night owl's. Researchers had 50 college students track their caffeine intake and sleep patterns for a...

Southerners Sleep the Worst
 Southerners Sleep the Worst 
study says

Southerners Sleep the Worst

Oklahoma, Mississippi, Arkansas among trouble spots, says study

(Newser) - People who live in the South are getting the worst, disturbance-filled sleep and experiencing the most fatigue during the day, reports a new study. The states with the highest sleep problems are Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia, while the best-rested snoozers generally hail from the the West, reports...

Sleeping Pills Lead to Risk of Early Death?

Study finds risk, but sleep expert criticizes it

(Newser) - A new study finds that taking even one sleeping pill over the course of a year increases the risk of early death, but a sleep expert was quick to jump on the study's flaws. Researchers at San Diego's Viterbi Family Sleep Center found that adults who took one...

10 Most Sleep-Depriving Careers

Home health aides, lawyers, and ... economists?

(Newser) - Who is getting the least sleep? The Economix blog at the New York Times takes note of a list from the National Health Interview Survey:

Forget 8 Hours of Sleep: Try 4 Hours, Twice

History suggests it could be the 'natural' way

(Newser) - Eight hours of sleep—doctor's orders, right? Perhaps not. A number of recent studies have pointed to a human tendency to sleep in two sessions of about four hours each, with an hour or two between, the BBC reports. A researcher in the 1990s put subjects in darkness 14...

Kids Have Been Short on Sleep for 100 Years
 Kids Have Been Short on Sleep for 100 Years
study says

Kids Have Been Short on Sleep for 100 Years

At least if official recommendations are any guide

(Newser) - If doctors' recommendations are accurate, then kids have been sleep-deprived for more than a century. Researchers reviewed dozens of sets of sleep guidelines dating from 1897 to 2009 and compared them to data on how much sleep kids actually have gotten over the years. They found that kids have consistently...

See Something Traumatic? Don't Sleep Right Away

You might lock in those nasty memories: Study

(Newser) - Snoozing after experiencing a traumatic event might forge the negative memories and emotions in the brain, a new study suggests. UMass researchers exposed 100 adults to unsettling images and then allowed half to sleep and kept the other half awake. Twelve hours later, the subjects who stayed up displayed a...

New Infant Guidelines: No Bumper Pads, No TV

Doctors' group also says breastfeeding cuts SIDS risk

(Newser) - The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued new guidelines for infants to cut down on sleep-related deaths and reduce TV time. The new sleep guidelines now recommend against all types of bumper pads, noting that “there is a potential risk of suffocation, strangulation or entrapment.” They also urge...

Your Meds May Be Giving You Nightmares

Bad dreams? Blame Ritalin, Cymbalta, Prozac, Lexapro, Wellbutrin...

(Newser) - It's a wonder anyone sleeps well at night. If you're taking ADHD drugs like Ritalin, antidepressants like Paxil and Prozac, or sleep pills like Ambien—and a host of antibiotics, blood-pressure medications, antihistamines, and statins in between—that prescription could be giving you nightmares. The Wall Street Journal...

Early Risers Happier, Healthier
 Early Risers Happier, Healthier 
study says

Early Risers Happier, Healthier

Morning people tend to be less stressed, depressed, overweight

(Newser) - If you're not a morning person by nature, perhaps this will convince you to lay off the snooze button: A new study finds that those who get out of bed by 6:58am, on average, do better in the workplace and have a lower chance of being depressed, stressed,...

Women Sleep More, but Men Happier With Their Zzzs

Scientists look at sleep to explore other sex differences

(Newser) - Women tend to sleep longer and deeper than men, awakening less often in the night—but men are more likely to be satisfied with the quality of their sleep, reports the Wall Street Journal in an overview of the sleeping habits of the sexes. Because sleep plays such an important...

Disturbed Sleep Hurts Memory
 Disturbed Sleep 
 Hurts Memory 
study says

Disturbed Sleep Hurts Memory

Brain needs deep sleep to decide what to retain

(Newser) - Interrupted sleep can have adverse effects on our memories, a study suggests—a theory that could help explain memory troubles among sleep apnea and Alzheimer’s patients. Researchers disrupted sleep in mice using specialized light techniques, the BBC reports, and the mice later had more trouble recognizing objects that should...

Woman's Sleeping Position May Affect Stillbirth Risk

Those who lie on their left side have less risk, study suggests

(Newser) - A British study suggests that women who sleep on their left side on the last night of pregnancy have less risk of giving birth to a stillborn child, reports the Guardian . The researchers were quick to say their study in the British Medical Journal is only the "starting point...

Study: Women's Insomnia Hurts Marriage; Men's Has Little Effect
 Wives' Insomnia 
 Hurts Wedded Bliss 
study says

Wives' Insomnia Hurts Wedded Bliss

Same isn't true for husbands' lack of sleep: Study

(Newser) - If your wife has a poor night’s sleep, it can be bad news for the marriage—but if it’s your husband who can’t drift off, that’s no problem, a study finds. After a woman’s night of tossing and turning, the likelihood of an argument the...

Lark Alarm Clock: Is This the World's Most Perfect Alarm Clock?
Is This the World's
Most Perfect Alarm Clock?
tech review

Is This the World's Most Perfect Alarm Clock?

Lark alarm 'works like a charm,' writes Katherine Boehret

(Newser) - The only thing worse than waking up for work is being jarred awake by the sound of your partner’s alarm clock ... well before you actually need to get up. The new Lark alarm clock and sleep sensor solves that problem, as long as you don’t mind shelling out...

30 Cities in Need of Sleep

Five are in West Virginia, with Charleston No. 1

(Newser) - Think you aren't getting enough shut-eye? Chances are your neighbors agree with you. Sleep-deprivation can be a regional problem, the Daily Beast explains, with certain areas harder hit because of higher rates of obesity, heart disease, and smoking. The site crunched some numbers on insomnia and sleep meds to...

Too Much Sleep Is Bad for You, Too
 Too Much 
Sleep Is Bad 
 for You, Too 
study says

Too Much Sleep Is Bad for You, Too

It can age your brain by up to seven years, researchers warn

(Newser) - Yet another reason to stress out about how much sleep you get: A new study shows that you can age your brain by up to seven years by getting too little sleep—or too much sleep. University of London scientists tested memory, reasoning, vocabulary, and other areas, and determined that...

You Might Be Only Half Awake
 You Might Be Only Half Awake 

You Might Be Only Half Awake

Study shows parts of the brain can shut off

(Newser) - Ever feel so bushwhacked that you tell someone you’re “half asleep”? Well, it turns out you probably were. Researchers have found that parts of your brain actually do turn off when you’re fatigued—sometimes even before you’re consciously aware that you’re tired, according to...

Yet Another Air Traffic Controller Caught Napping

That's the seventh this year; FAA changing work schedules

(Newser) - Another air traffic controller has been suspended for sleeping on the job, this time at a Miami radar center. That's No. 7 this year, notes CNN . This one's especially priceless because the entire crew got a lecture on professionalism—emphasis on not falling asleep—prior to the start...

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