
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Automaker Bankruptcy Would Be 'a Disaster': Frank

Debate rages on auto bailout

(Newser) - The CEOs of the Big Three are back on Capital Hill this morning testifying before the House Financial Services Committee, and Barney Frank at least seems sympathetic. The chairman said bankruptcy “would be a disaster,” given the current credit markets and today’s dire job report, adding that...

Dems: Obama Must Take Charge of Economy Now

There's no time to waste, pols warn

(Newser) - Top Democrats are becoming increasingly frustrated with Barack Obama's reluctance to take charge of the economic crises,  AP reports. The president-elect has consistently said it would be premature for him to dictate solutions to the auto industry's woes, and steer $700 billion in bailout funds, but critics in his...

Big 3 Execs Finish With Senate
 Big 3 Execs Finish With Senate 

Big 3 Execs Finish With Senate

CEOs to make their case to the House tomorrow

(Newser) - The CEOs of the Big Three wrapped up a six-hour session with the Senate Banking Committee during which they asked for a minimum of $34 billion in aid, the Washington Post reports. Chairman Chris Dodd vowed to draft a bill “in the next 24-48 hours" that stood a chance...

Big 3 Would Agree to Oversight if Bailed Out
Big 3 Would Agree to Oversight if Bailed Out

Big 3 Would Agree to Oversight if Bailed Out

CEOs admit bad management

(Newser) - Detroit’s Big Three automakers would accept federal oversight in return for financial support, the Wall Street Journal reports. The chiefs of GM, Ford, and Chrysler all said that they would accept a bailout styled after that of Chrysler in the late ‘70s, which put the firm under the...

Spitzer: Banks Are Too Big, Let Them Fail
Spitzer: Banks Are Too Big,
Let Them Fail

Spitzer: Banks Are Too Big, Let Them Fail

Instead, back smaller entities, ex-gov says in first Slate column

(Newser) - The government has doled out trillions in rescue funds, but “so far, we are simply rebuilding the same edifice that just collapsed,” writes newly-minted Slate columnist Eliot Spitzer. For years we’ve concentrated capital, creating gigantic “financial supermarkets” that attempted to provide every service for their customers....

Dodd Endorses Big 3 Bailout as CEOs Hit Hill Again

Senate Democrat enlisted to work on compromise package

(Newser) - Sen. Chris Dodd welcomed the Big Three CEOs back to the Senate Banking Committee today by declaring his support for an auto bailout, the AP reports. Chariman Dodd said inaction would be akin to playing “Russian Roulette with the economy.” He praised the automakers for making a better...

GM, Chrysler Mull 'Packaged' Bankruptcy to Get Bailout

Execs say that's 'way down the list,' but Detroit desperate for federal bailout

(Newser) - Bankruptcy is officially on the table for General Motors and Chrysler, a source tells Bloomberg. The companies may accept a pre-packaged bankruptcy, which would force the union and creditors to make concessions, in order to get government help. At least three congressmen have had their staffs explore the possibility. GM...

GM Boss Hopes Senate Gets a Charge From His Hybrid

This time, GM's Wagoner drives Volt to hearings

(Newser) - Last time they went before Congress rattling tin cups, the chief executives of the Big Three automakers made the mistake of flying to Washington in luxuriously tricked-out corporate jets. Today GM chief Rick Wagoner is driving a fuel-efficient hybrid Chevy Volt prototype to Senate hearings on the proposed bailout for...

UAW Bends to Boost Bailout

Concessions meant to help Big Three win financial help from feds

(Newser) - The United Auto Workers agreed today to concessions that may help Detroit get $34 billion in federal assistance, the Detroit News reports. The union’s job bank—which pays eliminated employees 95% of their base salaries—will be suspended, and the UAW will delay billions in payments to its health...

Auto Bailout Has Detractors Back in Michigan, Too

Some don't feel sorry for 'high-on-the-hog' Detroit giants

(Newser) - The auto industry has driven Michigan’s economy since Henry Ford set up shop, but not all residents are sympathetic to Detroit’s plight, the New York Times reports. Unemployment runs high, and some wonder where the rescue was when their livelihoods were on the line. “The car companies...

In DC Corral, the Big 3 Dare Congress to Shoot
In DC Corral, the Big 3
Dare Congress to Shoot

In DC Corral, the Big 3 Dare Congress to Shoot

Including a breakdown of the industry's ridiculous demands

(Newser) - The Big Three, their creditors, the unions, and Congress are locked in “a standoff worthy of a spaghetti western,” writes Steven Pearlstein in the Washington Post. “But none really wants to pull the trigger.” In the end, there’s little doubt Congress will step in, but...

Paulson May Hit Congress for 2nd $350B Next Week

Treasury Secretary will face a tough audience as skepticism mounts

(Newser) - Further erosion of the economy may send Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson back to Congress for the second half of the $700 billion federal bailout next week, reports the Wall Street Journal. But skepticism over how the initial $350 billion is being administered, conflicting views on how to best use the...

Merrill to Slash Bonuses 50%
 Merrill to Slash Bonuses 50% 

Merrill to Slash Bonuses 50%

Still facing the fallout from the sub-prime meltdown, the firm slashes pay for 60,900 employees

(Newser) - Merrill Lynch, facing losses of $13.3 billion this year and with revenues off 96% from a year ago, will slash year-end bonuses at least 50%, Bloomberg reports. Some employees may face steeper cuts. Merrill and Bank of America, which agreed to acquire the failing investment bank earlier this year,...

Saving Detroit: It's Now or Never
 Saving Detroit: 
 It's Now or Never 

Saving Detroit: It's Now or Never

Auto industry in danger of going under while lawmakers haggle over lifeline

(Newser) - If Congress is going to save America's auto industry it needs to quit the grandstanding and finger-pointing and take action right now, Tom Walsh writes in the Detroit Free Press. The Big Three have submitted their survival plans as requested, Walsh writes, and the figures show they aren't bluffing—they...

GM Seeks $18B in Aid, Needs $4B Immediately

(Newser) - General Motors says it needs an immediate $4 billion loan from the government to get through the month, the Detroit Free Press reports. “Absent support, we can’t continue to operate,” the carmaker’s COO told Congress. GM is requesting a total of $18 billion in federal aid—...

Dow Rises 270 on Late Rally
 Dow Rises 270 on Late Rally 

Dow Rises 270 on Late Rally

(Newser) - Stocks rallied late in the session today, buoyed by rounds of bargain hunting following yesterday’s deep sell-off, the Wall Street Journal reports. GE rose 14%, despite lowering its forecast, on news that it will still pay a $1.24-per-share dividend next year. The Dow rose 270 points to close...

Ford Unveils Plan, Seeks $9B
 Ford Unveils Plan, Seeks $9B 

Ford Unveils Plan, Seeks $9B

Promises to be profitable by 2011

(Newser) - Ford unveiled a new plan to restructure its operations today and predicted a return to profitability—or at least break-even—by 2011, the Wall Street Journal reports. The plan calls for aggressive cost cutting and an increased focus on fuel efficiency. One of the costs on the chopping block? CEO...

Big 3 CEOs Head Back to DC—This Time by Car

CEOs of America's automakers will renew plea for bailout today

(Newser) - The Big Three CEOs are heading back to Washington this week, and this time two of them will be driving, the Wall Street Journal reports—Alan Mulally in a Ford Escape hybrid, and Rick Wagoner in a Chevrolet Malibu hybrid. The CEOs will attempt Thursday to persuade Congress to extend...

Once United, Big 3 Take Different Roads to Bailout

Automaker bring different bailout concerns in appeal for federal aid

(Newser) - When the automakers return to Congress this week to beg for a federal bailout, they’ll no longer be presenting one case among them. Each company will unveil its own rejuvenation plan, reports the New York Times. Ford, in best financial shape, wants only the promise of access to federal...

Bailout Harks Back to FDR, With More Risk

'Unimaginable' spending will mean WWII-sized deficit

(Newser) - Washington's latest $1 trillion injection into the economy echoes Depression-era and WWII revival plans, but with a dangerous twist, writes Jim Puzzanghera in the Los Angeles Times. Even if the bailouts succeed, the government's mountain of debt will likely bury the next generation in high interest rates and inflation. And...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>