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Obama Unloads on 'Fat Cat Bankers' Who 'Still Don't Get It'

Prez comes out firing in 60 Minutes interview

(Newser) - Ordinary Americans astonished by the gall of Wall Street banks that accepted federal bailout funds and awarded huge bonuses have a friend in a very high place: the White House. "I did not run for office to be helping out a bunch of fat cat bankers on Wall Street,...

Treasury: Relax, TARP Cost Trimmed by $200B

Estimated loss to taxpayers down to just $42B as banks rebound

(Newser) - In news that may cool public anger over bailouts, the government expects to get back some $328 billion of the $370 billion loaned to troubled companies during the financial crisis. The portion loaned to banks is even showing a slight profit. A Treasury report to Congress today will reveal a...

Will Cash-Rich Abu Dhabi Bail Out Profligate Dubai?

Weak UAE statement stokes fears of tension between emirates

(Newser) - The United Arab Emirates’ vaguely-worded statement of support yesterday for Dubai—which didn’t actually mention the city-state by name—isn’t reassuring investors, who fear rocky relations between emirates, the cash-strapped Dubai and oil-rich Abu Dhabi. The latter could easily wipe out Dubai World’s delinquent $59 billion debt,...

NYT to Blankfein: Your 'Apology' Is Bull

Editorial board schools Goldman CEO in true meaning of 'sorry'

(Newser) - Lloyd Blankfein took his sweet time acknowledging his firm's role in almost toppling the financial system, and the New York Times editorial board stewed until today, when the paper's audience is largest. The Goldman Sachs CEO said in a speech this week, "We participated in things that were clearly...

AIG Bailout Squandered Our Money, Trust
 AIG Bailout Squandered Our Money, Trust
Paul Krugman

AIG Bailout Squandered Our Money, Trust

Geithner & Co. were afraid to ask Wall Street for concessions

(Newser) - Financial officials, “most notably Timothy Geithner,” deservedly lost the public's trust with their no-strings-attached bailout of AIG, Paul Krugman rails in the New York Times . As a damning report from the TARP inspector general points out, the government made no serious attempt to extract concessions from the banks...

White House Eyes TARP Cash to Slash Deficit

Administration debating options for leftover $200B

(Newser) - The White House is debating using some of what remains in the $700 billion bailout fund to help cut the nation's deficit. Around $210 billion remains unspent and financial institutions are expected to repay another $50 billion over the next 18 months. The administration wants to keep some of that...

AIG's Benmosche: I'm Not Quitting

CEO is 'committed' to firm's employees

(Newser) - AIG CEO Robert Benmosche isn’t fed up with running a government-controlled insurance giant after all: Backing away from his threat to quit, Benmosche said today that he remains "totally committed” to the company. The CEO conceded, however, that he and the board “are indeed frustrated” with the...

Bonuses at Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Goldman Hit $30B
Bonuses at Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Goldman Hit $30B

Bonuses at Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Goldman Hit $30B

Average payout will be five times median household income in US

(Newser) - Recession? What recession? Some Wall Street firms are not feeling any pain this year as record bonuses at just three of the top firms are likely to hit an eye-popping $30 billion. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase, the three biggest banks to be bailed out by the feds,...

Goldman's Blankfein Is 'Doing God's Work'
 Is 'Doing 
 God's Work' 
masters of the universe

Goldman's Blankfein Is 'Doing God's Work'

A look behind the scenes at the omnipresent bank

(Newser) - Lloyd Blankfein likes to say he's "attained perfection," a plausible-sounding assertion now that Goldman Sachs has repaid its TARP funds and is dishing out mammoth bonuses. "I don’t want to put a cap on their ambition," the CEO says of his employees. "It’s...

Goldman Deal May Bail Out Fannie Mae

But letting superbank load up on tax credits could be politically toxic

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs wants to buy millions in otherwise virtually worthless tax credits from Fannie Mae, but the mega-bank is so politically toxic right now that the Obama administration is considering blocking the deal, the Wall Street Journal reports. “Treasury is reviewing and will not let it proceed unless it...

Mega-Lender CIT Files Chapter 11

Bailed-out firm's move will cost government $2.3B

(Newser) - CIT Group, a major lender to small and medium-sized American businesses, filed for Chapter 11 today. The move means the government is most likely out the $2.3 billion in TARP bailout funds it put up last year. The "prepackaged" procedure is intended to allow CIT, which reported $71...

In Congress, 535 New GM Boardmembers

Legislators strong-arm automaker to keep dealerships, factories open

(Newser) - GM might not have realized when it took $58 billion in bailout money that it would now be beholden to members of Congress, who have been acting like 535 new board members as they angle for their constituents' (and their own) interests. Dems and Republicans alike have pressured companies to...

Ousted AIG CEO Builds AIG 2— With AIG Talent

Greenberg's new insurer poaches AIG employees at taxpayers' expense

(Newser) - Hank Greenberg built AIG into a $1 trillion behemoth that needed the biggest bailout in history—but quietly, the former CEO has begun a new insurance company, CV Starr, that is poaching some of AIG's leading talent. He just got an unintended assist from the Treasury: Tough new pay rules...

Pay Czar Slashes Top Salaries at 7 Bailed-Out Firms

175 top earners will see pay cuts averaging 50%

(Newser) - President Obama’s pay czar will cut compensation for the 25 highest-paid employees at seven companies that took large amounts of government aid. The 175 executives will face salary reductions of 90%, but with other compensation elements added in, the total reductions average 50%. Ken Feinberg also will require the...

Bailed-Out Banks Boost CEO Perks

From private jets to bodyguards, they just keep taking

(Newser) - The CEOs of bailed-out banks and financial companies saw their perks and benefits—ranging from private jet use and country club membership to free parking and bodyguards—rise even at the height of the crisis last year. On average, the CEOs of the 29 biggest companies that received federal money...

CIT Bust Would Cost US $2.3B, Earn Goldman $1B

Taxpayers shares could go up in smoke while Goldman gains

(Newser) - Troubled commercial lender CIT, circling the drain for more than a year, would cost taxpayers $2.3 billion in shares purchased by the Treasury Department if it files for Chapter 11 soon—but Goldman Sachs, which gave the lender emergency funding, stands to collect a $1 billion windfall if it...

Feds Weigh New Bailouts for Smaller Banks

Congressional Dems on board with plan to help institutions hammered by real estate

(Newser) - With the residential and commercial real-estate markets continuing to hammer smaller US banks, the Treasury and other federal agencies are trying to diagram help for institutions considered too much of a gamble under original bailout terms. Congressional Democrats are “very, very supportive” of such a move, a source tells...

Volcker: Obama Plan May Lead to More Bailouts

Former Fed chief faults strategy of 'too big to fail'

(Newser) - A top White House economic adviser says the Obama administration's proposed overhaul of financial rules preserves the policy of "too big to fail" and could lead to future bailouts. Former Fed chief Paul Volcker told Congress that by designating some companies as critical to the broader financial system, the...

FDIC May Borrow Billions From Banks
FDIC May Borrow Billions From Banks

FDIC May Borrow Billions From Banks

Tapped-out deposit insurance fund mulls reverse bailout

(Newser) - After a year of government bailing out the banks, now the banks may bail out the government. Regulators are considering a plan for the FDIC, which protects bank depositors, to borrow billions from healthy banks, enabling the fund to refresh its accounts after a wave of bank failures. Banks and...

Congress, BofA Clash Over Merrill Secrets

Bank insists merger talk protected, Towns issues spill deadline

(Newser) - Bank of America claims it doesn't have to produce details about its decision to merge with Merrill Lynch because the conversations are protected by attorney-client privilege. But the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee begs to differ, reports the New York Times. The showdown peaked last week...

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