
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

'Hurricane' Anna Nicole Left Bahamas in 'Disarray'
'Hurricane' Anna Nicole Left Bahamas in 'Disarray'
wikileaks reveal

'Hurricane' Anna Nicole Left Bahamas in 'Disarray'

WikiLeaks meets the gossip pages

(Newser) - A diplomat describes Anna Nicole Smith as a “Category 4 Hurricane” rampaging through the Bahamas, and two months later the government falls: coincidence? Maybe, but newly leaked WikiLeaks cables suggest that the former Playmate did more damage to the government than you might expect. In her wake she left...

WikiLeaks Leaking: Newspaper Snags Site's Entire Stash

'We are free to do whatever we want:' editor

(Newser) - From the turnabout-is-fair-play department: A Norwegian newspaper has snagged unauthorized access to WikiLeaks’ entire stash of government records—making it the only news source to hold all the material, ABC News reports. Aftenposten wouldn’t say how it managed to acquire the documents, but the feat could suck the wind...

Assange: Palin, Huckabee 'Inciting People to Murder' Me

When was due process tossed out, he asks in interview

(Newser) - Furious WikiLeaker Julian Assange yesterday slammed critics like Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin for "inciting people to murder" him. "If we are to have a civil society you cannot have senior people making calls on national TV to go around the judiciary and murder people. That is incitement...

UN Launches Probe Into Bradley Manning 'Torture'

Anti-torture office responds to complaint

(Newser) - The United Nations has launched an investigation into reports that treatment of the army private suspected of leaking classified information to WikiLeaks amounts to torture. Bradley Manning is being held aboard a floating brig in Quantico, Va., where he's not allowed to exercise during his 23 hours of solitary confinement...

WTF: Meet CIA's WikiLeaks Task Force

Spies poke fun at diplomats, military

(Newser) - Oh, those snarky spies. The CIA is launching a WikiLeaks Task Force—or, as spies around Langley are referring to it, WTF. The irreverent name is in part a reminder that the spy agency has sustained relatively little WikiLeakage, with only a scant handful of files trickling out, the Washington ...

McDonald's Urged US to Delay El Salvador Pact
McDonald's Urged US
to Delay El Salvador Pact

McDonald's Urged US to Delay El Salvador Pact

Execs sought to use free trade deal as leverage to win legal battle

(Newser) - McDonald's urged the US to delay a free trade agreement with El Salvador in order to help resolve a long-running legal battle with a former franchisee in its favor, according to a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks. The cable notes that execs from the fast-food chain told the US ambassador...

WikiLeaks: Vatican Pulled Out of Holocaust Task Force

Group sought release of Pius XII records

(Newser) - The Vatican backtracked on an agreement to join an organization dedicated to remembering the Holocaust because of mounting controversy over the wartime role of Pope Pius XII according to diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. Plans for the Vatican to join the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance,...

Apple Boots WikiLeaks App From Store

$1.99 app made it easier to view documents

(Newser) - Apple has apparently joined the ranks of corporations that want nothing to do with WikiLeaks—it removed an unofficial application related to the site from the App Store, TechCrunch reports. The $1.99 app allowed users to access documents released by WikiLeaks—essentially charging for the convenient delivery of the...

Assange: Jail Sucked, Guardian 'Disgusting,' Women in 'Tizzy'

Sex charges leak was politically motivated, says WikiLeaker

(Newser) - Julian Assange has ripped into prison conditions, his enemies, and at least one ally in a series of post-prison interviews. He also said the women accusing him of sex assault had worked themselves up into a "tizzy." The WikiLeaks founder says that the decision by the Guardian, one...

While in Sweden, Assange Stole Reporter's Girlfriend, Too

Days after odd encounter he's with women who accuse him of assault

(Newser) - Julian Assange not only mixed it up with two women now accusing him of sexual assault, but reportedly managed to steal the girlfriend of a mystery American journalist during an interview that same week, reports the Daily Mail . Assange allegedly started sweet-talking the woman almost immediately after the interview began...

Biden: Assange Is a 'High-Tech Terrorist'

WikiLeaks founder shouldn't be considered whistleblower, VP says

(Newser) - Vice President Joe Biden has issued the administration's strongest denunciation yet of Julian Assange. Asked on NBC's Meet The Press whether he thought the WikiLeaks founder was a whistleblower or a "high-tech terrorist," the vice-president said Assange was definitely the latter, and that the administration is actively seeking...

Assange Lawyers Furious Over Leaked Police Report
Assange Lawyers Furious Over Leaked Police Report
Irony Alert

Assange Lawyers Furious Over Leaked Police Report

World overwhelmed with sympathy

(Newser) - The next sound you hear will be the world’s tiniest violin playing for Julian Assange. The WikiLeaks founder’s Swedish lawyer has announced that he will lodge a formal complaint because—wait for it—it’s not fair that police documents surrounding Assange’s case were leaked to the...

What the World Watched as 2010 Unfolded

Snooki to Spillcam, here's what we gawked at

(Newser) - We stared in horror as oil gushed unchecked from BP's ruptured well for months, we might have raised a beer as Steven Slater took his epic slide down a JetBlue ramp, and we feverishly refreshed Facebook as Mark Zuckerberg took Time's Person of the Year Honors. but mostly, writes Ted...

Bradley Manning Is Being Tortured
Bradley Manning
Is Being Tortured

Bradley Manning Is Being Tortured

Glenn Greenwald takes a long look at 'inhumane' detention

(Newser) - With so much attention focused on Julian Assange, it’s easy to forget about the plight of accused leaker Bradley Manning—who has now been imprisoned for seven months without being convicted of any crime. In an extensive Salon piece , Glenn Greenwald lays out the case for why he believes...

Assange Sex Case Looks 'Less Flawed' Than Thought

NYT assesses allegations after seeing police report

(Newser) - The New York Times has now gotten its own look at the sexual allegations against Julian Assange—the Guardian got a more complete look at the leaked police report first—and comes to this carefully hedged conclusion: The report, along with interviews the Times conducted, "suggest that the Swedish...

Sicko Was Not Banned in Cuba
Sicko Was Not Banned
in Cuba
michael moore

Sicko Was Not Banned in Cuba

Michael Moore: Media should have questioned bogus WikiLeaks cable

(Newser) - Michael Moore was as surprised as anyone when WikiLeaks revealed a US cable asserting that Cuban officials banned his Sicko documentary because it depicted a "mythical" view of health care there. He was even more surprised when the media picked up on the cable and reported it as gospel...

Bank of America Cuts Off WikiLeaks
Bank of America
Cuts Off WikiLeaks

Bank of America Cuts Off WikiLeaks

It's stopped processing any transactions related to the site

(Newser) - A new target for the Anonymous hacker crew ? Bank of America says it will no longer handle any business related to WikiLeaks, reports the Charlotte Observer . Others that have done so, including MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal, have come under cyber attack from supporters of WikiLeaks in the ether. The...

US Fears Terrorists Could Steal Bio-Weapons From India Labs
US: Terrorists Could Steal
Bio-Weapons From Indian Labs
wikileaks reveal

US: Terrorists Could Steal Bio-Weapons From Indian Labs

Latest cables released by WikiLeaks also discuss Cuba

(Newser) - Today in WikiLeaks revelations: US officials fear terrorists could steal biological weapons including “bacteria, parasites, viruses, or toxins” from Indian laboratories with weak security, according to US diplomatic cables published today in the Guardian , the AP reports. One cable cites an expert explaining that security at most academic research...

Assange to Matt Lauer: Rape Claims 'Incredible'

Lauer scores first US interview with WikiLeaks founder

(Newser) - Julian Assange isn't exactly keeping a low profile now that he's out of prison. In an interview with Matt Lauer this morning on Today, the WikiLeaks founder called rape allegations against him “incredible” but “a very successful smear campaign so far,” reports Mediaite . Asked about a US...

WikiLeaks Off Limits in Antarctica
WikiLeaks Off Limits
in Antarctica

WikiLeaks Off Limits in Antarctica

Research bases ordered not to access leaked cables

(Newser) - The US government may have found somewhere where it can effectively ban WikiLeaks. The 1,500 Americans currently in Antarctica with the US Antarctic Program have been warned that the diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks are classified information and the transmission, processing or use of the information on USAP systems...

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