
Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>

WikiLeaks Forcing US Embassy Shake Up

Authors of most embarrassing jibes face removal

(Newser) - US embassies, military bases and intelligence operations around the globe are undergoing major personnel reshufflings in the wake of WikiLeaks revelations. The Pentagon, CIA and State Department are identifying staffers whose comments have been most embarrassing in sensitive regions and are preparing to yank them from posts. One target will...

Saudi Arabia Is Critical Source of Terror Funding

Money still flowing to al-Qaeda, Taliban, Hamas, and more: WikiLeaks

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia remains a major source of funding for various terrorist groups including al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Hamas, according to US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks today, reports AFP by way of Google News. While one cable touted what it termed the “significant progress" the Saudis have made in...

US Government to Workers: No Reading Leaked Docs!

Plus, State Dept. official gives similar warning to university students

(Newser) - Despite the fact that many diplomatic cables and other classified documents have already been public and easily accessible for a week thanks to WikiLeaks , the government is ordering federal employees not to read them. “Classified information, whether or not already posted on public websites or disclosed to the media,...

China Ordered Google Attacks

 China Ordered Google Attacks 


China Ordered Google Attacks

And learned the Internet was 'fundamentally controllable'

(Newser) - Chinese invasions of Google’s networks were perpetrated by the top levels of China’s government, an insider says in cables released by WikiLeaks. “According to our contact, the closely held operations”—in which Google said a “significant” amount of intellectual property was stolen—“were directed...

Google's China Trouble: Politician Googled Himself

Propaganda official became angry after seeing 'critical results'

(Newser) - Much of Google's trouble with China has to do with a thin-skinned senior politician who Googled himself and discovered, to his horror, that people weren't writing nice things about him. Both the New York Times and the Guardian lead their WikiLeaks coverage with the anecdote about Li Changhun, the country's...

PayPal Kills Wikileaks' Account

Service says it can't be used for illegal activity

(Newser) - Want to donate to the less-than-popular cause of WikiLeaks? Better find an option other than PayPal, which has yanked the account used by the elusive leakers to take in donations, reports the AP. WikiLeaks had violated its policy, PayPal contends in a blog, "which states that our payment service...

Assange Not Actually Wanted for 'Rape'
Assange Not Actually Wanted for 'Rape'
Fact Check

Assange Not Actually Wanted for 'Rape'

He's sought for a vague lesser crime of 'sex by surprise'

(Newser) - By now, you’ve probably heard that Julian Assange is wanted for “rape” in Sweden. Heck, you probably read it here on Newser . You can hardly blame us; sources from CNN to the New York Times have said that Assange is charged with “rape, sexual molestation, and unlawful...

Let's Make Julian Assange Afraid to Walk Outside
Let's Make Julian Assange Afraid to Walk Outside
Charles Krauthammer

Let's Make Julian Assange Afraid to Walk Outside

Krauthammer: 'Passive' response makes US look weak

(Newser) - Don't believe this stuff about the WikiLeaks cables dealing in harmless gossip, writes Charles Krauthammer, who maintains that the damage is real and far-reaching. Which has him carping about the "torpid and passive" response by the US and wondering why Julian Assange is still a free man. "It's...

Lieberman Floats Bill to Kill WikiLeaks

Naming a US intelligence source would be federal crime

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman and a number of other senators have introduced legislation that would make it a crime to publish the name of a US intelligence source, in an explicit attack on WikiLeaks. The recent release of State Department cables “is just the latest example of how our national security...

Afghanistan Is Even More Corrupt Than You Thought
Afghanistan Is Even More Corrupt Than You Thought
WikiLeaks Reveal

Afghanistan Is Even More Corrupt Than You Thought

WikiLeaks' cables paint hopeless picture

(Newser) - WikiLeaks’ State Department cable dump paints an almost comically bleak picture of Afghan corruption. How bad is it? So bad that in January, the American Embassy noted that the agriculture minister “appears to be the only minister … about whom no allegations of bribery exist,” according to the...

Internet Boots WikiLeaks&mdash;Temporarily
 Internet Boots 

Internet Boots WikiLeaks—Temporarily

Julian Assange's site moves to Switzerland

(Newser) - WikiLeaks' US domain host terminated its account last night, making the website inaccessible for the third time in a week ... but it's already back online. EveryDNS, which had hosted the domain name for 4 years, said the site has become the target of multiple denial-of-service attacks, threatening EveryDNS's...

Australia Braces for WikiLeaks Reveals

Julian Assange's birthplace isn't getting off scot-free

(Newser) - Just because Julian Assange is Australian doesn't mean his birthplace is getting a WikiLeaks reprieve: The country is currently bracing for the release of 1,500 diplomatic cables related to Australia. Prime Minister Julia Gillard said today that security officials are looking through the documents, and called the leaking "...

Assange Hiding Out in UK
 Assange Hiding Out in UK 

Assange Hiding Out in UK WikiLeaks moves to a Swedish bunker

(Newser) - With Interpol seeking to bring him into custody on rape charges and people including Sarah Palin and Bill O'Reilly calling for his head, it may be a while before Julian Assange turns up at a press conference—but the Independent claims to know where he is. It reports that the...

Wikileaks: Canadian TV Irked US Diplomats

'Onslaught' of US bad guys part of 'insidious' anti-Americanism

(Newser) - American diplomats stationed in Ottawa weren't happy with what they saw on TV, according to cables released by WikiLeaks. Shows featuring "nefarious" American officials plotting evil deeds against their northern neighbor show "the kind of insidious negative popular stereotyping we are increasingly up against in Canada," one...

WikiLeaks: Putin Got Moody When Money Dried Up

Cables portray him as withdrawn amid recession

(Newser) - In tonight's episode of WikiLeaks, we learn that the US is very much leery of Vladimir Putin and doesn't hold out much hope that the "tandemocracy" of Putin and Dmitry Medvedev ("who plays Robin to Putin's Batman," said one cable) will result in a democratic Russia. Some...

Amazon Boots WikiLeaks From Servers

... and suffers the wrath of snarky tweets from Assange and crew

(Newser) - It's not easy fighting baddies . WikiLeaks got kicked off servers it was renting from Amazon today and had to move its URL to a Swedish hosting company, reports ComputerWorld . The move came complete with huffy tweets: "WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the free--fine our...

Julian Assange's Mom: He's Just 'Fighting Baddies'

And he's still her 'little boy'

(Newser) - The man quickly becoming Public Enemy No. 1 in world capitals still has a warm and fuzzy place in his mom's heart. Quotes from an interview with Christine Assange about son Julian and his WikiLeaks exploits in Australia's Herald Sun :
  • "He sees what he's doing as doing a good

WikiLeaks' Real Scoop: Diplomats Doing Nice Job

Op-ed: The cables are more noteworthy for what they don't show

(Newser) - Wading through the new WikiLeaks dump, James Rainey is struck more by what's not there than what it is. As in, the leaked cables don't show evidence of "unauthorized war, fraudulent procurement practices or unexpected assassination," he writes in the Los Angeles Times . Nor do they "show...

Mike Huckabee: Death to the Leakers!

Huck joins conservative chorus

(Newser) - Count Mike Huckabee among those who think sending info to WikiLeaks is a hangin’ offense. “Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason, and I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty.” Huckabee opined at a book signing yesterday, according to Politics...

Russia Plans to Take Out WikiLeaks
Russia Plans
to Take Out WikiLeaks

Russia Plans to Take Out WikiLeaks

NSA predicts 'ruthless' response if Assange dishes dirt on Kremlin

(Newser) - US intelligence officials think WikiLeaks has evidence of graft and corruption among Russia’s leaders, and predict that Moscow will stop at nothing to shut down the organization. “We may not have been able to stop WikiLeaks so far,” one law enforcement official tells the Daily Beast , but...

Stories 381 - 400 | << Prev   Next >>