
Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>

Leaks Bare What Envoys Really Think of Leaders

Painful insults abound in leaked cables

(Newser) - The fallout from the WikiLeaks release of US embassy cables is only just beginning, but one thing is clear: there are going to be some seriously embarrassed diplomats. Some insults to world leaders, as collected by the Telegraph:
  • Nicolas Sarkozy: The French president is an "emperor with no clothes,

Wikileaks 'Hacked Before Document Release'
 Hackers Mess With WikiLeaks 

Hackers Mess With WikiLeaks

Denial-of-service attack took site offline yesterday

(Newser) - WikiLeaks says it came under cyberattack yesterday as it prepared to release huge numbers of classified American diplomatic cables. "We are currently under a mass denial-of-service attack," it said on its Twitter feed, adding that the information in the cables would be published in newspapers including the Guardian...

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump
 Your Guide 
 to WikiLeaks' 
 Latest Dump 
it's here

Your Guide to WikiLeaks' Latest Dump

The New York Times offers an extensive preview

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s last-ditch attempt to stop WikiLeaks from releasing its latest batch of documents didn’t work: More than a quarter-million American diplomatic cables will be made public beginning today, and the New York Times has already seen some of them. It offers a preview of what the...

US to WikiLeaks: New Leak Risks 'Countless' Lives

State Dept. urges Assange to hold diplomatic cables

(Newser) - The Obama administration is urging WikiLeaks not to follow through on the expected release of secret diplomatic cables, saying the move would threaten “the lives of countless innocent individuals,” damage counterterrorism work, and rattle relations with US allies, the AP reports. A State Department lawyer calls the release...

US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release
US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release

US Warns Allies of WikiLeaks Release

Classified cables from State Department could be out today

(Newser) - With a potentially harmful WikiLeaks release on the horizon, the US is doing some preemptive damage control. Embassies are warning American allies that diplomatic cables could expose “sensitive information” and analysis as well as the sources of such information, reports the Washington Post . Outing officials who offer embarrassing details...

WikiLeaks Plans Release of State Department Cables

Pentagon warns Congress it could happen this week

(Newser) - A Pentagon email sent yesterday to Congressional Armed Services Committee members warned that WikiLeaks will soon release thousands of classified State Department cables. Coordinating the release with Wikileaks are the New York Times, the UK's Guardian and Germany's Der Spiegel, reports Bloomberg . These organizations also had advance notice of Wikileaks'...

Sweden Issues Arrest Warrant for Assange

WikiLeaks founder's lawyer lashes out at authorities

(Newser) - Swedish authorities have granted a prosecutor's request and issued an international arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The Australian, whose current whereabouts are unknown, faces charges of rape, sexual molestation and illegal use of force, CNN reports. "The background is that he has to be heard in this...

Prosecutor Wants to Detain Assange
Prosecutor Wants to Detain Assange

Prosecutor Wants to Detain Assange

WikiLeaks founder wanted for questioning in Swedish rape case

(Newser) - A Swedish prosecutor has asked a court for an order to detain Julian Assange for questioning on suspicions of rape, sexual molestation, and unlawful coercion. The prosecutor says she’s asked for the order because investigators haven’t been able to bring the WikiLeaks founder in for an interrogation. Assange...

CIA Chief: Everybody Stop Leaking Stuff

Leon Panetta plans WikiLeaks probe

(Newser) - CIA chief Leon Panetta has sent a memo to employees of the nation's spy agency warning them that leaks of classified information "cannot be tolerated." Panetta warned that "a damaging spate of media leaks on a wide range of national security issues" has endangered lives and compromised...

Ex-WikiLeakers to Launch Competing Site

Firm says reports of tension 'overblown'

(Newser) - WikiLeaks is about to face some stiff competition—from its own former employees. The Wall Street Journal reports that onetime top WikiLeaks brass Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who quit in September, is among those leading the effort to create a new whistle-blowing site. WikiLeaks “wishes luck” to the new venture, said...

Why Isn't Julian Assange Dead?
 Why Isn't Julian Assange Dead? 
Jonah Goldberg

Why Isn't Julian Assange Dead?

Surely the CIA should have killed him by now, Jonah Goldberg muses

(Newser) - If the CIA is really as competent as everyone seems to believe, then “why wasn’t Julian Assange garroted in his hotel room years ago?” asks Jonah Goldberg in the National Review . WikiLeaks is, according to the military, a major national security problem. So whether spies are the nefarious...

CNN Clip Confuses Larry King

He thought Julian Assange was walking off again

(Newser) - Larry King is taking a ribbing today over confusion on last night's show. He had on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, along with Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame, when CNN rolled a clip of Assange walking out on a previous interview. King thought it was live, notes the Daily Intel...

WikiLeaks at War ... With Itself

Operation is paralyzed by strife, insiders says

(Newser) - WikiLeaks , famed for its war-related whistle blowing, is now at war with itself. Though the site recently unveiled some 390,000 secret documents related to the war in Iraq , insiders say the organization is paralyzed by internal strife over leader Julian Assange's obsession with taking on the US military,...

Julian Assange Paranoid, on the Run

WikiLeaks founder dyeing his hair, sleeping on floors

(Newser) - The picture the New York Times paints of Julian Assange is one dripping in paranoia. John Burns and Ravi Somaiya describe the WikiLeaks founder as "moving like a hunted man"—speaking in whispers, churning through pricey encrypted cell phones, booking hotel rooms under false names, sleeping on floors,...

Julian Assange Walks Out of CNN Interview

He calls questions about his personal life 'completely disgusting'

(Newser) - Fall's hottest media move is shaping up to be the interview walk-out. Julian Assange " pulled a Whoopi " during a CNN interview yesterday about WikiLeaks' latest file release. When Atika Shubert began poking at his personal legal issues , Assange immediately shut down, calling her questions "completely disgusting" and...

WikiLeaks: 15K Unreported Civilian Deaths in Iraq
 15K Civilian Deaths 
 Unreported in Iraq 
wikileaks files

15K Civilian Deaths Unreported in Iraq

Military logs show US did keep track

(Newser) - More from the analysis of WikiLeaks’ huge file dump: US military logs reveal 15,000 previously unrecorded civilian deaths in Iraq. As reported yesterday , the Iraq war logs show that, despite denying it did so, the US did keep records of Iraqi fatalities. Those fatalities totaled 109,032 between 2004...

Iran Captured Hikers in Iraq
 Iran Captured Hikers in Iraq 
wikileaks files

Iran Captured Hikers in Iraq

WikiLeaks releases field report from chaotic day of their arrest

(Newser) - Among the many revelations of WikiLeaks' latest file dump: Three American hikers accused of illegally crossing into Iran were actually seized on the Iraqi side of the border. According to the New York Times , WikiLeaks released a classified July 31 field report describing the "chaotic day." It states...

'Big Reveal' May Be US Turning Blind Eye to Torture
'Big Reveal'
May Be US Turning Blind Eye to Torture
wikileaks files

'Big Reveal' May Be US Turning Blind Eye to Torture

Iraqi forces allowed to abuse detainees

(Newser) - It's still early, but it looks like the "big reveal" out the new WikiLeaks dump will revolve around the routine torture of detainees by Iraqi forces while the US did nothing to stop it, writes Marc Ambinder at the Atlantic . The US inaction can be blamed on something known...

WikiLeaks Files Detail Civilian Deaths, Iran's Aid

Site dumps nearly 400,000 secret military documents about Iraq

(Newser) - WikiLeaks has dumped its new trove of classified military documents, cataloging the Iraqi war's heavy toll on civilians, the systematic abuse of detainees by Iraqi police as the US looked the other way, and evidence that Iran has been helping anti-US militias more than has been acknowledged. The whistle-blowing site...

Pentagon Asks Media Not to Publish WikiLeaks' Iraq Files

Pushes against distribution of war material

(Newser) - The Defense Department is asking media organizations not to publish or post on websites classified US war files released by WikiLeaks. The department has been bracing for a possible leak of as many as many as 400,000 documents from a military database on the Iraq war. The documents are...

Stories 421 - 440 | << Prev   Next >>