medical records

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Navy: Sailor Tried to See Biden's Health Records

Suspect didn't find 'the right Joe Biden,' official says

(Newser) - A junior enlisted sailor tried to look up President Biden's health records in a military medical database, the Navy said Tuesday. The unidentified sailor accessed the Genesis Medical Health System three times on Feb. 23, an official said, but "he did not pull up the right Joe Biden....

Google, Hospital Chain Cut Data Deal on Patient Records

Goals include greater efficiency, help for clinicians

(Newser) - Google is moving deeper into the health care business. Under a multiyear deal with HCA Healthcare, a hospital chain, the companies' engineers will develop algorithms to help monitor patients, guide medical decisions, and increase efficiency. Google will store data generated by HCA's medical devices, as well as information from...

Sanders: No More Medical Records Coming

Senator says he's shared as much 'as any other candidate'

(Newser) - After suffering a heart attack in October, Bernie Sanders vowed to release his full medical records because "the people do have a right to know about the health of ... somebody who's running for president." So much for that. On Tuesday, the winner of the New Hampshire primary...

Ailing Woman Was Barred From Her Own Medical Records

But Caitlin Secrist's story got a positive update Wednesday

(Newser) - Caitlin Secrist could have died thanks to an inability to access her own medical records, but Arizona's governor and a judge intervened in the case Wednesday. Secrist, 21, was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis in 2017. The condition could kill her, and nothing her doctors have tried—including multiple surgeries—...

Trump Doc Releases Candidate's Health Stats

Donald is in 'excellent physical health,' Dr. Harold Bornstein says

(Newser) - Donald Trump reportedly offered a few snippets about his health during his sit-down with Dr. Mehmet Oz on Wednesday (set to air Thursday), but the GOP nominee's personal physician released a more comprehensive overview in a medical note Thursday, Politico reports. Hopefully spending more than the five minutes he...

Trump Promises 'Major' Immigration Speech
Trump Promises 'Major'
Immigration Speech

Trump Promises 'Major' Immigration Speech

He wants 'Crooked Hillary' to release health records

(Newser) - After days of confusion, speculation, and suggestions of a "stunning reversal," Donald Trump appears to be almost ready to cIarify his stance on immigration. "I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona," he tweeted Sunday. "...

Yep, the Rumors Are True: Hitler Only Had One Testicle
Yep, the Rumors Are True: Hitler Only Had One Testicle
in case you missed it

Yep, the Rumors Are True: Hitler Only Had One Testicle

A German professor says medical records from 1923 can put the rumors to rest

(Newser) - Good news for the many on the planet weirdly fascinated by rumors about Adolf Hitler's genitals: It has long been suggested that Hitler only had one testicle—there's even a British schoolyard song that mocks him for it—and that it was a shrapnel casualty in World War...

Trump Says His Medical Records 'Will Show Perfection'

If he ever releases them, which he's promising to do within 2 weeks

(Newser) - In a 1999 Larry King Live appearance, Donald Trump said he believed individuals running for the presidency should show their medical records, per CNN . But the GOP front-runner has been stalling on releasing his own—until today, when, as Politico notes, he finally "relented." "As a presidential...

Hackers Hit Hospital Network, 4.5M Patients' Data

Community Health Systems runs 206 hospitals

(Newser) - Hackers hit Community Health Systems, a company that operates 206 hospitals across the United States, accessing the records of some 4.5 million patients, reports CNN . What they got, as per the AP : patient names, addresses, birthdates, and phone and Social Security numbers. That affects anyone treated at any location...

US 'Vulnerable' to Fraud on Electronic Medical Records

Medicare is faulted for lax oversight

(Newser) - The shift to electronic medical records continues to have trouble. The New York Times reports that the federal government is doling out big money to doctors and hospitals for making the switch without properly ensuring that their new systems are up to snuff. As a result, federal investigators warn in...

Lawmakers Push to Open Medical Records of Lou Gehrig

Mayo Clinic resists on privacy grounds

(Newser) - Should Lou Gehrig's medical records be unsealed? Some lawmakers in Minnesota think so, and they hope to force the Mayo Clinic to do just that, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune . The state legislator leading the charge says it could resolve an intriguing theory raised in a 2010 study—that...

Ariz. Hospital Fires 3 for Snooping on Shooting Victims

Three employees accessed confidential medical records

(Newser) - The University Medical Center in Tucson has fired three employees for illicitly accessing confidential medical records on the victims of Saturday’s shooting. The hospital is playing host to six of the people injured in the shooting, including Gabrielle Giffords, according to the Arizona Daily Star . Administrators announced the firings...

Surge in Medical Identity Theft Cripples Credit Ratings

Fraud spreading with use of electronic medical records

(Newser) - Watchdog groups warn that medical identity theft is on the rise with the growing use of electronic records that lack proper safeguards, the New York Times reports. Fraudsters use stolen insurance information or Social Security numbers to get free medical care and the victims are often unaware they have been...

Octuplet Hospital Fined in Privacy Breach

(Newser) - The California hospital where Nadya Suleman's octuplets were born has been fined $250,000 for failing to stop employees from snooping into medical files on the famous case. "It's the hospital's job to prevent these breaches from occurring," said a state official shortly after imposing the fine against...

Hospital Fires Staffers for Octuplet Snooping

(Newser) - The hospital where octuplet mom Nadya Suleman birthed her brood has fired 15 of its employees and disciplined another eight for unauthorized peeking at Suleman’s medical records, the Los Angeles Times reports. The breech, discovered 10 days ago, has been reported to state authorities and to Suleman. The snoopers...

Docs Foresee Trouble With Digitizing Records

For electronic records, money is there but technology isn't

(Newser) - The administration's push to digitize health records is raising red flags with an important constituency: doctors. "We have a long way to go," said the lead author of a report out today that shows only 9% of hospitals have computerized records. His article is part of a...

Obama's Digital Records Plan No Panacea
Obama's Digital Records Plan
No Panacea

Obama's Digital Records Plan No Panacea

President's $80B savings claim based on data-free study

(Newser) - When President Obama said last week switching the nation’s medical records to electronic data would save some $80 billion a year, Jerome Groopman and Pamela Hartzband thought the same thing: How? It turns out the president’s claims are based on a 2005 RAND Corporation study, funded by interested...

Amid Questions, Biden Releases Medical Records

Gaps in VP hopeful's history raise some lingering issues

(Newser) - As questions about the medical history of all four national candidates continue to circulate, Joe Biden released a cache of records today that indicate the 65-year-old VP hopeful is in good health, the AP reports. Like many men his age, Biden takes a cholesterol-lowering drug and has an enlarged prostate,...

Candidates' Medical Records Full of Holes

None of the 4 has disclosed all health documents

(Newser) - With just two weeks until the election, none of the four candidates has released full medical documents—and one, Sarah Palin, has released nothing at all. The nominees' refusal to disclose their medical records is a major change from recent practice, when health information about Ronald Reagan, Paul Tsongas, Bill...

Running for Prez? How's Your Health?
Running for Prez? How's Your Health?

Running for Prez? How's Your Health?

Unlike JFK, Mac and Obama must reveal medical woes

(Newser) - John F. Kennedy, the standard-bearer of youthful Camelot and the picture of presidential health, suffered from a litany of ailments including osteoporosis, back pain, and Addison’s disease, Robert Dallek writes in the New York Times. But the president’s loyalists buried the secrets for 40 years, prompting Dallek to...

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